View Full Version : Terrorism
06-30-2004, 08:26 PM
Our board has been deleted countless times by Muslim fanatics.
06-30-2004, 09:27 PM
Are you serious? What led you to believe this?
06-30-2004, 10:56 PM
Yes, I even have their website: (
06-30-2004, 11:03 PM
You'd think the fucking camel jockies would be more appreciative of all the sand wiggers we had here BEFORE THEY TOOK IT DOWN.
Why are camels called "ships of the desert"?
Because they're full of Arab Seamen.
Ha they have a picture of Gandalf and a shitty CGI skeleton on their banner.
Hack the planet.
07-01-2004, 01:52 AM
WTF would arabs hack a site like this?
I kept telling Fade to nuke the fuckers who did this!
07-01-2004, 03:14 AM
Hmm.... If you could somehow get a fax number, fax 10 sheets of black construction paper. That's always fun.
Why not just find an email number and post it all over the internet? SPAMBOT!
07-01-2004, 01:00 PM
Yes, I even have their website: (
Are you sure it wasn't IP spoofing? With all the anti-Semitism being expressed at this site, I wouldn't be too shocked to learn that some Jews hacked it and tried to make it look like it was Arabs in order to change the views of posters here.
Dr. Brandt
07-01-2004, 04:34 PM
Are you sure it wasn't IP spoofing? With all the anti-Semitism being expressed at this site, I wouldn't be too shocked to learn that some Jews hacked it and tried to make it look like it was Arabs in order to change the views of posters here.
I think its a mistake to think they have some ideological agenda. They hack every site they can. They are just a bunch of nerds, that get a kick out of it. Every Nation and Race has it's Idiots.
07-01-2004, 07:32 PM
Wehrmacht summed it up. Yeah, I found out about it over at the vB forums so I am sure its them.
Mary Poppins
07-01-2004, 10:32 PM
Are you sure it wasn't IP spoofing? With all the anti-Semitism being expressed at this site, I wouldn't be too shocked to learn that some Jews hacked it and tried to make it look like it was Arabs in order to change the views of posters here.
The idea of Muslim extremists hacking into the Phora is so absurd that the above actually sounds plausible.
Something about Dr. Brandt's explanation doesn't seem quite believeable. If it is true, however, this whole fiasco is definitely a large dose of irony.
07-01-2004, 10:42 PM
Are you sure it wasn't IP spoofing? With all the anti-Semitism being expressed at this site, I wouldn't be too shocked to learn that some Jews hacked it and tried to make it look like it was Arabs in order to change the views of posters here.
Though I didn't spend much time at this site until recently, thephora strikes me as a most unlikely target for "Arab hackers." Apart from a handful of individuals, most of the opinions voiced here have either been neutral or favorable towards Arabs (there's even a "Fedayeen Tent" where posters such as myself can voice favorable opinions about Saddam Hussein and other Arab nationalists).
On the other hand, the majority of posters here are well-informed about the Jewish Question and recognize Jewish manipulation for the threat that it is. If the hackers in question have any real ethno-political agenda (as opposed to random trouble-making), I would wager they were Jews using an Arab proxy server or false flag site.
07-01-2004, 10:59 PM
I have been meaning to elaborate on this in some detail and this seems to be as good an opportunity as any. Our website has been hacked over and over again by a group of Arabs who go by the name 'XP10_Hackers'. Their website can be found at ( As Dr. Brandt pointed out, basically, they are simply a bunch of assholes who knock down sites because they get away with it. Dozens of other vBs have been hit by the same guys.
Now notice that another fellow replies and points out he was taken down in the same manner.
They used some sort of destruction code dedicated to outdated vbulletins. XP10_hackers after searching I found was a vbulletin itself dedicated to hacking...and it's all unfortunately in Arab.Not long after I made my post, dozens of other people started reporting the same problem. Browse the vB forum and check out the threads there:
Some highlights:
I just got hacked by Arabs. They wrote "F*** USA and Israel" with a bunch of other crap. I'm waiting for my server host to get online so I can figure out how to fix this. They also changed the admin pass so I can't log in.Another vB owner:
We've been hacked by the same dingleberry(s) as some of the other people posting lately. I'm in the process of regaining control, but am looking for any advice I can get.
The URL is ( - My admin signon does not work, and other Admin signons also are now invalid. Only one button works on our headline page, leading to some 'ha-ha you've been hacked' page, half in some Arabic language. We're running 2.2.9.Same as with our forum:
Here's something I can't quite understand - I looked into the code that was placed in my Forumhome template, and found code that led me to this address:
FYI, here's the IP of the hacker: This IP is from Saudi Arabia
Today, I had an unregistered visitor trying to look at the calendar system, which had already been disabled. The IP: The 65.215 block is reserved for Kuwait.
Just some info for people to use when blocking IP address blocks.Another guy:
That same scumbag has tried to hack our forums several times this morning using several different IPs ( thru from that same subnet so we firewalled the entire subnet. It is indeed in Saudi Arabia. They seem to be using an SQL Injection attack like the following:
Another guy:
This is apparently a SQL injection attack (according to BlackICE which picked up the intrusion attempt).
IP address used was
A WhoIs traces back to a small subnet in Sohag, Egypt with a contact with a Hotmail address.
The referral to the forum web server came from a Google search. Presumably our forums are somewhere in Google as running with an older vB version.Finally, here is another site these assholes have destroyed. NoTiCe HoW TheY WriTe LiKe ThiS. These are the same bastards who have taken us down before:
07-01-2004, 11:24 PM
stupid arabs got their scrolling bar on the left side :mad:
stupid arabs got their scrolling bar on the left side :mad:
Allah commands it. The right side is unclean.
Sam Spade
07-02-2004, 03:05 AM
I love the logic of how the Jews are responsible for everything, even the stuff started by Muslims. Just like Liberty Forum and the Mossad were subverting that site by the SQL errors.
I'm just glad to hear that something's been done about this, Fade. Just hoping here that it won't happen again.
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