View Full Version : Mel Gibson Outraged" with LA Cross Decision

07-06-2004, 01:58 AM

Reportedly upset over the recent decision of the Los Angeles Board of Supervisors to kow-tow to the ACLU and delete the tiny cross on the City's official seal, Mel Gibson is reported to be interested in helping to fight to retain the symbol, which represents the historical roots of the county.

The city was first founded as a Christian mission.

Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich, the courageous supervisor who has battled to keep the cross on the seal, told the Los Angeles Daily News that Gibson had met with Rabbi Daniel Lapin, president of the National Jewish Christian Alliance Toward Tradition.

"The rabbi said he was with Mel Gibson and they were outraged at the action of the Board of Supervisors because the cross represents the historical founding of our county," Antonovich told the News.

While noting that he could not speak for the producer of the smash hit "The Passion of the Christ" Lapin told the News he is supporting a signature-gathering effort seeking to put the matter on the ballot and allow the citizens to decide if the cross should remain on the seal.

"This is what the Muslims did when they took over Spain, removed every sign of the cross," Lapin said. "I always say, Israel's safety belt is America's Bible Belt. As long as Americans respect the cross, Jews and other minorities are safe. In post-Christian Europe, anti-Semitism is rife."

During the heated controversy over the Passion, Rabbi Lapin was an outspoken defender of Gibson. Gibson's spokesman said that the star, now in Australia, was not available for comment.

07-06-2004, 02:18 AM
"This is what the Muslims did when they took over Spain, removed every sign of the cross," Lapin said. "I always say, Israel's safety belt is America's Bible Belt. As long as Americans respect the cross, Jews and other minorities are safe. In post-Christian Europe, anti-Semitism is rife."

He really meant to say Jews, not Americans.

07-06-2004, 03:00 AM
I may be a naive European, but enlighten me here please: I know that biblebelt is filled with shabbos goyim, but is it really that bad that an important rabbi can speak that arrogantly in public?

07-06-2004, 03:10 AM
You have to understand. Christianity has been replaced in America by what is called 'Judeo-Christianity'. Hence, Americans often refer to the 'Judeo-Christian' principles their country was founded upon (whatever that is supposed to mean). But yeah, the evangelicals in America are basically a bunch of wild-eyed, fanatic, Jew worshipers. And yes, it really is that bad here.

07-06-2004, 03:29 AM
I have been chatting with religious neoconservative people for a long time now, and I thought I had heard it all. Guess I was wrong. From what I see here, such attitudes must annoy most members A LOT. We have lots of arabian no good punks terrorizing people here and shouting racism when people demand that they stop, but an arrogant acknowledgement that they indeed leach off of us and that we are suckers for allowing that and allowing our culture to be subverted, I can't say I have seen any of them being this bold. It's like a vulture trying to devour living prey, let's hope the American prey has enough strength left to snap the vulture's neck.

07-06-2004, 03:33 AM
constantinus, why do you suppose most Westerners so meekly tolerate such outrages and insults?

07-06-2004, 03:38 AM
I don't think there is just one cause, but the main cause is probably some mistaken form of guilt, hammered in by the remnants of a suicidal studentmovement in the 1960s, people who against better judment translate jewish inspired socialism into an anti-white dogooderism. That's my assessment of what the main cause of it is in my homecountry anyway. Whatever jewish roots people may try to seek in this, most of the peril comes from our stupidity to take over this drivel.

friedrich braun
07-06-2004, 04:32 AM
The typical 'born-again" American Evangelical is barking-mad insane.

''The single strongest group for Israel in the United States, apart from Jews, is conservative Christians,'' declared Ralph Reed, co-chairman of Stand for Israel and former executive director of the Christian Coalition. He also noted that 80 percent of self-identified Republicans also favor military action against Baghdad.