View Full Version : Is an emphasis on anti-semitism detrimental or integral to racialism?

11-11-2004, 07:58 AM
Is an emphasis on anti-semetism detrimental or integral to racialism? Historically, anti-semetism has not been a result of biological differences between jews and gentiles, but cultural and religious factors have been responsible. If you disagree, what are the significant biological differences between jews and gentiles?

The jews were the largest foreign element present at the time of the National Socialists, and as a result, copped the ire of the Germans.

If blacks made up ten percent of Germany at that time, rest assured National Socialism would have been an ideology focused upon blacks. In fact, there were a few blacks present in 1930's Germany, and did not get off scot-free.

National Socialism, with it's anti-jewish emphasis, was a product of the circumstances of Germany at that time, and if circumstances were different, so would have been the stance of the nazis.

Post-2000, in post WWII white countries, is it intelligent to simply be National Socialists with a different image?

I say this is a detrimental stance, one which cuts one off from the mainstream, and considering the only realistic way for change is through the current democratic system, and is only a stupidity when one considers the normal reaction of the majority when it comes to anti-semetism.

Is getting the jews more important than biological racism?

11-11-2004, 08:33 AM
I don't think there is anything perennial about antisemitism. Antisemitism arises from the distorting effect that large numbers of Jews have on gentile societies. This distorting effect arises from both the conscious and unconscious actions of Jews, although it is generally an indirect phenomena. This culture-distortion breeds the sort of resentment and hatred that causes periodic gentile uprisings against Jews. So the Jews, in pursuit of their own self-interests, set out to fight antisemitism. Yet this often only makes them even more of a nuisance than before, generating even more antisemitism in the process. Its a cyclical phenomenon. Its also a business. Many Jewish organizations also set out to create antisemitism where it does not exist in order to rake in donations from contributors. I think most (rational) racialists would rather be doing other things than siting around bitching about the Jews all day. What arouses our ire in the first place is that such Jews are in our midst. The Jews should return to Israel to live amongst their own people. That would diminish antisemitism while simultaneously making America a better place to live for white people.

11-11-2004, 08:53 AM
The Jews should return to Israel to live amongst their own people. That would diminish antisemitism while simultaneously making America a better place to live for white people.

I agree. After years of playing the Nazi game, I actually came to the realization that it might be better for White people to form an alliance with the Zionists to deport all non-whites from the West, all muslims from the middle east, and establish the Jews back in their homeland.

Here's a post I submitted to VNN on this topic:

Good Fences Make Good Neighbors


If "good fences"... or in a larger sense, good borders... really do "make good neighbors", then it only stands to reason that "bad fences" are capable of making "bad neighbors".

And who needs those?

There are some white folks who see the black and the mexican as our implacable enemies. Taken as a group, I see them more like simpleminded neighbors who have been convinced to tear down the fences because they see the grass as greener on the "other side of the fence".

At the invitation of our white and jew elite, the non-whites have moved into our countries, homes, jobs, institutions, clothes... even our gene pool, in hopes of becoming more like us... the perceived wealthy, happy, powerful... or as the White Man tells them, the Better. They want to be "on top".

And who can blame them?

There are many who blame the jews.

To my eye, the jews as a group are like a perennial sociopathic homeless child... wandering from land to land encouraging the residents to stop paying the rent and maintaining the roof... and instead use the money to throw a great, big party and invite the whole, wide world. Imagine how much money you could make!

Quite an ambitious idea really, and not to be unexpected when you examine the jews holybooks and see that they perceive themselves to be "chosen by God" to show everyone else in the world a good time. Unfortunately, as with all like all nice-sounding ideas, there always prove to be some unexpected consequences.

But homeless children don't often think about consequences, especially when they haven't owned their own home in thousands of years, or even lived in the same place for more than a couple generations. Their thoughts are focused instead on how much fun they can have during the party, and how much money they'll have on their departure... which always seems to come sooner rather than later.

Now how would people who live like that know anything about fences and neighbors, and how such things affect the long term residents?

As is to be expected from a sociopathic homeless child whose host inevitably gets angry, the jew will go through almost any lengths to extend his stay at his present abode... even lie, cheat, and steal from his hosts themselves. Fear of homelessness will make a man resort to some pretty low things, because in the end, Survival is the highest law... above all other principles... even truth, or "The Law" itself.

But let's face it, we probably wouldn't be in the position of playing host to a multicultural extravaganza if it weren't for the Romans. If certain history texts are to be believed, it was our white Roman cousins who created this problem by greedily expanding their estate, demanding tribute from the jews, slapping their traditions in the face of the jews in their own sacred temples, and pissing off the jews about as much as the jews have pissed some of you off.

That's pissed with a capital P.

Now, it has also been asserted that before our Roman cousins pissed on the jews, it was our white Babylonian and Greek cousins who also ungraciously intruded upon the jews in their own homes, ruined the carpet, defiled the temple, killed their families, burned their houses down, and drove them into the hostile lands of the feared pagans.

So, do you really blame some jews for doing the same thing to us now?

They have always said that they believe in "an eye for an eye".

So, as we start winding down this multicultural party let us keep these things in mind. Let us all... jews, christians, whites, non-whites, yellows, browns, blacks and all in between... try to put aside our old grudges and hatreds, and commence ending this party as civilly and peacefully as possible. The last thing we need is more bloodshed and property damage.

Let us white people be the adults here and send our guests off as graciously as possible and work with them in mending our fences, so we can see everyone settled safely in their own homes.

If the jews homes are occupied by others due to the fact that our white Roman cousins rudely kicked them out in the first place... let us do the White thing and establish them back in their domicile... the one they devoutly believe their god gave to them. Because, if that's not a case for ownership to be taken seriously (and who can argue with the jews uncanny success in getting the title to Judea back after 2000 years?)... then I don't know what is.

At any rate...

Let us graciously inform the children, or the adults in their entourage, that the party is over. They had a lot of fun... but there is a lot more fun to be had at home, where they can sleep in their own beds, wear their own clothes, eat at their own table and see their own family again. In short... be themselves.

And, they get to play with all the new toys that their gracious white hosts gave them as a gesture of goodwill.

Who could beat that?

As is expected during a long festival... some merriment was made, some food and drink was enjoyed, some people got sick, some made love, some got into fights... some died, and some were born. Some good friendships were made... but after all was said and done, it was time to go home.

Because, after all... good fences really do make good neighbors.

11-11-2004, 08:57 AM
I'm certainly not philo-semitic, you might say I have more important things on my mind than jews, as do the voting majority.

11-11-2004, 09:04 AM
(Another post of mine from VNN on this topic. Fade, feel free to move either of these posts if you feel they would be better elsewhere.)

Fade is right. Anti-Semitism is point Z on the political spectrum. Racial Consciousness among White people is point B on the political spectrum. You cannot get people to point Z without first bringing them from point A, through points B, C, etc... up to Z.

And the fact of the matter is that most White people right now are at point negative A... they are not even on the chart. The first goal of any racialist movement is to move people from points -A and A to point B... to racial consciousness.

I think the best way to do that is to just hammer on the disastrous demographic state of the White population of the world, which right now stands at just 8-12% of the worlds population. In addition, because only 2% of women of child bearing age are White, in one generation White people will be lucky to be 2% of the worlds population. These are the kinds of facts we need to be hammering on... not the jews.

Anti-Semitism is a strong external reaction to a perceived external threat to "US"... ie: The White Race, ie: WE.

Right now, most White people do not even know that:

1) WE exist

2) WE deserve to exist

3) WE are in danger of not existing

4) WE are not in control of our own destiny

So, before we can even think about labelling and attacking any kind of external threat, we must strengthen our internal identity by hammering on four major themes among White people:

1) Self-Identification

2) Self-Respect

3) Self-Preservation

4) Self-Determination

No amount of talking about ni***rs or j**ws is going to accomplish that.



11-11-2004, 02:14 PM
Ironically, if we just LOVED the jews (in a sexual way) that would lead to their annihalation, and very quickly :-)

In America in particular, I can see an anti-Islam movement very easily; the average redneck/worker hates Ragheads more than any other racial group. And cops are not too much better. In HS after 9/11 this muslim kid got the shit beat out of him, and the kids just got a 1-day suspension and no charges or anything. Of course USA has a long way to go before its like Russia. C/\ABA CK|/|x3/_\AM!!!

11-11-2004, 05:00 PM
There is some pretty good discussion being generated on this topic over at Stormfront:


Just an fyi.

11-11-2004, 05:23 PM
I'm for an alliance with the Jews, or at least leaving the door open for an alliance to occur at some point.

11-11-2004, 06:45 PM
Ironically, if we just LOVED the jews (in a sexual way) that would lead to their annihalation, and very quickly :-)

Its been happening actually Landser, jewish couples rarely have more then 2 children and a little under half marry non jews.

In a couple of generations if trends continue America will be mostly spic with all of about 5 jews left for the nazi types( among the remaining whites) to blame it on...

11-11-2004, 07:21 PM
Ironically, if we just LOVED the jews (in a sexual way) that would lead to their annihalation, and very quickly :-)

Its been happening actually Landser, jewish couples rarely have more then 2 children and a little under half marry non jews.

In a couple of generations if trends continue America will be mostly spic with all of about 5 jews left for the nazi types( among the remaining whites) to blame it on...

Not exactly. When Jews marry whites the whites usually convert to Judaism and raise the children as such. Judaism easily handles racial intermarriage , so long as one of the couples, perferably the female, is Jewish.

The more Jews become indistinguishable from white people the more the tendency will be for them to identify their interests with ours, which is a good thing, especially in Europe, where the invading Muslim horde hates Jews even more than whites.

America is lost as a white ethnic state.

11-11-2004, 07:30 PM
Not exactly. When Jews marry whites the whites usually convert to Judaism and raise the children as such. Judaism easily handles racial intermarriage , so long as one of the couples, perferably the female, is Jewish.

The more Jews become indistinguishable from white people the more the tendency will be for them to identify their interests with ours, which is a good thing, especially in Europe, where the invading Muslim horde hates Jews even more than whites.

America is lost as a white ethnic state.

Actually, throughout the NYC area there is a trend among white, gold digging women to marry wealthy Jews and convert to Judaism (I don't have numbers, but I've met many such couples). These shrill harpies are far worse than their husbands, for they combine the "zeal of the convert" (i.e. trying to be more Jewish than the rebbe) with extreme yuppie vanity and vacuity.

Their children, of course, identify as Jews in spite of the fact that the mother was born gentile. I suspect that this is the type of intermarriage that is most common, so while it will lead "Jews" be be more biologically white, they will remain culturally as Jewish as they were in the absence of extensive intermarriage.

In other words, Alan Dershowitz has little to worry about.

11-11-2004, 07:38 PM
Are you a native New Yorker, AY? You seem to know the local trends.


11-11-2004, 10:06 PM
America is lost as a white ethnic state.

This is exactly the kind of thing that concerns me-and I'm not convinced going after the jews is going to solve this, at least directly.

11-11-2004, 10:12 PM
I'm for an alliance with the Jews, or at least leaving the door open for an alliance to occur at some point.

I'm not so sure about that, but a stance that is not so antagonistic might be a realistic proposal.

average redneck/worker hates Ragheads more than any other racial group. And cops are not too much better. In HS after 9/11 this muslim kid got the shit beat out of him, and the kids just got a 1-day suspension and no charges or anything. Of course USA has a long way to go before its like Russia. C/\ABA CK|/|x3/_\AM!!!

I say roll with the power, surf the wave, rather than trying to defy gravity by willpower and wishful thinking. It's outcomes we want, not marginalized groups striking poses.

If the jews do anything to tick the majority off enough, thay'll get what's appropriate.

11-11-2004, 10:17 PM
I don't care about the Jews. I see them as spreading a cultural and religious disease, not a racial one. There are plenty of non-jews that are just as bad as the most prominent jews, and most jews are content to stick to their own people and to themselves. Indeed, I like the idea of Zionism. I want the jews to flock to a state... way... way, way over there - somewhere. As long as they are far from me, and don't bother in my life, I care not of them. I think though, if you want to have racialism grow, you'd take the emphasis off of anti-jewry, such is religion now adays that a person of any race can take up any creed they desire.

11-12-2004, 07:14 AM
Anti-semitism is THE most important issue in the world. Even more important then Racialism.

If the jews no longer existed to tell Leroy and Jose they are equal then they would automatically assume their lower position in the world.

A world without jewry could suddenly explode into Utopia. Forget Occams Razor, every single issue that is detrimental to people can be better explained using the jewish razor.

Also I endorse Landsers idea of miscegenating the small number of jews out of existance. It wouldn't be that hard to accomplish, I find nothing wrong with defiling a jewess.

11-12-2004, 07:25 AM
If the jews no longer existed to tell Leroy and Jose they are equal then they would automatically assume their lower position in the world.

Leroy and Jose would certainly have diffrent ideas.

11-12-2004, 07:25 AM
Misegenating the jews out of existence is a pretty pointless exercise, unless this is accompanied by the destruction of jewish culture-there's nothing specifically physical about the jews that can be mixed away, excepting middle-eastern genes, basically.

11-12-2004, 05:38 PM
As for the Jewish question, here's an interesting quote from Hilaire Belloc(an anti-semite himself):

“The irritation against Jewish power in Western Europe is partly the friction between the two races, but much more than annoyance of feeling that non-national financial power can restrict our information and affect our lives in all sorts of ways. It is legitimate to point out, if one does not grow wearisome, the fact that Jewish financial power has prevented people from knowing the truth about most famous foreign trials where Jews were concerned. But just because these matters so nearly verge upon violent emotion, it is essential to avoid anything like the suspicion of fanaticism. It destroys all one’s case and weakens all one’s efforts…I think it is particularly silly to turn our one independent paper we still have into a monotonous mass of repetition upon on the single question of the hundred it should deal with. Supposing one were to fill a paper entirely with the danger to England of the German Fleet – which is a very real and practical question calculated to interest a vast number of people – how deadly the paper would become in three weeks.”
--Hilaire Belloc October 30, 1913

Bonded By Blood
11-12-2004, 06:03 PM
If it is possible to somehow wrest control of the news and entertainment media away from the jews then their spell over the gentile peoples would be broken. Their grip over people's minds is tenuous and can be broken easily, and they know this, which is why American society is so saturated with jewish entertainment. I believe it is this we should concentrate on, working on building up our own media sources independent of the jews who run the media capitals of Hollywood and New York.

This is what Goebbles understood, the power of propaganda. The jews learned very well what an organized propaganda machine can accomplish, so they set out to build that very same infrastructure for themselves after World War II. That infrastructure still exists today and is really the only binding force behind the jewish stranglehold over our people and government(s).

Easier said than done, I know. But I think its a direction seriously worth considering.

Reinhold Elstner
11-15-2004, 06:55 PM
"Is an emphasis on antisemtism detrimental or integral to racialism?"
One of the difficulties with a question like this is that opposition to the Jews and anti-Judaism is universal throughout history and across space and so goes way beyond the limits of thread question.
No one likes them and no one has ever liked them and for very good reason. I would have thought that opposition to the Jews would be high up the list of priorities of any nationalist or racialist. Moreover, opposition to the Jews should be a priority for anyone who is simply not a Jew, for they are constituted such as to regard the whole of non-Jewish humanity as enemies as their Torah and Talmud amply testifies. As a parasite race they can only live off the backs of others, and so zionism is a non-starter; they have their tin-pot state (courtesy of the American tax-payer) but the crtical mass of Jewry will never emigrate there; vampires cannot live on each other.
This question is bigger than any -ism for Jewish meddling and mischief has pre-existed and will presumably survive contemporary political movements.

11-15-2004, 07:47 PM
I am speechless , your anti-semetic question takes me completely by surprise.
Being racist takes many forms , being anti -semetic does not have to be part of this behaviour / thought process / pre -occupation.

11-15-2004, 09:03 PM
One of the difficulties with a question like this is that opposition to the Jews and anti-Judaism is universal throughout history and across space and so goes way beyond the limits of thread question.

I like them and historically its mainly been a catholic( and this includes the 3rd Reich... almost all the top nazis had strict catholic upbringings in Bavaria or Austria) and muslim thing( and a kook thing) actually and I don't like Islam or the Catholic church. Nor do I give a shit about the terrorist jihadi Palestinians who attacked 1st anyway.

Even divorcing my own favorable biases towards jews... making peace with the right wing conservative anti communist zionist ones so as to isolate "white nationalists"( I hate this label too, given that im a moderate who mainly wants to deport the post 1965 chain immigrant parasites, muslims and hispanic invaders) from the nazi label and to isolate the elite radical jewish liberals( Soros etc who don't like Israel) is the right thing to do.

11-16-2004, 03:29 PM
I don't think the racialist movement should hate Jews simply because they are Jews. That sort of antisemitism is irrational. We should, however, criticize the Jews when they do us harm. If their actions are having a negative impact upon us, then we have every right to be pissed off about that. The problem is not so much the Jews as it is living in an integrated society alongside Jews. I don't have any problem with Jews living in Israel (provided they mind their own business). I don't have a problem with Chinese living in China, Mexicans in Mexico, or Negroes in Nigeria. Good fences make good neighbors. This is actually more of a nativist issue than a racialist question.

11-25-2004, 11:36 PM
"Is an emphasis on antisemtism detrimental or integral to racialism?"
One of the difficulties with a question like this is that opposition to the Jews and anti-Judaism is universal throughout history and across space and so goes way beyond the limits of thread question.

European history, or culture, never has revolved around jews.

No one likes them and no one has ever liked them and for very good reason. I would have thought that opposition to the Jews would be high up the list of priorities of any nationalist or racialist. Moreover, opposition to the Jews should be a priority for anyone who is simply not a Jew, for they are constituted such as to regard the whole of non-Jewish humanity as enemies as their Torah and Talmud amply testifies. As a parasite race they can only live off the backs of others, and so zionism is a non-starter; they have their tin-pot state (courtesy of the American tax-payer) but the crtical mass of Jewry will never emigrate there; vampires cannot live on each other.
This question is bigger than any -ism for Jewish meddling and mischief has pre-existed and will presumably survive contemporary political movements.

Send them to israel, to fight and 'earn' their 'promised land'. I never said I liked them, I'm just not obsessed with them.

Reinhold Elstner
11-26-2004, 01:46 AM
European history, or culture, never has revolved around jews
I never said it did.

11-26-2004, 02:41 AM
The nazi emphasis on antisemetism, along the historical antisemetism was the result of jews being the largest minority present in the respective areas at certain times. There's nothing I feel that is special or peculiar to the jews that I feel should warrant a good part of my attention.

Why can't NS be made more pragmatic, and brought in line with what is current? I see no future in acting like this is '20s or '30s Germany. I can assure you, if negroes made up over 10% of the German population at that time, and jews 1%, then the ideology would have been tailored to fit the situation.

11-26-2004, 11:07 AM
Anti-Semitism is a misnomer, not a crime.

Jews constitute no more than 10 percent of the world's Semites. The overwhelming majority of Semites are Arabs. Furthermore, most Jews today could not trace their ancestry back to the Holy Land and, therefore, are not true Semites at all. Ninety percent of the world's Jews are descended from converts to Judaism, mostly Khazars whose original homeland was southern Russia.. The Khazars accepted Judaism as their monotheistic faith. They did not have the remotest connection with the Semites of the Holy Land In fact, modern-day Israelites are mostly the descendents of Khazars—Ariel Sharon, for example, is the son of immigrant Russian parents--invaders who, under the banner of Zionism, have been brutalizing Palestinians and stealing their land for nearly a century.

If words are deeds, Jews are the worse Anti-Semites in history. Modern-day Israel is nothing more than a racist state, a made-in-America “Chucky Doll” of a nation, propped up on the Arab front porch by American blood and treasure, engaged in a perpetual war against the indigent Arab population. Nothing has accounted more for the success of Zionism and Israelism in America than the skillful attack on the soft underbelly of the “politically correct” lemming. Because of the exaggerated claims by Jews of victimhood during World War Two, being labeled an “Anti-Semite” so totally pulverizes the lemming that, by contrast, calling him a Communist is a pleasant

Lies are the religion of Zionism. The term “Anti-Semitism” flies in the face of reality. Simply put an Anti-Semite is someone Jews hate, not a hater of Jews.