View Full Version : Arrest of Jew in French arson has community worried about crying wolf

09-01-2004, 05:00 AM
Arrest of Jew in French arson has
community worried about crying wolf
By Philip Carmel

PARIS, Aug. 30 (JTA) — French Jewish leaders fear they may have cried wolf once too often after a Jew was arrested in connection with the well-publicized arson of a Jewish community center in central Paris...


...The arrest shocked community leaders who had successfully mobilized the French political establishment to condemn what appeared to be an anti-Semitic attack...


...Cohen was equally scathing about politicians “who fear they’re going to be accused of not doing enough” to tackle anti-Semitism — though in part they have become zealous in their condemnations following stinging criticism that they weren’t taking anti-Semitism seriously enough...

(LoL, damned if you do, damned if you don't)


...President Jacques Chirac was among those quick to suspect anti-Semitic motives, while Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin rushed back to the capital from his hometown of Poitiers to visit the scene and reassure the Jewish community.

In the aftermath of the attack, Jewish leaders sought to link the incident to recent cases in which judges had been lenient with anti-Semitic offenders...


...Similarly, the recent knifing of a yeshiva student in the Paris suburbs also apparently was not motivated by anti-Semitism. And police still are investigating claims by a rabbi that he was stabbed outside his synagogue in January 2003m, as reports allege that the rabbi may have stabbed himself...


...The Gagny arson led the government to enact new measures to tackle rising anti-Semitism, with Raffarin heading-up a high-profile Cabinet committee on the issue...


...Roger Benarroch, vice president of the CRIF umbrella organization of French Jewry, told JTA that last week’s arson and the reaction to it should “not cause us to lose sight of the essential, that the climate of anti-Semitism makes these things credible.”

Click here for full article (http://jta.org/page_view_story.asp?strwebhead=French%20Jews%20worried%20about%20crying%20wolf&intcategoryid=2&SearchOptimize=Jewish%20News)

09-01-2004, 05:10 AM
Apparently, the problem with Jews being caught in hate hoaxes is that it hinders the Jewish fight against "anti-semitism".

09-01-2004, 07:21 PM
Apparently, the problem with Jews being caught in hate hoaxes is that it hinders the Jewish fight against "anti-semitism".
I find this comment very antisemitic Edana. :D

09-01-2004, 07:35 PM
The jew works in mysterious ways.

France is known to be friendly with many Arab states, including Yasser Arafat. The French have made some disparing remarks about Israel in the past. The French, more or less, are nationalistic and not keen on the Jew World Order. France firmly rejected the Jewish War On Iraq along with it's bogus rationale.

Et voila, le trompe d'oeil! France is in the news everyday because of rampant anti-Semitic attacks, everywhere in France, the helpless jews and the terrible leaders of France who can't even stop it! The Jewish community is fleeing to Israel to escape the plague of anti-Semitism in France!
Stay tuned for more.

Mon Dieu! Quelle honte!

09-01-2004, 07:53 PM
The French, more or less, are nationalistic


6 weeks.

09-01-2004, 08:20 PM
I lurk on some Jewish boards and I see almost as much hatred of the French as I see for Arabs. Let's see how they feel when French politicians cease kissing the hindquarters of Jewish "community leaders" because they are tired of these bogus incidents and anti-French hatred.

09-01-2004, 08:35 PM
I lurk on some Jewish boards and I see almost as much hatred of the French as I see for Arabs. Let's see how they feel when French politicians cease kissing the hindquarters of Jewish "community leaders" because they are tired of these bogus incidents and anti-French hatred.People who make these kind of false accusations should have molten lead poured down their throats, and any who conspire with them. This yhid included.

But the French deserve their loathing... De Gaulle never should have gone back to France alive, Churchill should have listened to FDR and had him murdered when they had the chance.

09-01-2004, 08:40 PM
But the French deserve their loathing... De Gaulle never should have gone back to France alive, Churchill should have listened to FDR and had him murdered when they had the chance.

Why? What do you have against the French? I'm just pointing out that the jews have it out for the French in a bad way.

09-01-2004, 08:52 PM
What did the French ever do to you?

09-01-2004, 08:56 PM
If they had stood firm in Algeria the Arabs would never have gone back to jihading again... World War I... etc.

09-01-2004, 08:59 PM
If they had stood firm in Algeria the Arabs would never have gone back to jihading again

This is a ridiculous statement.

09-01-2004, 09:01 PM
How so, it was the 1st victory of a non Turkic Islamic military force against the West since Saladin...