View Full Version : The Jewish Decleration of War on Germany
Dr. Brandt
09-02-2004, 04:18 PM
Article from The Barnes Review, Jan./Feb. 2001, pp. 41-45.
The Barnes Review, 645 Pennsylvania Ave SE, Suite 100, Washington D.C. 20003, USA.
By M. Raphael Johnson, Ph.D., assistant editor of TBR;
published here with kind permission from TBR:
The Biggest Secret of WWII?
Why Germany Began Rounding Up Jews
and Deporting Them to the East
Why did the Germans begin rounding up the Jews and interning them in the concentration camps to begin with? Contrary to popular myth, the Jews remained "free" inside Germany - albeit subject to laws which did restrict certain of their privileges - prior to the outbreak of World War II.
Yet, the other little-known fact is that just before the war began, the leadership of the world Jewish community formally declared war on Germany - above and beyond the ongoing six-year-long economic boycott launched by the worldwide Jewish community when the Nazi Party came to power in 1933.
As a consequence of the formal declaration of war, the German authorities thus deemed Jews to be potential enemy agents.
Here's the story behind the story: Chaim Weizmann (above), president of both the international "Jewish Agency" and of the World Zionist Organization (and later Israel's first president), told British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain in a letter published in The London Times on September 6, 1939 that:
I wish to confirm, in the most explicit manner, the declarations which I and my colleagues have made during the last month, and especially in the last week, that the Jews stand by Great Britain and will fight on the side of the democracies. Our urgent desire is to give effect to these declarations [against Germany].
We wish to do so in a way entirely consonant with the general scheme of British action, and therefore would place ourselves, in matters big and small, under the coordinating direction of His Majesty's Government. The Jewish Agency is ready to enter into immediate arrangements for utilizing Jewish manpower, technical ability, resources, etc.
09-02-2004, 05:27 PM
So did the mentally ill and handicaped declare war on Germany as well ?
Did the homosexual community declare war on Germany ?
Did the Jehovahs Witnesses declare war on Germany ?
Did the trade union Movement delacre war on Germany ?
Did anyone who spoke out of line and ended up in a Concentration camp under "protective Custodity" declare war on Germany ?
When did the Jews become a nation or a country at this time , members of a religious sect and who made man a speker on behalf of Germany Jews ?
Hitler had already made Jews within Germany people without rights and outside society.
For an excuse Dr. Brandt you grasp at straws.
09-02-2004, 05:29 PM
Did the trade union Movement delacre war on Germany ?
Actually that one is an unqualified yes.
So did the mentally ill and handicaped declare war on Germany as well ?
You mis-spelt 'handicapped'. You got the 'mentally ill' part right though.
Did the homosexual community declare war on Germany ?
The homosexualists declare war on decency. They also fall under the banner of 'mentally ill'.
Did the Jehovahs Witnesses declare war on Germany ?
See 'mentally ill'.
Did the trade union Movement delacre war on Germany ?
I would declare war on trade unions, as well as the labor party, if given the chance.
Did anyone who spoke out of line and ended up in a Concentration camp under "protective Custodity" declare war on Germany ?
I don't know. Do you?
When did the Jews become a nation or a country at this time , members of a religious sect and who made man a speker on behalf of Germany Jews ?
The jews are a mongrelised race and religion combined.
09-03-2004, 06:03 PM
Yep can't type for buttons ! probably can't spell too wellll either :o
bottom line NS declared war on everything not NS.
Gay community , no not sick just diverse. Not for me anyway .
Yes if you did speak out of turn , you could get B&B free in Dachau for an unspecified time .
Jews declaring war on Germany , think Hitler made his usual first strike.
09-03-2004, 06:37 PM
If a modern democracy can declare war on "hate", "sexism", "racism", etc, what's the huge deal with National Socialists declaring war on things that stand in the way of their ideals?
Hate crime police raid 150 homes (
09-03-2004, 08:56 PM
Don't think any of the "wars" you mentioned involved the taking of life.
09-03-2004, 09:06 PM
::When did the Jews become a nation or a country at this time , members of a religious sect and who made man a speker on behalf of Germany Jews ?
I think you are confusing nations with states here, cerb. The Jews have always considered themselves to be a nation, even though all Jews still do not live in the same state. And yes, this Jewish nation recognised many organisations such as the WJC as being the representatives of the Jewish people. These organisations went about cultivating hostility towards Germany and supporting the Allied war effort.
09-03-2004, 09:30 PM
Don't think any of the "wars" you mentioned involved the taking of life.
So what? They still suppress the "individual" for the goal of those in power.
I believe ideological wars in a modern democracy are even more insidious, because people are less likely to resist a soft tyranny in the making.
09-07-2004, 12:00 AM
The arguement of "jewish war declaration" is an example of "using reason to justify sentiment that pre-existed the reason", which Ix started discussing in some thread.
Its also a logical fallacy; just because die Endlosung came AFTER the jewish declaration, does not mean it happend BECAUSE of it.
Dr. Brandt
09-07-2004, 08:40 AM
The arguement of "jewish war declaration" is an example of "using reason to justify sentiment that pre-existed the reason", which Ix started discussing in some thread.
Its also a logical fallacy; just because die Endlosung came AFTER the jewish declaration, does not mean it happend BECAUSE of it.
What Endlösung?
09-08-2004, 12:51 AM
Fade you may not like me saying this but many of te German jews deported or forced from german and eventually killed by Hitlers Goverment were in fact productive members of society .
The Frank family for example had members who had served germany and were decorated in 14-18.
The officer who recommended Hitler for "EK1" was a Jew , the doctor who tried to treat his mother when she was terminally ill was a Jew.
Always this comes back to the Jews , if it rained tomorrow no doubt it would be some form of Jewish Plot to spolit the day.
09-08-2004, 04:45 AM
What Endlösung?
09-08-2004, 06:21 AM
That tells nothing about how they died. How does it constitute an Endloesung?
09-08-2004, 07:12 AM
:: Fade you may not like me saying this but many of te German jews deported or forced from german and eventually killed by Hitlers Goverment were in fact productive members of society .
Yes. You could find them in the front lines of the Communist Party (just as was the case in Poland, as I have previously documented), in the pornography industry, making countless millions of dollars off the destruction of the German Mark (a scheme which they recently repeated in post-Soviet Russia), cooperating with foreigners in order to overthrow the German government and financially enrich themselves.
:: The Frank family for example had members who had served germany and were decorated in 14-18.
And Max Warburg represented Germany at Versailles while Paul Warburg advised President Wilson.
:: The officer who recommended Hitler for "EK1" was a Jew , the doctor who tried to treat his mother when she was terminally ill was a Jew.
Rosa Luxemburg was a Jew. So was Kurt Eisner. Come to think of it, so was Karl Liebknecht. And lest I forget, Bela Kun next door in Hungary was also a Jew.
:: Always this comes back to the Jews . . .
I don't have a problem, as a matter of principle, checking out the claims the National Socialists made about the Jews. Many of them, believe it or not, were true. So it does not really surprise me that philo-Semites avoid discussing the matter and resort to name-calling instead.
:: if it rained tomorrow no doubt it would be some form of Jewish Plot to spolit the day.
Actually, there were several Jewish plots to overthrow gentile governments in Europe. These met with success in Russia and Hungary.
Dr. Brandt
09-08-2004, 09:57 AM
That tells nothing about how they died. How does it constitute an Endloesung?
Those are actually camp victims of an allied airraid at the V2 consturction site "Dora III". The bodies were placed in rows for burial, when the allies arrived, made their propagandafilms and claimed we killed them.
09-08-2004, 10:02 AM
LOL victims of an air raid, all of those corpses were obviously near starvation( and thats the probable cause of death for most of them) when they died. If they were killed in an air rade where are the missing limbs and the burns?
Dr. Brandt
09-08-2004, 10:33 AM
The officer who recommended Hitler for "EK1" was a Jew , the doctor who tried to treat his mother when she was terminally ill was a Jew.
Do you have any more nonsense and jewish myths at hand, Mr. proffesional Liar?
Hitler was recomended twice for the Iron Cross by his commander Leiutenant Col. Engelhart (woh was no Jew). Because his Commander was always wounded before he could send off his recomendation. He then was recomended by the Regimentsadjutant Eichelsdörfer and received his Iron Cross on 2nd December 1914 from his new Commander Lt.Col. Petz.
All were non Jews.
On 4th August 1918 Hitler received the Iron Cross first class from his Reg.Commander Major Von Tuebeuf. At that time the second regiments-adjutant and Jew Lt. Gutmann was on home leave [From 22.July to 15th August 1918] and could not have awarded him with the Iron Cross. He also didn't recomend him, but just passed the recomendation list to the Reg.commander for verification. The recomendationlist was written by Adujtant Wiedemann and Sargent Max Amann.
09-08-2004, 01:32 PM
LOL victims of an air raid, all of those corpses were obviously near starvation( and thats the probable cause of death for most of them) when they died.
Germans were starving at the end of the war, Keikel. Germany had more people than it had land to feed them, which was one reason for the seizure of eastern territory after the Allies/Jews boycotted Germany.
If they were killed in an air rade where are the missing limbs and the burns?
Can you even make out the details in that picture?
09-08-2004, 07:55 PM
Germans were starving at the end of the war, Keikel. Germany had more people than it had land to feed them, which was one reason for the seizure of eastern territory after the Allies/Jews boycotted Germany.
These people had been starving for a long time before they died. According to Doc Brandt himself here there was no real starvation till Germany was overrun. I quote from the old phora "My (father or grandfather) said we had everything during the war, even if it was rationed".
Can you even make out the details in that picture?
The corpses though skeletal are in one piece and generally unburned, not characteristic for those who died in an air raid.
Dr. Brandt
09-08-2004, 08:35 PM
LOL victims of an air raid, all of those corpses were obviously near starvation( and thats the probable cause of death for most of them) when they died. If they were killed in an air rade where are the missing limbs and the burns?
why dont you take a closer look IDIOT! Not all of them are skeletal. Not all of them are even prisoners. Who says all bombraid victims die on burn wounds. they can be buried under rubble or suffocate or get their lungs bursted by the pressure of the detonations. Dumbass! It's a fact that these are from dora III and it's a fact that they were killed by an allied airraid.
Not that it would matter the slightest bit for me if we would have killed them all. It's not like I am going to cry for concentrationcamp scum while at the same time thausands of Germans were dieing in battle to defend their homeland. I have other prioretys than the JEW.S.A.
09-08-2004, 08:45 PM
why dont you take a closer look IDIOT! Not all of them are skeletal. Not all of them are even prisoners. Who says all bombraid victims die on burn wounds. they can be buried under rubble or suffocate or get their lungs bursted by the pressure of the detonations.
Your skill at diaganosing the cause of death are entirely worthy of the quack doctor whos username you bear.
All the close up ones are skeletal, the ones in the backround are too blurry to make out. And they are ALL in one piece.
If it was an airraid, a good % would be in pieces.
Reinhold Elstner
09-09-2004, 10:54 AM
Cerberus said;
So did the mentally ill and handicaped declare war on Germany as well ?
Did the homosexual community declare war on Germany ?
Did the Jehovahs Witnesses declare war on Germany ?
Did the trade union Movement delacre war on Germany ?
Did anyone who spoke out of line and ended up in a Concentration camp under "protective Custodity" declare war on Germany ?
I assume you are suggesting that Germany was carrying out the same extermination against these groups as is alleged against the Jews?
Firstly, it is interesting that none of those groups have much to say on this subject. The so-called survivor testimonies that allege gassing etc are always from Jews. How curious. Curious it is also, that we don't see a holocaust industry homosexuals, Jehovas, etc.
Secondly, would you like to discuss the evidence for these claims as opposed to just repeating them?
As to your point about speaking out of line. What exactly do you mean? Certainly from war time Germany acted no differently in this respect than any other country in a state of war. For the period between 1933-39 it is clear that there were subversive elements working against the new regime so perhaps they had good cause to be defensive. On the other hand Church leaders did criticise the regime with no ill effects as indeed others who were nt to be not supportive were left unmolested, although they would have been monitored, for the period.
Hitler had already made Jews within Germany people without rights and outside society.
For an excuse Dr. Brandt you grasp at straws.
Actually no. The banner headline of the Daily Express of March 24, 1933, I repeat 1933, said;
"Judea Declares War on Germany"
Jews Of All The World Unite In Action
Daily Express, Friday, March 24, 1933
ALL Israel is uniting in wrath against the Nazi onslaught on the Jews in Germany.
Adolf Hitler, swept into power by an appeal to elemental patriotism, is making history of a kind he least expected. Thinking to unite only the German nation to race consciousness he has roused the entire Jewish people to a national renaissance.
The appearance of the swastika symbol of a new Germany has called forth the Lion of Judah, the old battle symbol of Jewish defiance.
Fourteen million Jews dispersed through the world have banded together as one man to declare war on the German persecutors of their co-religionists. Sectional differences and antagonisms have been submerged in one common aim -- to stand by the 600,000 Jews of Germany who are terrorized by Hitlerist anti-semitism, and to compel Fascist Germany to end its campaign of violence and suppression directed against its Jewish minority.
World Jewry has made up its mind not to rest quiescent in face of the arrive of medieval Jew-baiting.
Germany may be called up to pay a heavy price for Hitler's antagonism to the Jews. She is faced with an international boycott in commerce, finance, and ministry. She may find herself in spiritual and cultural isolation, recoiling before the burning crusade that Jews of all lands are launching in defence of their brethren.
The Jewish merchant prince is leaving his counting-house, the banker his board-room, the shopkeeper his store, and the pedlar his humble barrow to join together in what has become a holy war to combat the Hitlerite enemies of the Jew.
We hear from the official historians about the one day boycott of Jewish businesses organised in response to this but they always seem to forget to tell us about why this boycott came about.
As is plain to see international Jewry by their anti-German actions put the Jews of Germany into a difficult position. Henceforth they became potential internal enemies.
Cerberus again;
Jews declaring war on Germany , think Hitler made his usual first strike.
Well clearly the facts speak aginst this.
Reinhold Elstner
09-09-2004, 10:56 AM
Cereberus said;
Don't think any of the "wars" you mentioned involved the taking of life.
How about Waco?
Reinhold Elstner
09-09-2004, 11:04 AM
Regarding this photo of dead people, it is not clear what the cause of death was. However, it is a complete red herring. Remember it was posted in response to Dr Brandt's question "What Endloesung?" The allegation against the Germans is that they shot/gassed and burned 6 million Jews as part of an Endloesung.
How does this photo support that contention?
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