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09-19-2004, 12:34 AM
1st British Airborne landed at Arnhem.
The attack was a failure for a number of reasons and perhaps should not have been made to begin with.
The end play of Montgomery's plan left the few troops who made the bridge hanging on against desperate odds until forced to surrender.

Their courage , determaintion and fighting ability can never be doubted.
Within the battle their hard and fair aggression was matched in full by General Bittrich's troops who reacted with speed and clarity of action to deny the airborne assult any chance of success.

Remember also the Polish paratroopers who fought equally hard in a battle they could never win and teir commander Major-General Soabowski , who when Montgomery was looking for a scape goat was made to be one.
A chapter of shame.

Remember also the Dutch citizens of Arnhem who endured so much when their town became a battlefield around them.

Arnhem September 1944.

See "Arnhem Then and Now" Vol. 1 & 2 by After The Battle.