View Full Version : Interesting Info on StormFront

07-05-2004, 12:40 AM
On page 5 of a thread on StormFront called “Can a Jew be a white supremacist?” someone named Pravoslavnia posted some very interesting and well written stuff. She’s a Brit, apparently, and has an interesting take! http://www.stormfront.org/forum/showthread.php?t=134716&page=5&pp=10

Pravoslavnia answered someone:
Great post. Just some small corrections.

1. Converts to Judaism are in a similar category as mamzerim (b@stards). Several generations must past before the convert and his offspring may marry members of the priestly class. Converts are also often married to Jewish b@stards as they are one of the few categories of Jew allowed to a b@stard. Note that a mamzer is the offspring of a marriage not recognized by Judaism. For example if a woman remarries without getting a Jewish divorce first, her children of the 2nd marriage are mamzerim. The civil divorce is not sufficient. Given the high number of non-religious Jews today, many modern Jews fall into the mamzer category. So converts are useful for providing spouses to these lower class Jews.

2. Talmudic Judaism separates people into four categories:
1. Jews
2. Noahides
3. Amalekis
4. Eruv Rav

#'s 1 and 4 are Jewish born. #'s 2 & 3 are gentile born (goyim). In the Jew World Order, only gentiles accepting the Noahide religion (kind of a modified Judaism for non-Jews) and submitting themselves to Jewish rulership will be allowed to live. Once the Jew Order is established, no gentile will be allowed to convert to Judaism and instead will only have the choice of becoming a recognized Noahide. Gentiles and Jews who reject Talmudic law, Amalekis and Eruv Rav, respectively, will be killed.

Chabad Lubavitch's Noahide.com site openly calls for the death penalty for anyone who celebrates Christmas. These are the same people who replaced Nativity creches with Chanukah Menorahs in public places. These are also the sprititual guides of most of the neo-Cons. I mention Chabad, because they actively promote the Noahide religion - both in public and in government.

Christians who refuse to renounce their Christianity fall under #3. Jews who refuse the Talmudic Jew World Order come under #4. Communism is especially included under #4 for while Communism is a type of Jew World Order it is not Talmudic and is actually the Jewish version of an antichrist.

The only reason why the Jews tolerate the so-called Christian Zionists (a total oxymoron!) is that they expect these pseudo-Christians to become Noahides once the Jews establish their king (a.k.a. Antichrist).

She was answered by JohnJoyTree:
Pravoslavnia, you are a very wise woman, and I salute you.
But I sometimes wonder - do you really and deeply understand that all this stuff is illusion?
That it's not mighty either for good or for evil?
That it's warped religious mania, pathetic and embarassing, sad, and clownish??
Pravoslavnia asnwered him:
Is it warped religious mania, pathetic and embarassing, sad, and clownish? YES. Is it illusion or not mighty for good or for evil? On this, I must respectfully disagree. Here in the United States, people who believe this stuff are the powers behind the throne. The same goes for Israel. As far as numbers go, what I write does NOT apply to 90% of all Jews. But if that 10% is the percent that has control of the USA, then it is a concern. Look, JJT, we almost had a Vice President in this country that is a subscriber to the Jewish beliefs that I expose. That is a little too close for comfort. Former Bush Mouthpiece Ari Fleisher and Wolfowitz and most of the other Jewish neocons claim these people as their spiritual guides. If you want documentation, I'll provide it. Nevertheless, having these people in power is a little too close for comfort. So no, I would not call it an illusion.

The truth is this: Jews are divided into two camps. One camp fits the type of Jews I often describe in my posts. They are numerically a minority, but are currently the powerholders. One thing most Jews have in common is the belief in globalism. The only Jews I wouldn't include here are those who do not identify themselves as Jews in anyway whatsoever, either culturally or religiously or even ethnically; although they are racially Jewish.

The difference between the two camps is how they see the globalism to operate. One group is associated with left wing Democrats and the other with the neocons. The one side would have the UN or some other cooperative and Marxist leaning rule of the world and the other has some religious delusion of an actual King in Zion ruling the world by Talmudic law. Until GWB, most of the Jewish influence was in the leftist camp. Now, however we have a madman president who has given carte blanche to the other contingent of Jews.

Both the UN style globalism and the neocon Zionism are threats to our people. The first because of the desire for racemixing and the eradication of the White Race and Culture and the second because it will kill anyone who doesn't accept the rule of Jews.

As for the left leaning, they are, as you have correctly mentioned in other posts, dying out by low birthrates as well as intermarriage. Many of their children are not being raised Jewish - either in the cultural or religious sense. This is a good thing. As time passes, the threat from this type diminishes. But it only diminishes if they abandon the "defend Jews no matter what" mentality - which unfortunately many of them carry with them.

On the other hand, the fanatical religious Orthodox Jews have at least five children per family and it is not uncommon to see families with ten children. So eventually, the religious Jews will replace those lost and the result will be a more and more dangerous Jewish contingent. It means a greater concentration of fanatical and irrational Judaism.

It seems to me that you are used to the left Jew type. Live and breathe the reality of nearly-conquered America that is cheered on especially by religious Jews. They are tiny, but they are in power. This is my concern and I will continue to educate my fellow WN's as much as possible. Our best weapons are: 1. love of our own people 2. the truth AND 3. knowing the enemy.

I believe that WN's need to know how to address the Jewish problem (which exists in the USA - as countless SF Americans will agree) and be able to use the exact terminology used by the enemy. It will enable us to call their bluff. These fanatical Jews speak in coded language that is unintelligible to gentile and non-religious Jew alike. I aim to expose that code and give people the right words to use. I aim to expose their strategy precisely. The reason is that the Orthodox Jewish mentality is that if you make one error in your accusations, they will deny everything. I want to call their number so clearly that they won't be able to deny that we have indeed called their number and will have to give up their current bid for world domination. It happened in the past, so there is no reason why it can't happen again. Two previous failed attempts included the Bar Kochba revolution and the millions strong movement of Shabbetai Zvi. After both failures, the Jews went back in hiding for awhile and stayed out of political manuvering for a few centuries. We need to make that happen for good.

I think that I have also pointed out again and again, that the fanatic Jews I write about consider the left leaning and apostate Jews to be part of "eruv rav" and they hate and want to kill them as much as they hate and want to kill us.

JJT, I really respect you but also wonder whether you might be a little too naive when it comes to the current situation in the United States. I am sure with the current immigration crisis in the U.K., what I have to say might seem trivial, but I can tell you that with our current US government and the current situation in Israel, the time is indeed grave for the entire world. You can't expect rationality when dealing with religious fanatics - and that is what we have running this country: fanatical Jew and Christian alike.

I would be interested in feedback from other SF's out there as to whether what I have to say is relevant or whether JJT is absolutely right. If it is not relevant, then I'll take note and not post such things.

And she was answered later by MuadDib:
By all means, continue posting. There are those that like to downplay the jews, that have jew friends, that have pie in the sky ideas of how we should deal with jews. They are the ones that haven't researched, haven't studied, who ignore the history of the jews and their methods, who somehow think that they will change thousands of years worth of behavior by "playing nice."
Keep posting.