View Full Version : How much of a post-war invention was the French Resistance?

10-30-2004, 09:41 PM
I remember something being posted, somewhat OT, about how the French Resistance's numbers soared massively after the Germans were out of France.

Can somebody post any information that factually shows how many self-identified members of the French Resistance actually resisted?

10-31-2004, 05:05 PM
Are you saying more people joined the resistance once the Germans left, or are you saying the numbers of people involved were inflated after the Germans left?

Either way, a great number of the "French" resistance were not even French, but immigrants.

10-31-2004, 06:32 PM
I'm saying both. After the Germans were gone, the French were no longer intimidated, but were still ashamed for their wretched performance in 1940, and angry at the Germans for beating them. So various individuals decided, hey, I'm gonna grab this MP40 or whatever that was left by the roadside, whoopee, now I'm a member of the resistance.

The actual numbers of people who fought the Germans were much smaller than the numbers of the "resistance".