View Full Version : 8th May 1945 Flyer.
09-10-2004, 08:52 PM
This is not an atempt to take the mickey out of anyone , lets get this straight to begin with .
Found this via an Excellent Military Dealer , it is 100% genuine and is not a fake.
Dr. Brandt
09-11-2004, 01:53 PM
This is not an atempt to take the mickey out of anyone , lets get this straight to begin with .
Found this via an Excellent Military Dealer , it is 100% genuine and is not a fake.
Prove thats not a fake?
There is no way that some lil splittergroup with a typewriter could have known on 8th May that Dr. Goebbels and his wife plus his children have died in the ruins of the chanclory. There is also no way the could have known that Borman had died. His death wasn't certefied until the 70ys. How the hell did they find out that Krebs died?
This is a joke! More forgeries from the Cerb! Jolly good show! Who typed that? Selfton Delmer and his office of Black Propaganda?
And the name of that Publication? It say "NS-Leadership" and the title is "the" and a picture of a fish. Hahaha! Sure! "The Fish" the symbol of Nationaloscialists! ROFL! "Number 257". So tell me, why hasn't anyone seen any of the other 256 Numbers?
Is this "Document" part of your collection? How much did you pay for it? LOL! Oh man, someone made a good deal with selling you an old piece of paper!
Hey, I got an original roll of toilettpaper from Goebbels Mansion at "Krumme Lanke". for you I will make a special price of $ 200. It's original! I swear to god! Cross my heart! :222
09-11-2004, 02:40 PM
And the name of that Publication? It say "NS-Leadership" and the title is "the" and a picture of a fish. Hahaha! Sure! "The Fish" the symbol of Nationaloscialists! ROFL! "Number 257". So tell me, why hasn't anyone seen any of the other 256 Numbers?
;) I read that publication every week:
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Dr. Brandt
09-11-2004, 03:11 PM
"Nordsee" must be closed! It's a nationalsocialist terrorgroup! HEEEEEEEEEELP!
Gut gemacht Nordgau! Hahah! Ich lach mich kaputt! :D
I just noticed something else: They write "Josef" instead of Joseph, which is very comon by Anglo-Saxons. And Goebbels had 6 Children, but this paper mentions just 4. Obviously the Forger doesn't know his History very well. I think that any "NS-Leadership" would have known the correct spelling of Dr. Goebbels name and how many children he had!
Tell us, was this the man that sold you the leaflet?:
09-11-2004, 04:42 PM
I have several Issues of the Panzer-Bär from May 1945, single page Newspaper for Berlin which I bought for not more than 30 Euros. I see no sense in forging this stupid flier. Whats the purpose? To show German resistance?
No, to fool the idiots that buy it :p
Reinhold Elstner
09-11-2004, 06:19 PM
Forged Third Reich Docs is big business quite apart from any attempt to further slur and blacken their names.
it is 100% genuine and is not a fake
So, Cerberus, how do you know?
Dr. Brandt
09-11-2004, 06:46 PM
So, Cerberus, how do you know?
He wrote it! :D
09-11-2004, 08:46 PM
Forged , no it was sold on friday by a dealer of some reputation.
Its not forged , any errors must go the person who made it up back in May 45.
OK I may may view things differently from some folks but I can quite honestly say this is not something made up or forged.
From my point of view I see no profit in making something up or promoting a false piece. ( I spend enough time avoiding them and having been stung on one or two occasions have a dislike of forged / faked "historical items").
The dealer has an international reputation , a leading expert , his company's name has become a by word for total honesty , integrety and the selling of sound authentic pieces.
I am reluctant to post his name here but if anyone wants a link to his site send me a pm.
I don't know how many of you collect 3rd reich items in a serious manner but a look over the items for sale will quickly dispel any doubts.
Yes , there is plenty of money to be made in selling forged papers and decorations , but this is not a crude buy it now from ebay.
If you are looking for good examples of DK , RK Honor Goblet , Blood Order etc , this is the man to buy from.
On the other hand if you are looking for cheap crap and rubbish I suggest some of the eastern dealers who sell from Eastern Europe , the $400 "genuine Knights Cross".
Reinhold Elstner
09-11-2004, 10:27 PM
Cerberus said;
Forged , no it was sold on friday by a dealer of some reputation
That the dealer is, as you claim, reputable does not prove that it is not forged.
Dr. Brandt
09-11-2004, 11:06 PM
Cerberus said;
That the dealer is, as you claim, reputable does not prove that it is not forged.
I have made the experiance, the more "reputable" a dealer is, the more junk and forgerys they sell. It's a common trick, that when you sell 10 originals that they throw in one or two forgerys. also, sometimes they don't even know it themselves. They are here to make money and not to help build an authentic collection or museum.
In any case, that rag is a forgery.
Reinhold Elstner
09-11-2004, 11:16 PM
Yes, Dr Brandt, we only have to remember all the "experts" falling over themselves to authenticate the "Hitler Diaries" (and other nonsense) to place too much store in this kind of stuff.
09-12-2004, 12:56 AM
The HD's are not a really fair example.
The "con" there was to make one massive killing , take the money and run , and as many million marks as you can get away with.
Estiblishing a respectable business as a long term and successful enterprise which attracts and sustains regular buyers who know what they are buying is a different matter altogether.
As I said if you want to know the dealers name pm me , I am not going to post it up here.
Paper and ink types can be easily dated , it was one of the faults with the Hitler diaries.
Dr. Brandt's comments are general statements but are they based on any degree of experience ?
As far as this particular dealer goes an international reputation was worked for and is to be valued , selling cheap nasty forged items , well make your mind up , do you honestly think that selling this item for less than 200 euros is worth it ?
As far as major dealers go reputation is everything , when it goes your buisness goes with it.
Besides which I posted this up just by way of interest , this particular dealer I don't have to defend his name is good and will remain good.
I have bought several major items from him and will do again.
Dr. Brandt
09-12-2004, 01:03 AM
, do you honestly think that selling this item for less than 200 euros is worth it ?
As far as major dealers go reputation is everything , when it goes your buisness goes with it.
Besides which I posted this up just by way of interest , this particular dealer I don't have to defend his name is good and will remain good.
I have bought several major items from him and will do again.
Does this mean you paid over 200 Euros for that piece of paper? If you did, then you are more stupid than I thought.
Reinhold Elstner
09-12-2004, 01:05 AM
I have bought several major items from him and will do again.
As long as you don't buy any more fake docs, on the other hand, please feel free to believe in whatever you like, just dont' expect the rest of us to swallow it.
09-12-2004, 01:35 AM
Did I say I bought it ?
I said it was sold , I did not buy it. I found the item presented as a jpeg , I did not buy it. Someone else did.
Yes I did buy something , an officers sword by Eickhorn.
Each to their own.
A lot of assumptions drawn.
Reinhold Elstner
09-12-2004, 10:08 AM
Did I say I bought it ?
I said it was sold , I did not buy it
I do beg your pardon.
However, how can you attest to the authenticity of something you have only seen on JPEG?
09-12-2004, 01:55 PM
Seems that somewhere it was assumed I bought it.
How do you judge from a jpeg.
Simple its the same reason why you don't buy a RK for $400 fvia ebay from a total stranger in Lativia.
When a dealer of reputation gives you a life time bond that the piece is 1005 with cash back if it is ever found to be otherwise and where that dealerr has spent their entire buisnes life protecting and ensuring that they have and continue to have a name of international standing , who has most to lose ?
"My" 150 Euo odd is small fry , the greater loss would be his.
BTW If I had any doubt about anything I have it would be expertly examined and would be straight back with the dealer it came from.
To date I have only had one item checked a DK in Gold by Klien it was sound.
No problem. In a nut shell that is how you check.
Again knowing the dealer I have no doubts about this piece of paper , which I do not own.
Reinhold Elstner
09-12-2004, 02:05 PM
I'm sorry; that something comes from a reputable dealer does not prove its authenticity.
The best scams are pulled off through reputable dealers precisely because to work, they have to be convincing especially to people who might know something about it.
Did you know that there is a company that produces facsimilie Third Reich documents on aged authentic paper using original typewriters etc? (They don't sell them as originals) Its not that hard you know.
Of course the test of authenticity is not only based on forensic examination but on the content - if it is a document - and your piece fails that test as Dr. Brandt has shown. I'm sure lots more imposibilities and improbabilities could be found on a closer examination.
09-12-2004, 07:56 PM
RE I take your point regarding forgery and the fine art of screwing people .
On this I am going completely on the dealers reputation , but its one which I have complete faith in.
Regarding fake items how are good quality copies of Rk's made , with the origional tools and machinery and with parts that were spare from 39-45.
Fakes are copies and they can always be detected.
As I say con men don't last nor do they aquire a good name based on selling reproduction items.
Reinhold Elstner
09-13-2004, 01:44 AM
how are good quality copies of Rk's made
What are Rk's?
Just for your interest, here is the link to the people who do customised Third Reich documents -
So now you can order up a personalised invite to the Fuehrer's garden party!
Dr. Brandt
09-13-2004, 08:22 AM
What are Rk's?
Just for your interest, here is the link to the people who do customised Third Reich documents -
So now you can order up a personalised invite to the Fuehrer's garden party!
He might mean "ritterkreuze" (Knightscross). He is trying to sound proffesional with his abreviations. :rolleyes:
What Mr. Cerb seems to forgett is, that the militaria-dealers form their own lil Mafia. One crow doesn't hack another the eyes out, otherwise it would be bad for buisness. I know cases where they give each other certificates of authenticy, just to dupe the customer.
Reinhold Elstner
09-13-2004, 08:50 AM
I know cases where they give each other certificates of authenticy
No doubt typed on authentic Third Reich typewriters complete with SS runes!
Dr. Brandt
09-13-2004, 08:53 AM
No doubt typed on authentic Third Reich typewriters complete with SS runes!
Signed by the Führer himself! :D
09-14-2004, 12:58 AM
Dr. Brandt i am most shocked you spelt "ritterkruze" with a small "r", how :jew: ish of you.
Take 100 lines at once.
No I don't mind your little fun Dr. B. honestly , you are so sharp.
I will have to call you Mr Wilkinson or "G2 Turbo" or just good old "Bic" . :D
Go on Dr. B , be a sport and name the dealers who back each other up blow the gaff on the "old boys network".
BTW Do you want the invite to say Dr. Brandt and friend ;) and what period signature do you want on it. :p
PS I didn't use Rk to look professional , I am just lazy :eek:
"Evil be to him that evil thinks" Black Prince
What's with the fish anyway?
What are Rk's?
Just for your interest, here is the link to the people who do customised Third Reich documents -
They are Fake?!?!?! I just got some original business cards LOL :D :D and they say that I'm the Führer's closest friend!!!!!
Reinhold Elstner
09-14-2004, 09:00 AM
Odin said;
they say that I'm the Führer's closest friend!!!!!
Well aren't you?
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