View Full Version : Anti-Semitism office planned at State Department
10-15-2004, 12:06 AM
Won't be long now. :|
President Bush plans to sign a bill passed by both houses of Congress that would establish a State Department office to monitor anti-Semitism around the world, despite the departmentīs strong objection, administration officials said yesterday.
"The bill is expected to arrive at the White House on Thursday and the president intends to sign it," one official said.
The House and Senate, acting shortly before the Nov. 2 election, passed the Global Anti-Semitism Awareness Act late last week. . .
10-15-2004, 01:13 AM
Um, I didn't hear this issue debated last night, guess I wasn't listening hard enough.[/sarcasm]
I see that Congress, 'acted quickly before Nov 2', to pass this act, that is, while practically the whole US is gaga over the campaigns and debates!
When they say to 'monitor anti-semitism around the world', what country are they going to start in? The US? Or Iraq perhaps?
This seems like the dubious beginnings of something to become more......
intensive, maybe??
10-15-2004, 02:56 AM
Since Arabs are Semites, will Israel be monitored for acts of anti-Semitism?
10-18-2004, 03:54 PM
Bush Signs Bill to Create Jewish Spy Agency
Bush signs GAS bill, handing Jews their first official headquarters over the State Department - with global jurisdiction.
AT DAWN, GEORGE W. BUSH, HANGING OVER THE UNITED STATES in Air Force 1, officially recognized Jewish supremacy in US foreign policy by signing a bill which gives Jews their own major subdivision in the Department of State. The Global Anti-Semitism (GAS) Bill sets up a new Jewish office to spy on and combat dissidents across the globe while spreading Jewish propaganda.
An article in admits that "Jewish groups -- which wield significant political power especially during a presidential election year," have tenaciously lobbied Bush to sign it. Bush is currently challenged for office by half Jewish John Kerry (aka "Kohn").
The GOP joined Jewish lobbyists in a letter supporting the bill. "The fight against anti-semitism deserves specific, focused attention," said the letter which was signed by former Republican vice presidential nominee Jack Kemp and ex-UN ambassador Jeane Kirkpatrick among others.
The new Jewish office will have discretionary powers to spy on dissidents who speak out or act out against Jewish policies worldwide. The Jewish office will also direct its secret agents to spy on officials of foreign governments from the local level up. Moreover, the Jewish office will be budgeted to place Jewish propaganda into school curricula abroad. GAS specifically empowers the Jewish office to report directly to the President, suggesting there will be no Congressional oversight.
Adds Yahoo, "Jewish groups have hailed passage of the bill which they said provided a new avenue to fight anti-semitism."
WorldNetDaily reports that the State Department initially feared GAS "would show favoritism toward the Jewish community... In an unsigned memo sent to Lantos [D-CA] in July, the Department claimed that creating an office to monitor and fight anti-semitism would 'diminish credibility,' and show 'favoritism' and 'imbalance' in U.S. human rights policy overlooking the existing offices at the State Department" which already do that secretly.
10-18-2004, 07:26 PM
It is important to note that until recently, the State Department was one of the few places in Washington that were not Israeli occupied territory. It isn't just that Colin Powell's circle in the State Department has been less enthusiastic about Zionist projects than the rest of the Bush administration, but in fact for years the SD classified the Zionist government as a potential antagonist (I believe their term was "non-traditional opponent") rather than as an ally. They recognized that Israeli goals were at odds with American ones and were willing to act independently when a conflict of interest arose (to a larger part Reagan's defiance of Israeli demands in the Lebanon bail-out and in AWACS sales to Arab allies was due to State Department realism).
Now that an official "anti-Semitism" committee is being created, the State Department will also become a proxy for the Tel Aviv Government and its US minions.
10-18-2004, 11:55 PM
I figure this won't mean anything because any country that is heavily anti-Semitic will fall into one of 2 categories:
1. A country the US already has moved against. After a certain point, you can't punish someone without a level of force that the US can't really bring to bear, with their military overstretched as it is.
2. A country that the US needs, like Saudi Arabia. What are they going to say, "You aren't nice to Jews, we're gonna punish you, now can we have more oil please"?
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