View Full Version : Germany Takes Positive Position On Anti-Semitism

09-23-2004, 06:32 PM

Germany agreed to sponsor a U.N. General Assembly resolution condemning anti-Semitism.

German officials told Israeli Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom it would agree to the move, Shalom told reporters Tuesday.

The resolution is a key objective for Jewish officials in the current U.N. General Assembly. They see the resolution as a follow-up to the first major U.N. conference this summer addressing growing global anti-Semitism.

Shalom also told reporters that he met Iraq’s prime minister Ayad Allawi, marking the first diplomatic exchange between Iraq and Israel since Iraq’s new government took over. "I told him I hope peace will come in the near future" to the region, and Allawi and members of his delegation smiled in response, Shalom said.

09-23-2004, 06:37 PM
a U.N. General Assembly resolution condemning anti-Semitism.

I hate the UN for reasons precisely like this resolution. What hypocrites, they whine about anti-semitism ( I can't stress how much I dislike this term and encourage people to stop using it, it is really anti-jewism, I doubt that semitic Arabs are "anti- semitic") yet they backtracked on their decision that Zionism (another stupid and misleading term, this is really Jewish exceptionalism/particularism) was racism. :mad:

09-23-2004, 09:36 PM
Let the government puppets put on whatever dog and pony show they wish; people like us will continue to name the Jew and spread the truth (not just on the Internet, either).

I hate the UN for reasons precisely like this resolution. What hypocrites, they whine about anti-semitism ( I can't stress how much I dislike this term and encourage people to stop using it, it is really anti-jewism, I doubt that semitic Arabs are "anti- semitic") yet they backtracked on their decision that Zionism (another stupid and misleading term, this is really Jewish exceptionalism/particularism) was racism. :mad:
Actually, the UN has been pretty good about at least attempting to condemn Israel for her crimes; it's only the US that blocks those resolutions. Maybe this conference on "anti-Semitism" is just a kind of answer to Israeli and American whining that the UN is itself "anti-Semitic."

By the way, I agree that the term "anti-Semitic" is imprecise. When someone asks us if we're anti-Semitic, our response ought to be, "No, we're just anti-Jewish." :222 As for the term "Zionism," since Israel already exists many people use "Zionism" to denote Jewish supremacism (or, as you suggested, exceptionalism). I don't personally have a problem with that.

il ragno
09-24-2004, 02:35 AM