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11-14-2004, 08:51 PM

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Moral Values Alienate Jews
Leading Jewish Newspaper Says Politicians Must Be Amoral To Please Kike Constituency

11/11/2004 11:11:22 AM
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LSN Staff

New York, NY -- A leading Jewish newspaper has published a column saying that Jews are alienated by moral values and that politicians must continue to be immoral as a concession to their kike constituency.
In an article published today in the Forward, entitled "Talk of Moral Values Alienates Jews", Forward writer EJ Kessler says that Jews overwhelmingly approve of homosexuality, gay marriages, and abortion, and are "decidedly to the left" of the Christian population. He then goes on to point out that because 75% of the Jewish population supports the Democratic Party, and because Jewish money dominates and controls both political parties, that politicians had better be wary of alienating Satan's immoral servants.

"On abortion, on homosexual marriage, on premarital sex, Jews are fundamentally different from everyone else," Marc Stern, director of the American Jewish Congress, is quoted as stating.

The irony, of course, is that when "right-wingers" and "anti-Semites" point out this exact same fact -- that the push for abortion rights, "feminism", and "gay rights" has come exclusively from Jews, along with the push for NAMBLA-style pedophilia, pornography, prostitutino and communist sex causes in general -- Jews denounce such statements as "untrue" "hate".

The article then devolves into a discussion as to how Jews can trick Christians into endorsing their hateful immorality. Stern suggests that Jews pretend they are not anti-Catholic by changing their demands that all Catholic institutions distribute condoms and provide abortions, by just demanding that hospitals do it, exempting, say, Catholic schools from providing abortions for their students.

This type of immorality by Jews has gone on for centuries. In the Third Reich, Jews pretended to be persecuted after Adolf Hitler passed laws banning prostitution, abortion and other social ills, and sending pimps and abortionists into work caps. Because the abortion, prostitution and pornography industries in Germany at the time were dominiated by Jews, Jews pretended that Adolf Hitler wasn't banning prostitution and abortions, but was rounding up Jews. To this day, Jews pretend that the Jews who were placed in camps in the Third Reich weren't placed their for social and moral crimes, but "because they were Jewish".

While it is true that, in a sense, being Jewish in itself implies anti- social and immoral behavior of a criminal nature, it was still the behavior, and not the "Jewish" ethnic identification, that was being punished.

Ultimately, though, it appears Jews will be able to do little to change the fact that most of the non-Jewish world rejects them. Jewish fringe behavior has only become a factor in modern society with "democratization", a process that has been largely funded by Jewish money, were societies change from Traditional non-Jewish foundations to societies where the wealthiest rule. As Jews have made a pact with Satan to allow them to accumulate all the world's riches, the fringe immoral social views of Jews naturally have more influence in such a world.