View Full Version : For the Jewish Question, here are the best books

friedrich braun
09-14-2004, 05:29 PM
I would like to thank wintermute for the following suggestion:

For the Jewish Question, here are the best books for the beginner:

Culture of Critique, Kevin MacDonald

Fatal Embrace: Jews and the State, Benjamin Ginsburg

Esau's Tears, Alfred Lillenthal

Jewish Power, J.J. Goldberg,

They Dare to Speak Out, Paul Findlay

Jewish History, Jewish Religion, The Weight of Three Thousand Years, by Israel Shahak

All the titles listed above are available from Amazon.

Not available from Amazon, but excellent nonetheless, and free to boot, is When Victims Rule, formerly the crown jewel of Jewish Tribal Review and now available as a .pdf from Solar General: http://www.solargeneral.com/library/wvr.pdf


An Eye for an Eye, John Sack

Gideons Spies, Gordon Thomas

By Way of Deception, Victor Ostrawsky

Holocaust Industry, Finklestein

An Eye for an Eye, John Sack

Crimes and Mercies and Other Losses, James Bacque

My Awakening, David Duke


Gideon's Spies and By Way of Deception are about the Mossad, with Thomas' book being a history and overview, while By Way of Deception goes into detail regarding the essential faithlessness of Diaspora Jews, who act as spymasters and safehouses for Israel. Holocaust Industry is a fascinating look at how the Jewish community leverages falsehood into a juggernaut of extortion. It's especially devastating.

The Sack and Bacque books detail some ugly facts about what really happened after WWII. You might also be interested in Stalin's War of Extermination, which details Stalin's plans to take Western Europe. It's based on recently decommisioned documents from the KGB archives.

The first six books listed are the most important in my view, though Duke's work has many articulate spokesmen here.

Richard Earley's War, Money, and American Memory is also very good, and highly recommended for readers interested in the American scene.

I know more about the Jewish Question as a whole than I do about Holocaust revisionism, as I have only recently started my investigations into that field. I daresay if you read the books listed here, you will be as well educated about the Jewish question as anyone who has ever lived, and then some.

As above, all books are available from Amazon, with the possible exception of Bacque and Sack. They can be got from noontide press or the Bacque's website: www.jamesbacque.com

09-17-2004, 06:30 AM
"The Jews and their Lies" - Marthin Luther
"Bolschevism: From Moses to Lenin. A conversation with Adolf Hitler" Dietrich Eckart
"The International Jew" - Henry Ford

09-17-2004, 08:42 PM
MEIN KAMPF (http://www.noontidepress.com/books/hitler/mk-toc.html) Adolf Hitler

White Power (http://www.americannaziparty.com/WP/WPcont.htm) George Lincoln Rockwell

11-01-2004, 02:43 AM
Esau's Tears is by Albert Lindemann, not Alfred Lilienthal.

11-01-2004, 02:54 AM
The most important are MacDonald's trilogy and Unto Others and Darwin's Cathedral, by David Sloan Wilson, although the relevance of Wilson's books may not be immediately apparent.

Wilson's books on multilevel selection provide the interpretive biological framework for understanding MacDonald's trilogy. Wilson conceptualizes groups, including the Jewish community, as resembling or even constituing organisms.

His summary of his own position in Darwin's Cathedral:

Natural selection is a multilevel process that operates among groups in addition to among individuals within groups. Any unit becomes endowed with the properties inherent in the word organism to the degree that it is a unit of selection. The history of life on earth has been marked by many transitions from groups of organisms to groups as organisms. Organismic groups achieve their unity with mechanisms that suppress selection within groups.... Human evolution falls within the paradigm of multilevel selection and the major transitions of life. Moral systems provide many of the mechanisms that enable human groups to function as adaptive units.

It is crucial to understand that the Jewish community constitutes a biological unit (as well as a political unit or an "enterprise association") if one is to effectively construct arguments ascribing blame to "the Jews", rather than "individual" Jews.

11-08-2004, 01:11 PM
The Culture of Critique: An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in Twentieth-Century Intellectual and Political Movements
by Kevin MacDonald
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/075...9557728-4415943 (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0759672229/qid=1095262828/sr=ka-1/ref=pd_ka_1/104-9557728-4415943)

I have written three books on Judaism within a modern evolutionary perspective. These books are in the Evolution, Behavior, and Intelligence series edited by Seymour W. Itzkoff and published by Praeger Publishers, an imprint of the Greenwood Publishing Group.

The Culture of Critique reviewed by Stanley Hornbeck

Victor Wolzek's "History of the Jewish Assault on the World"
http://www.vanguardnewsnetwork.com/temp/Hi...ofOurWorld.html (http://www.vanguardnewsnetwork.com/temp/HistoryofOurWorld.html)

The International Jew: the World's Foremost Problem by Henry Ford, Sr. (first published as a series in his Dearborn Independent periodical during the 1920s) -- a wealth of information about the Chosen people from the famous industrialist. Available online:

Israel Shahak
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/external...ahak&mode=books (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/external-search/104-0025991-8281538?tag=interactiveda108-20&keyword=Israel%20Shahak&mode=books)
or at http://www.vho.org/store/

Israel Shahak, J*wish Fundamentalism in Israel 176 pp., pb., (2nd. ed., 2004):

Israel Shahak, Jewish History, Jewish Religion, 127 pp., pb. (3rd ed., 2002):

Reinhold Elstner
11-15-2004, 05:23 PM
When Victims Rule is exhaustive (2000 pages) and indispensable. My only criticism is that the author shys away from unmasking the holocaust.

11-18-2004, 12:50 AM
My only criticism is that the author shys away from unmasking the holocaust.
The author tends to make his case with quotes from Jews themselves. It would be difficult to find such quotes that would undermine the Holocaust story.

11-19-2004, 06:56 PM
Reinhold why don't you stop nagging about it and get up off your backside and do it yourself?
You say you can prove it , YOU can "BE THE MAN".
Why wait Reinhold if you are so enraged about this "fraud" , tis "hoax" , this "slur on the German people" get up and do it.

Shying away from unmasking the Holocaust , go on do it , you know you want to.
if I see nothing in print in 6 months or in the Irish press to cover your success or your being defeated I know you lack the courage of your convictions.
Some how I think you will be "shying away" as well.

Reinhold Elstner
11-20-2004, 06:13 PM
Reinhold why don't you stop nagging about it and get up off your backside and do it yourself?
Why don't you stop being an idiot? It has all been done as you well know but refuse absoultely to acknowledge.
Anyone interested can start here http://vho.org/aaargh/engl/engl.html
and http://vho.org/
You say you can prove it , YOU can "BE THE MAN".
No, idiot - those who assert the existence of something bear the onus of proof. Care to post up some evidence for your gas chambers?

Reinhold Elstner
11-20-2004, 06:14 PM
The author tends to make his case with quotes from Jews themselves. It would be difficult to find such quotes that would undermine the Holocaust story.
Yes of course - unless he wanted to cite David Cole and one or two others. There is a great strength in the author's approach, but this is its weakness.

11-21-2004, 02:34 PM
reinhold , without the internet Holocaust "Revision" would be a bit like "Mary Whitehouse" and her " Viewer's and Listener's Association".
I view it as being on a par with such self appointed and self serving

1. Write your " evidence" up into something which can be published.
2. Try and divorce your "facts" form something which is largely
anti-semetic in nature and direction.
3. Look for a serious publisher.
4. Don't be too disappointed that no-one takes you seriously.

I look forward to seeing your "evidence" achieveing actual publication.
Why is it the the so called "Scholarly works" of these "historians" are never to be seen in main stream book shops ?

Don't tell me "Jewish Influences" , that's the thing about conspiracy therory its so much a neurotics charter..."there I told you so".

Any books which say anything positive about Jews ?
Why do I not see you evidence in print outside the internet , Reinhold no-one in the real wortld takes this crap seriously , has the penny not dropped ?

Reinhold Elstner
11-21-2004, 02:38 PM
reinhold , without the internet Holocaust "Revision" would be a bit like "Mary Whitehouse" and her " Viewer's and Listener's Association".
I view it as being on a par with such self appointed and self serving
1. Write your " evidence" up into something which can be published.
2. Try and divorce your 2 facts" form something whichis largely
anti-semetic in nature and direction.
3. Look for a serious publisher.
Why don't you stop being an idiot? It has all been done as you well know but refuse absoultely to acknowledge.
Anyone interested can start here http://vho.org/aaargh/engl/engl.html
and http://vho.org/
I look forward to seeing your "evidence" achieveing actual publication.
Why is it the the so called "Scholarly works" of these "historians" are never to be seen in main stream book shops ?
No, idiot - those who assert the existence of something bear the onus of proof. Care to post up some evidence for your gas chambers?

Any books which say anything positive about Jews ?
No, unless you count those self-aggrandising accounts written by Jews themselves.

11-21-2004, 03:17 PM
Sounds good Reinhold on a superficial level one might even think you have a case.
Unfortunatley , the proof you so believe in has been tested and it has been found to be hollow and meaningless.
You say that you want me to "post" up proof and that you are waiting for it.
Reinhold the books quoted here and the proof you so believe in , no else gives it much credience.
Does that not trouble you , does that not make you ask why?
You jump into the conspiracy mode again to support your belief that Jews are suppressing this information and are at all levels ensuring that truth does not come out , against them are battleng a small group of solid individuals of chracter who alone are willing to take on the Jews and their servants.
Oh , spare me this rubbish.
What I find much more interesting is what makes you and others who swallow this garrbage "tick" .
From an "unbelievers" point of view , looking at what is brought up , how it is presented and where it is presented , the complete and utter lack of credibility is the first thing which is apparant.
This Reinhold is so complete you cannot see it , all that you wish to disprove with your evidence has been well proved and so much so that serious historians will review evidence in the light of new information but will not get into a world which is constructed of inaccurate use of facts and pseudo science presented by people who apart from being cranks serve agendas of their own making.
Reinhold , you will grow old waiting for some to say "all right murder did not happen it was all a big lie".
There was no lie and there is no lie save that which you are gulible enough to swallow .
Why do I come back to the T4 all the time, because it is the event which Hitler learned from , the flaws of this policy he was not going to repeat.
In common with Stalin and his NKVD , Hitler never for a moment gave serious thought to the " final solution" being known.
If you are into mass murder better keep it secret , don't want to get burnt again

Don't bark at me to present proof , you say you have it . Excellent !
I say to you take it off the internet and make it open to the public.
Don't stop short of exposing the Holocaust on my account Reinhold , I would hate you to do that.
If what the historians take to be fact is so ridden with falsehoods,lies and they are so dependent on these lies to sustain their own careers and positions it should be so easy for you to prove your case.
( You claim to have all this to hand already).
Why are you holding back , if you are so confient in the quality and quantity of your proof ?
Go on get of your comfortable behind and take the courage of your convictions in hand and get it into print.
Reinhold you have been fooled , comprehensively , completely , utterly so much so that fact and fiction have been mreged for you.
Its like the "magic bullet" it takes on a life of its own , in historical terms this is your reality.

Reinhold Elstner
11-21-2004, 03:27 PM
Unfortunatley , the proof you so believe in has been tested and it has been found to be hollow and meaningless.
By who? Specifics please. What has been refuted by who?
You say that you want me to "post" up proof and that you are waiting for it.
Reinhold the books quoted here and the proof you so believe in , no else gives it much credience.
Speak only for yourself.
Don't bark at me to present proof , you say you have it .
You claim there is proof that gas chambers existed - now post it up or shut up.
If what the historians take to be fact is so ridden with falsehoods,lies and they are so dependent on these lies to sustain their own careers and positions it should be so easy for you to prove your case.
Are you forgetting that Gilbert and Poliakov have been shown to have falsified evidence, not that it bothers you for a moment?
Come on, enough nonsense and post up the proof you claim exists for gas chambers and do it on the appropriate thread (http://www.thephora.org/forum/showpost.php?p=42174&postcount=272), the subject here is
"For the Jewish Question, here are the best books"

11-21-2004, 03:38 PM
Reinhold its all been done before , and your experts have been able to demolish nothing , not a thing.
The correct thread, Reinhold threads like this are your world , not mine .
You will as long as the internet may exist you will be making this and others like it your "Field of Dreams", "build it and they will come".
Dream on Reinhold , the reality of it is your proof will forever be in a back water until you do something about it.
Now as you suggest this mass of evidence has never been tested , get up of your arse and have it tested.
This "proof" after all is your belief and that which you sustain and put faith in.
I say to you on a greater front print it defend it or shut up yourself.
This is but the "Field of Dreams".

Reinhold Elstner
11-21-2004, 04:05 PM
cerberus, if you, or anyone else for that matter, has any proof for the existence of homocidal gas chambers, post it up on the other thread.
On topic: do you have any book titles about Jews and Judaism that we should know about?

11-21-2004, 04:42 PM
I have no primary interest in Jews , if I had I would not be reading the "penny deadfuls" that you do.

Reinhold Elstner
11-21-2004, 04:44 PM
I have no primary interest in Jews , if I had I would not be reading the "penny deadfuls" that you do.
So, another topic you profess ignorance about.
You are a penny dreadful!

11-21-2004, 05:10 PM
This from a man who would re-make " The Eternal Jew".
Did you have the same problem with Fegan in "Oliver twist". :rolleyes:
You are too tight to spend a penny , sure there isn't a little of the lost tribe in you , perhaps they settled in Rathmines ? :rolleyes:

Reinhold Elstner
11-21-2004, 05:15 PM
This from a man who would re-make " The Eternal Jew".
Yes, as good as the original is, it needs updating. If you bothered to educate yourself on the topic you would see why - unless of course you are the subject of the topic, in which case you would have an interest in diverting the discussion into your customary idiocies. On the other hand it may be that you are just an idiot pure and simple.
You are too tight to spend a penny , sure there isn't a little of the lost tribe in you , perhaps they settled in Rathmines ? :rolleyes:
What are you babbling about now?

11-21-2004, 05:26 PM
Reinhold , if someone gave a penny for your thought's I would have to say
"Isn't inflation a terrible thing" :rolleyes:
Do you notice how I don't post on certain days of the week ? :jew:

Reinhold Elstner
11-21-2004, 06:37 PM
Reinhold , if someone gave a penny for your thought's I would have to say
"Isn't inflation a terrible thing" :rolleyes:
Are you drunk or something? What on earth are you twittering about?
Do you notice how I don't post on certain days of the week ? :jew:Yea, right.

11-22-2004, 05:57 PM
"Yeabut, yeabut , but..... and she plays with matches" ( Vicky Pollard revisionist historian) :rolleyes:
Why the Jewish flag then ? :confused:

Reinhold Elstner
11-22-2004, 06:21 PM
"Yeabut, yeabut , but..... and she plays with matches" ( Vicky Pollard revisionist historian) :rolleyes:
Sowy the Jewish flag then ? :confused:
For your loyalty to the Jewish myth of martyrdom and to the Union.

11-22-2004, 08:09 PM
The "Revisionist" myth you mean ?
The union is your assumption , those little leather flaps which restrict your vision are called "blinkers", why can't you take them off ?

Reinhold Elstner
11-22-2004, 08:15 PM
The "Revisionist" myth you mean ?
The union is your assumption , those little leather flaps which restrict your vision are called "blinkers", why can't you take them off ?
By your own admission you are a unionist and you are a shill for the Jews.

11-22-2004, 09:27 PM
How do you draw that conclusion ?

Reinhold Elstner
11-22-2004, 11:45 PM
How do you draw that conclusion ?
Before we get on to that I have just discovered another of your many lies
My last word ( I promise) , both here and else where on the subject.
In the end its a circle.
And yet here you are, still pumping out nonsense. You seem to be the only person left here unaware of your zero credibility rating!
Now, how do I draw the conclusion that you are a Unionist and a shill for the Jews?
1. "For me growing up in Northern Ireland. . . "
Only a unionist would call it by that name. Remember, a unionist is someone who supports the union with Britain.
EG " Brits out" = Peace in Ireland. You still have a million odd "Brits" or people who consider themselves "Brits" in the North , are you going to " deport them all to England" ?
I could be forgiven for thinking you are one of these daft ex-pat. Yanks who see things so simply.
BTW. Shelve the "Brit" remark , if you don't mind
Here you trot out typical unionist lines.
2. Shilling for the Jews. What you have been doing here for the last nearly two months.
What you don't seem to realise, is that you have done an excellent job of exposing the holohoax. After some early and disastrous starts, you have made no attempt at defending the holohoax. INstead you post nonsense, twist your interlocutors words, tell outright lies, and flee from any evidence in a cloud of denials. Dont' you see that people are reading this exchange? They can see your behaviour for what it is.
On the other hand you might actually be a crypto-revisionist intent on portraying holocost believers in the worst possible light. If this is the case, then bravo, you have done an excellent job!

11-23-2004, 12:50 AM
Asking you if you are ex-pat. yank. yea solid proof.
" Crypto -Revisionist" what the heck is that ?
I have made no attempt simply beacuse I told you I am not going to , so why complain ?
My stance is simple , you say its "arse about face" but that is your perception of it not mine.
No matter what I say or don't say the bottom line is what you "prove" here means nothing , not a thing , its empty , vacuous and on in the real world means nothing.
Read my lips (keyboard :( ) " Not one thing".
Get it , knew you wouldn't.
Reinhold you have your own view on what happened, its based on an anti-semetic view of the world and history.
Truth is of no interest , bending it to your will is all that matters , you are willing to believe anything to do this , even things which just don't join up.
You will defend the laws which set about the Holocaust , you will say on one hand that the treatment of Jews was unjust but will on the other hand say it was understandable and that I should " educate myself" to understand why they were treated as they were.
I reflect to you our dialogue about the guards at Dachau , you contradict yourself , you also defend on one hand what you see as being legal and admit on the other hand that the treatment was unjust, poacher and game keeper.
You have no understanding of the lack of morality and the quality of law in Germany and rebuke any criticsm of it.
Poacher and game keeper.
You say I deny Allied war crimes , I have on this forum spoke against them.
You say I have been dishonest and been a liar.
"Pot to kettle am I black or is it just you".
Reinhold in the real world testing a fcat again and again and again is seen as a waste of time , be it in a court or even in this setting.
But this is what you want.
I say it has been tested and your experts have proved nothing , I have no intention of getting into this with you, now has that penny finally dropped.
I have no idea what a "Crypto-revisionist " I am tempted to ask if it runs on unleaded petrol.
Evidence of gas chambers , I ask you again if Rudolf is such a nemesis to the "Gas Chamber Lie" why did Irving shy away from using him , why ?
I ask it you have no answer.
Reinhold all those peole where did they go ?
All those train loads of belongings , those suitcases , the women with youngsters , old ladies , you say that germans would never break up famalies, yet the old and the eak seems to always be seperated rom the younger and stronger , you say they are on the way to work camps , yet you have no idea of where they would be employed.
People who have told their experiences you dismiss them offf hand and say its what they where told or that every Jew tought their relative was gassed.
This bullshit about disease , ys disease killed but all those people , why did the guards not die as well ?
The flea killing opeations must have been pretty bad , the camps themselves must have been very badly run , not that German efficency that you are so proud of if so many died from disease , reinhold all that talk about bombing and food supply .
That's a crock of you know what its as plain as te nose on your face , any your not even Jewish .
Photo. of the gas chambers , simple why photograph that which ypu want to keep secret, whay allow anyone to do it when you have bound them by te threat of serious consequences if they tell what goes on within these walls.

Photographic evidence means nothing according to you , the accounts of the surivors mean nothing to you. ( I see "K" has fallen on the sword of your making regarding "Germans murdered by Poles").
You cannot say why the apparatus of killing was destroyed , you say the Russians blew it up , or the prisoners blew it up , you can give no reason why the germans would , they had no reason to according to you.
you make much of this being a post war lie , funny that one would have to reconstruct that which one blew up in the first place ( according to your logic) to pertetuate a lie.
Thses people just did not disappaerar reinhold , they were murdered their bodies were cremated , sometimes not well , they were shot , en mass.
This happened it is not a lie , they were not all partisans.
Certainly some where , thousands were not.
How many liars reinhold Millions, how many who believe these lies , millions, How many jews are left in Poland after the war ?
Honestly it disgusts me totally and absolutely.
Why would I not get involved with you simple , total and absolute disgust.
there is that plain enough for you , can you understand it Good !!

Reinhold Elstner
11-23-2004, 01:23 AM
Asking you if you are ex-pat. yank. yea solid proof.
More evasion - "For me growing up in Northern Ireland. . . "
Only a unionist would call it by that name. Remember, a unionist is someone who supports the union with Britain.
Crypto -Revisionist" what the heck is that ?
Someone pretending to be a believer (but is really a revisionist). I know of at least one such person who is very active in debates, and unlike you is extremely clever.
I have made no attempt simply beacuse I told you I am not going to , so why complain ?
I am not complaining merely pointing out your cowardice and dishonesty; and I will continue to do so until you post up some evidence for your claims.
My stance is
You don't have a stance.
No matter what I say or don't say the bottom line is what you "prove" here means nothing , not a thing , its empty , vacuous and on in the real world means nothing.
Read my lips (keyboard :( ) " Not one thing".
Get it , knew you wouldn't.
Your verbal flatulence will go on, I know that much.
Reinhold you have your own view on what happened, its based on an anti-semetic view of the world and history.
More of your mendacity. My view of the Jews is based on discovery of the hoax, not the other way around as I have stated to you on many ocassions now.
Truth is of no interest
You don't even know the difference between truth and falsity.
I reflect to you our dialogue about the guards at Dachau , you contradict yourself , you also defend on one hand what you see as being legal and admit on the other hand that the treatment was unjust, poacher and game keeper.
Quote here where you say I have contradicted myself.
You say I have been dishonest and been a liar.
"Pot to kettle am I black or is it just you".
Show where I have lied - I am presently documenting all yours and will be posting them (a big job)
I say it has been tested and your experts have proved nothing , I have no intention of getting into this with you,
Then why do you keep posting? Fisrt you say you will stop, then comes another stream of verbiage, then another promise to stop, then another stream etc. You have no credibility whatsoever, I'm here to point that out.
I have no idea
Would be closer to the truth.
what a "Crypto-revisionist "
You already said this above.
Evidence of gas chambers , I ask you again if Rudolf is such a nemesis to the "Gas Chamber Lie" why did Irving shy away from using him , why ?
I ask it you have no answer.
Another of your many lies, we discussed this very question some time ago.
Why would I not get involved with you simple
Why are you still here then?
total and absolute disgust.
there is that plain enough for you , can you understand it Good !!
Why are you still here?
Why have you not posted some of this marvellous silver bullet evidence for your gas chambers?

11-23-2004, 01:42 AM
Well Reinhold , they don't call you "clever Tom for nothing".
Boy I just wish I was smart like you and the "Crypto-revisionist ".
Ah well I can but dream , perhaps "The Wiz. of OZ can help me if I watch it again this Chriatmas".
Yes I did ask you about Irving / Rudolf sometime back.
You had no answer then and you have none now.
Think of your saying the Jews were treated unjustly , law , the morality of that law and how you see no link bewteen the law and morality and how everything was legal.
Think then of when I said that I could understand the anger felt towrds the guards and whilst I would not agree with it could undrestand the circumstances which brought it about.

Well Reinhold what a roasting a I got about murder etc , and here you who can admit that unjust treat,ment took place but who can fold up the laws which brought it all about as if they did not exist and meant nothing.
And all that goes with them , the theft, the murder and the deporting which you though might nopt have been legal.
Very big of you.
I never got an answer from you on T4 as to the guilt of the Fuhrer who knew about it , you did not deny it but you can't seem to comment on the murder of german Children and the Mentally ill by the Fuhrer .
Murdering bastard is all I can say .
Silver bullet , what do you want Reinhold the bodies of those who were burnt ?
Reinhold listen to me again , you will grow old waiting for this , just like those guys waiting for the end of the world at the "Secret Policemans ball" .
" Same time next week lads " :D
BTW As far as Northern Ireland goes , that is your sterotype not mine.
Seems that you are not the broad church thinker you think you are.

Reinhold Elstner
11-23-2004, 02:11 AM
Well Reinhold , they don't call you "clever Tom for nothing".
No one up to now has called me that, Brit.
Yes I did ask you about Irving / Rudolf sometime back.
You had no answer then and you have none now.
Liar. That has been discussed here. http://www.thephora.org/forum/showpost.php?p=31815&postcount=21
and following exchange.
I never got an answer from you on T4 as to the guilt of the Fuhrer who knew about it , you did not deny it but you can't seem to comment on the murder of german Children and the Mentally ill by the Fuhrer .
Becasue the subject of this thread is the holocaust, or holokaustos: the alleged gassing/shooting and burning of 6 million Jews.
You know my views on that subject and if you wish to discuss it further, take it to the appropriate thread
Silver bullet , what do you want Reinhold the bodies of those who were burnt ?
I would be quite happy if the normal rules of evdience were followed as they were not and have not in any of the "trials".
BTW As far as Northern Ireland goes , that is your sterotype not mine.
The term "Northern Ireland" reveals your loyalties. But you can't even admit this which is blindingly obvious!
Now, when are we going to see some of that evidence for your gas chamber claims?

11-23-2004, 02:38 AM
Reinhold I se T4 as being very much part of the holocaust which was not a jewish experience on its own.
T4 was as i have described you cop out of it completely.
Its part of a mass murder policy of the Hitler Goverment. I see it as being one of the same.
Sorry if it does not suit you.
As far as rudolf goes , I recall asking you this and you said that you wish rudolf had been asked to give evidence.
Poacher and game keeper again reinhold.
BTW The Judge gives a verdict based on the evidence , experts are there to explain and clarify that which is presented.
Both sides can have their say.
Its your problem that he lost and that he eclkined to involve rudolf, you had no answer then and you have none now.
It would have been demolished , do you think that having gone that far the publisher would fold.
No reinhold if rudolf would have been presented it would have been taken apart , that is why Irving did not present it .
Why back away from a winner , no logic in that is there ?
T4 / Holocaust one of the same.
People who killed children , they played their part in killing adults as well.
Adolf Hitler you asked me who he murdered , Manfred Bernhardt was one of the T4 victims.
Remember his name Reinhold , I will post you up his face tomorrow.

Reinhold Elstner
11-23-2004, 02:46 AM
Reinhold I se T4 as being very much part of the holocaust which was not a jewish experience on its own.
Who cares what you see or do not see. The defintion is not yours, it is independent of your fancies. The Jews don't like to hear people detract from the "uniqueness" of their experience, so best be careful.
So now, let's see that evidence for those gas chambers you prattle on about.

11-23-2004, 09:32 AM
I take it T4 means nothing to you.
Your much vaunted honesty does not include the murder by the Fuhrer of German Children.
Evidence of gas chambers by your own direction , its part of a long list of murders.

Reinhold Elstner
11-23-2004, 10:02 AM
I take it T4 means nothing to you.
Your much vaunted honesty does not include the murder by the Fuhrer of German Children.
Evidence of gas chambers by your own direction , its part of a long list of murders.
I already told you that if you want to discuss T4 take it to the appropriate thread. This one concerns literature about Jews.

11-23-2004, 03:10 PM
Reinhold, please get off your high horse and don't presume to "tell" me anything .
When you have something of value to say something which you did not obtain from "Google" I will listen to you.
When you presume to "tell" it does give the mistaken impression that you actually have something of value to say.
So far what you have had to say is , zilch.

Reinhold Elstner
11-23-2004, 04:06 PM
Cerberus, I have already told you to take this to the appropriate thread. Do you want to ruin this thread as well?

11-23-2004, 04:43 PM
Yes Mien Rottenfuhrer.