View Full Version : ADL Attacks Charles Carlson

10-12-2004, 05:54 AM

ADL Attacks Charles Carlson
Kike Hatemongers Target Opponent Of Judaeo-Christian Heretics And Warmongers

10/9/2004 11:47:00 PM
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Pharisee Watch

Scottsdale, Arizona -- [Pharisee Watch press release:]
The Anti-Defamation League appears to be trying to force Duke University students to withdraw invitation to Charles Carlson’s workshops at conference on October 15-17.


Your writer is scheduled to deliver workshops at this large Palestinian Solidarity Movement Conference, but the ADL does not seem to want the hundreds of students and teachers at the Conference to hear what will be explained about Judaized Christianity (Christian Zionism) and how its false doctrine can be corrected to end serial wars.

The student leadership is understandably nervous. ADL tactics have always been “divide and conquer”. They have not been able to stop the Conference, so now they will try to discredit it. It seems they started with me to see if the students will cave in and strike my name off the program, if so, the ADL will turn up the heat. Here is what they will say:

“See, they admit they have a bad apple in the barrel, so now we will show you more of the same.” The students can only lose by giving in.

Here are excerpts about Carlson from the ADL website:



"New York, NY, October 6, 2004 ... An upcoming gathering of anti-[Zionist] student activists at Duke University has the potential for engendering the same "extreme anti-[Zionist] invective" that has tainted past pro-Palestinian events on campuses and contributed to feelings of fear and intimidation among Jewish students and faculty members, according to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL)."

"In the run-up to the fourth National Student Conference of the Palestine Solidarity Movement (PSM), scheduled for October 15-17 on Duke's North Carolina campus, organizers have declined overtures by Jewish student groups to denounce Palestinian terrorism while moving ahead with plans to invite an array of strongly anti-[Zionist] speakers - INCLUDING ONE WELL-KNOWN ANTI- SEMITE - TO ADDRESS STUDENTS WITH A STRONGLY ANTI-[ZIONIST] MESSAGE....."

"The scheduled speakers promote varying degrees of hostility toward [the Zionist Entity in Occupation of Palestine]. They INCLUDE CHARLES E. CARLSON, co-founder of We Hold These Truths, a notorious Arizona-based extremist group that focuses on propagating anti-Semitic conspiracy theories."

..and from related ADL Article

http://www.adl.org/Israel/psm_duk e.asp

"Organizers have also arranged a list of speakers that virtually guarantees that the conference will promote an extreme and unbalanced stance on [the Zionist Entity]. Perhaps most shocking is the appearance on the schedule of CHARLES E. CARLSON, co-founder of We Hold These Truths, an Arizona-based, conspiracy-oriented anti-Semitic group. Carlson has spoken at white supremacist gatherings organized by groups ranging from the neo-Nazi National Alliance to the Holocaust-denying Institute for Historical Review. At Duke, Carlson will take part in a workshop, "The Cause of the Conflict: How Judaized Christians Enable War." -end ADL

HERE, IN PART, IS CARLSON'S RESPONSE LETTER to the student leaders of the Conference referencing their concerns.

(Via e-mail on October 9, 2004)

DEAR EMILY, FAYYAD, and members of your committee:

More than any other issue, your students need to understand how the Judaized Christians (Christian-Zionists) are enabling the USA in perpetual war, and are condemning the Palestinian people to a continued holocaust. The vulnerable link in the repression of Palestine is the Christian Zionists. The ADL knows this. My workshop is the epiphany to an understanding of this. What the ADL probably worries about most is that we are an action group that has initiated a constructive response.

http://www.whtt.org/straitgate/ index.htm

...you also need to recognize that the ADL has no argument at all except that they don't want students or anyone else to understand the role of Christian Zionists in the holocaust in Palestine and in Iraq.

First of all, the ADL is attacking a religious mission. We are a Christian organization, as you can see from our website, under Who We Are.


As such, we are committed to speak to anyone and everyone whom we think we can influence with our view of our mutual problem, including a revisionist conference. (They fortunately recorded it)

http://www.ihr.org/main/audio.shtml< /a>

We debate all comers on the subject of Christian Zionism. We also do not compromise or bend our message to the audience. In fact, the ADL proved it for me by calling attention to my speech, which speaks for itself.

The ADL also steps into a provable lie when they say we: "arranges anti- [Zionist] protests and demonstrations in the Southwest."

In fact, Project Strait Gate has picketed major ("Christian") religious gatherings from Sacramento to Washington DC, including the Southern Baptist Convention, Promise Keepers, and Billy Graham crusade, and over 50 churches, including Jerry Falwell's church and college in Lynchburg, VA., twice.

-end to students

P.S. Friends and Subscribers,

If you have first hand experience with what WHTT/ Strait Gate teaches, you might want to share it with the student leaders, remember they are under a lot of pressure so be brief and be kind!

The contacts are:



We do not charge the students for our trip and we have shipped $950.00 of books (ONUI) to the conference to be given to students. So far we have a shortfall for our expenses. Please help if you can, and attend if you are nearby. -cec

We Hold These Truths/Strait Gate Ministries

PO Box 14491

Scottsdale AZ 85267

480 947 3329