View Full Version : "Family Guy" is anti-jewish?

10-08-2004, 03:13 PM
Did anyone else catch the episode where Peter tries to get his son to convert to Judaism to be "smarter" and to "control the world" ?

Peter hires a jewish accountant who says "I'm so tired of people trying to take credit for what jews have done" and they flash to Malcolm X fumbling for words, and some hook nosed jew telling him what to say.

How on earth did they get away with this on televitz?

10-08-2004, 03:29 PM
Fox did not air it, it was not shown until after the series moved to Cartoon Network in re-runs. There are currently new episodes being made scheduled to air this spring. Really though, this is just Jewish over-sensitivity. It was not so much anti-Jewish as it was mocking jewish stereotypes (and to an extent, people who hold them). That wasn't a stellar one either, the best IMO is when Peter declares the independent nation of Petoria.

10-08-2004, 03:29 PM
Oh, and some of the cast members are Jewish.

10-08-2004, 05:06 PM
Most of the writers are Jewish.

10-08-2004, 07:02 PM
When you Wish Upon a Weinstein. I don't see how portraying jews as smart financial types was anti semitic.

10-08-2004, 07:36 PM
well, it does expose them lol.

But yeah if you look in the credit there are plenty of steins and itzes

10-08-2004, 07:40 PM
My favorite jew joke on Family Guy was in the 1st one.

Peter: "Something something the new GI jew line".

GI Jew Action figure:"You call these bagels"

Peter: "Im glad hes on our side".

10-08-2004, 08:52 PM
How does Wish upon a Weinstein "expose" anything? It doesn't explain anything, so the only ones who would see Jewry as exposed after watching it would have to not require an explanation to begin with.

10-08-2004, 09:18 PM
Anti-jewish? If anything it made the jews look like how they wish to be perceived. Honest, well behaved, and hardworking. :rolleyes:
I didn't see anything but positives for them. They even had a transformer as a jew, supposedly the most noble robot of all, Optimus Prime.
And to be honest, jews poke fun at themselves alot on TV. They just don't want others doing it in fear that they might accidentally say something true.
And we know that would be bad them.

10-08-2004, 09:40 PM
Family Guy is funny. The fact that it went over the line quite a bit just made it better.

10-09-2004, 12:13 AM
That episode was just a spoof on Jewish stereotypes.

10-10-2004, 10:53 AM
Why do you watch that garbage, it makes your brain bubble and melt.

10-11-2004, 02:55 AM
The problem I have with media:

When I see it, I'm amused, but when I reflect on it, if I missed it, I would not care.

The extra free time is nice too.

10-19-2004, 11:29 AM
I think "South Park" has a better shot at being thought of as anti-Semitic. Even in their big anti-racial/ethnic separatism episode, where one of the characters says at the end, "Being a separatist sucks ass," they were doing so within the context of Jewish separatism (even if speaking of separatism generally). My favorite line comes from the first season, when Kyle Brovlovsky runs 90 yards for a touchdown, and one of the commentators shrieks "I haven't seen a Jew run that fast since 1945!"

10-19-2004, 08:12 PM
South Park's most anti semitic character is Kyle's mom( and yes most jewish mothers are like her if not worse), Cartman the anti semitic character(though he is the funniest, "Mel Gibson wrote the passion to portray in Cinema the filthiness and [something] of the common jew") is definitely portrayed as a dumbass in addition to being a big fatass.

The congregation in the "Passion of the Jew" was also somewhat of an anti semitic portrayal but not having seen the inside of a synagogue except for my best friends bar mitzvah I can't speak for the realism there.

Now the funny thing is Matt Stone is jewish.

10-19-2004, 08:20 PM
- "Now the funny thing is Matt Stone is jewish."

Half-Jewish, actually.

From Jewhoo:

"Clarification June 2002: Stone's father is Irish Catholic. His mother is Jewish. He considers himself "ethnically Jewish". However, he apparently was not raised in either faith. Stone was born in Texas in 1971 and raised in Littleton, Colorado."


10-19-2004, 08:21 PM
South Park is only anti jewish if you accept the Jewish definition of the term; that is to say "anything short of kow-towing towards Jews and defering whenever a Jewish vs. non-Jewish conflict of interest arises". Too many people have bought this definition and seem to feel that anyone who isn't a complete boot-lick is by default a rapid Jew-hater. The charges of "anti-semitism" and "self-hating jew" levelled at Chomsky are a good example of this trend.

10-19-2004, 08:28 PM
Well according to one of their comedy routines on the South Park DVD commentaries( I think its "An Elephant F***s a Pig" Matt Stone considers himself "proud of his jewish heritage" while Trey Parker is "anti-semitic".

Maternal descent is what the jews themselves consider as criteria.

10-19-2004, 08:40 PM
The most anti-semitic show on TV is Curb Your Enthusiasm.

Weikel: Larry's agent's wife is the supreme stereotype of Russian derived Yhid wife.

10-19-2004, 08:45 PM
Ive seen a couple episodes of it. I thought HE in addition to having the worst luck in the world was more of an anti semitic characture then his wife( ie basically he plays Woody Allen as he is in real life minus the young asian girl fetish).

"Cheryl" didn't seem so bad in the ones I saw.

der kleine Doktor
10-20-2004, 08:35 AM
The ADL approved the "Passion of the Jew" episode. I forgot where I heard it, but you can trust me on it. I definately read it somewhere.

The creator of the "Family Guy" has a Scottish last name and is from Rhode Island. I have the first set. It is shame I do not watch TV anymore. I know the new ones are one. The woman that plays Lois is a k/ke.

10-20-2004, 10:56 AM
The most anti-semitic show on TV is Curb Your Enthusiasm.

Weikel: Larry's agent's wife is the supreme stereotype of Russian derived Yhid wife.

Good call. "Curb Your Enthusiasm," in addition to being one of the funniest programs of all time, is very anti-Semitic. Its hard not to pity the Jewish men, being married to harpies like the one you reference....

10-20-2004, 10:59 AM
Ive seen a couple episodes of it. I thought HE in addition to having the worst luck in the world was more of an anti semitic characture then his wife( ie basically he plays Woody Allen as he is in real life minus the young asian girl fetish).

"Cheryl" didn't seem so bad in the ones I saw.

Its his agent's (the guy who looks like Norm Peterson from "Cheers") wife that is the anti-Semitic caricature, not Larry's wife Cheryl. Cheryl is actually a Gentile from a devoutly Christian family, who aren't all that crazy about her having married a Jew.

10-20-2004, 05:23 PM
Opps. Ive only seen a couple of episodes( he doesn't tip the "table captain" one and some other one involving a jewelry store being closed), so I didn't see the wife of his agent.