View Full Version : Not-so-tall story

11-20-2004, 11:05 AM
Over 25 years ago the Americans were the tallest people in the world, a phenomenon produced by their increasing prosperity. The average US male was 5ft 10in tall while the average male Brit was only 5ft 8in.

However, since then there has been a dramatic change. The average US male is now only 5ft 9in tall while the average British male is nearly 5ft llin and the average Dutchman an astonishing 6ft lin. Why this decline in the American stature? It's down to diet.

The USA is the world leader in junk food, and the average American's diet consists of too much fat and sugar and not enough of the essential nutrients needed to make a healthy body.

Unfortunately for the Americans, this decreasing height has been accompanied by increasing waistlines, all of which leads me to wonder when they will produce the world's first cubic human being.

Printers Workshop November 2004

Nuclear Thoughts
11-20-2004, 04:53 PM
I wonder if the decline in the average height of Americans over the past 25 years corresponds with the influx of tens of millions of Mexicans across our borders, who are - on average - considerably shorter than the average white male? As someone once said, nothing ever gets better when you add Mexicans to the mix.

11-25-2004, 02:50 AM
Like the article says, Americans have been growing horizontally rather than vertically due to bad eating habits. I've seen many ugly fat Americans tourists here, it's disgusting, they should be ashamed of themselves. Even if there were no Mexicans, the US society would still face decline due to the proliferation of increasingly fat and useless people.

Nuclear Thoughts
11-25-2004, 03:13 AM
You looked hungry, Mr. Dandy, so I stopped by a Fat n' Greasy Burgers joint and picked this snack up for you.


11-25-2004, 03:24 AM
This has to do with immigration. Americans are the same sizes as always. ("Americans" is defined as the blend of European peoples within the United States).

11-25-2004, 06:30 AM
I am a midget at only 5' 3" and often times when I am out in public here in the North-West Imperative region the only peoples shorter then me are the mexicans. These people are nothing like what they are represented to be on telemundo or whatever... many only come up to 4' 10" and that is shrimpy.

11-25-2004, 03:40 PM
You looked hungry, Mr. Dandy, so I stopped by a Fat n' Greasy Burgers joint and picked this snack up for you.

No thanks, I'm a vegetarian (and I am happy with that :D ).

This has to do with immigration. Americans are the same sizes as always. ("Americans" is defined as the blend of European peoples within the United States).
Are you saying Americans have always been this good looking?


11-30-2004, 09:46 PM
I read about a study, possibly the same one, in the New Yorker, and it said that the height numbers, in which Americans were shorter than Europeans, did not include immigrants from places like Mexico, Asia, etc.

12-01-2004, 01:26 AM
No thanks, I'm a vegetarian (and I am happy with that :D ).

Are you saying Americans have always been this good looking?


You got me there. :o

12-01-2004, 05:48 AM
Americans are fueled by fortified sugar.

12-01-2004, 01:09 PM
Corn syrup is becoming more and more a replacement for sugar. The problem is government subsidies for factory farming.

12-01-2004, 02:02 PM
This has to do with immigration. Americans are the same sizes as always. ("Americans" is defined as the blend of European peoples within the United States).

In the white middle-class, it's my impression American children are growing taller. The underclass, I have no doubt, is devolving and this could be skewing the statistics as well.

12-01-2004, 02:09 PM
Americans are fueled by fortified sugar.

You mean Canadians don't have an obesity epidemic? I would guess that, outside of Toronto and Vancouver, Canadians would be as fat as Americans?

12-01-2004, 04:05 PM
Well, when I say "Americans", I kinda mean everyone in North America. People load up on the fortified sugar here too.

12-01-2004, 04:06 PM
Corn syrup is becoming more and more a replacement for sugar. The problem is government subsidies for factory farming.

Corn syrup basically is a sugar.