09-02-2004, 06:42 AM
I'm starting this thread to gather information on the Jewish myth of the Amalek, starting with a post that made me chuckle.
Amalek were a nation of people, descended from Eisav's grandson - who was called Amalek.
When Ya'akov ran away from his brother Eisav, Eisav sent his grandson (Amalek) to kill Ya'akov (Eisav had fed all of his descendants with a hate for Ya'akov - but especially Amalek).
Amalek found Ya'akov, but was persuaded to leave him alone - yet he still stole all of Ya'akov's possessions except the clothes on his back - even though it was in the middle of the desert.
But that is not the reason why G-D commanded us to hate Amalek.
When the Jews left Egypt (after all of the miracles performed for us), noone wanted to start with them - the nations of the world trembled at the very mention of our name, as they knew that the Almighty G-D was looking after us. The nations who at that time were dwelling in Eretz Yisrael (then known as Eretz Cana'an - after the main nation who lived there - the Cana'anites), were not even THINKING of putting up a fight when they heard that we were coming to take over their land. Amalek, however (who dwelled in the south of Eretz Yisrael, didn't care. They were so consumed with the hatred of our Holy Nation that their ancestor Amalek, had passed down to them, that they couldn't care less about WHO or WHAT was guarding us - they just wanted to annihilate every single one of us!
They launched an attack from the rear (where they knew all of the stragglers such as the elderly would be. But they lost miserably! (not ONE Jew died in the battle that ensued!!!)
However, Amalek had succeeded in one way. That is, they removed the aura of percieved "invincibility" around the Jewish Nation. The nations of the world - while still terrified - realised that we WERE, after all, human - and therefore - in theory - COULD be defeated! They regained their courage to fight us somewhat, and that caused us many difficulties - and lives.
Our Holy Sages compare what Amalek did, to a man who jumps into a boiling bath of water. He gets burned badly. However, the water cools somewhat, and after a few more people jump in, the water is not so hot any more. In a way, that is what Amalek did to us - and G-D can NEVER forgive them for it! (However, this parable is irrelevant - as long as we obey G-D and His Will!)
Amalek also attacked us at various other periods in our history (most times we won! ) - but that first time is what caused Hashem to command us to destroy them completely!
(As a side point, Haman (from the story of Purim) was a descendant of the nation of Amalek - and look what he tried to do!)
However, at this day and age, we do not know WHO they are. The reason for this is because when the king of Babylon exiled the Ten Lost Tribes, he also exiled many other nations, and mixed them around all over the globe (in order that they should lose morral, assimmilate, and not rebel) one of these nations was Amalek.
However, the nation of Amalek is still around - they just don't know who they are. They still have an ingrained hatred for Jews - one that cannot be explained, even by them. People such as Hitler (may his name be blotted out!) are said to be descended from Amalek - simply because of their unmatched hatred towards the Jewish People.
However - before you make this common mistake, the Arabs are NOT Amalek, even though they hate us greatly. They are descended from Avraham (Abraham)'s son Yishmael - and so are a different nation entirely.
As we do not know WHO they are, we cannot fulfill this Mitzva of annihilating Amalek. However, we must do our best to "annihilate" their legacy of hatred and anti-Semitism. When Moshiach comes (hopefully soon!) it is said that he will annihilate Amalek once and for all!
LINK (http://www.kahane.org/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Unedited;action=display;num=1073155508)
Amalek were a nation of people, descended from Eisav's grandson - who was called Amalek.
When Ya'akov ran away from his brother Eisav, Eisav sent his grandson (Amalek) to kill Ya'akov (Eisav had fed all of his descendants with a hate for Ya'akov - but especially Amalek).
Amalek found Ya'akov, but was persuaded to leave him alone - yet he still stole all of Ya'akov's possessions except the clothes on his back - even though it was in the middle of the desert.
But that is not the reason why G-D commanded us to hate Amalek.
When the Jews left Egypt (after all of the miracles performed for us), noone wanted to start with them - the nations of the world trembled at the very mention of our name, as they knew that the Almighty G-D was looking after us. The nations who at that time were dwelling in Eretz Yisrael (then known as Eretz Cana'an - after the main nation who lived there - the Cana'anites), were not even THINKING of putting up a fight when they heard that we were coming to take over their land. Amalek, however (who dwelled in the south of Eretz Yisrael, didn't care. They were so consumed with the hatred of our Holy Nation that their ancestor Amalek, had passed down to them, that they couldn't care less about WHO or WHAT was guarding us - they just wanted to annihilate every single one of us!
They launched an attack from the rear (where they knew all of the stragglers such as the elderly would be. But they lost miserably! (not ONE Jew died in the battle that ensued!!!)
However, Amalek had succeeded in one way. That is, they removed the aura of percieved "invincibility" around the Jewish Nation. The nations of the world - while still terrified - realised that we WERE, after all, human - and therefore - in theory - COULD be defeated! They regained their courage to fight us somewhat, and that caused us many difficulties - and lives.
Our Holy Sages compare what Amalek did, to a man who jumps into a boiling bath of water. He gets burned badly. However, the water cools somewhat, and after a few more people jump in, the water is not so hot any more. In a way, that is what Amalek did to us - and G-D can NEVER forgive them for it! (However, this parable is irrelevant - as long as we obey G-D and His Will!)
Amalek also attacked us at various other periods in our history (most times we won! ) - but that first time is what caused Hashem to command us to destroy them completely!
(As a side point, Haman (from the story of Purim) was a descendant of the nation of Amalek - and look what he tried to do!)
However, at this day and age, we do not know WHO they are. The reason for this is because when the king of Babylon exiled the Ten Lost Tribes, he also exiled many other nations, and mixed them around all over the globe (in order that they should lose morral, assimmilate, and not rebel) one of these nations was Amalek.
However, the nation of Amalek is still around - they just don't know who they are. They still have an ingrained hatred for Jews - one that cannot be explained, even by them. People such as Hitler (may his name be blotted out!) are said to be descended from Amalek - simply because of their unmatched hatred towards the Jewish People.
However - before you make this common mistake, the Arabs are NOT Amalek, even though they hate us greatly. They are descended from Avraham (Abraham)'s son Yishmael - and so are a different nation entirely.
As we do not know WHO they are, we cannot fulfill this Mitzva of annihilating Amalek. However, we must do our best to "annihilate" their legacy of hatred and anti-Semitism. When Moshiach comes (hopefully soon!) it is said that he will annihilate Amalek once and for all!
LINK (http://www.kahane.org/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Unedited;action=display;num=1073155508)