View Full Version : Gaddafi to Compensate Libyan Jews for Lost Homes

09-01-2004, 03:22 AM

Gaddafi to Compensate Libyan Jews for Lost Homes

By Salah Sarrar

TRIPOLI (Reuters) - Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi (news - web sites), easing his country's way back into the international fold, on Tuesday became the first Arab leader to promise compensation for Jews who were forced from their homes due to religious tension.

"Any Jew whose home had been taken away has to be compensated or given his home back on the condition that he had not taken away the home of a Palestinian in Palestine," Gaddafi said.

Thousands of Jews were forced to leave their homes in several Arab countries, including Libya, following successive Israeli-Arab wars since 1948. But Arab leaders dismissed or ignored Jewish claims for compensations for lost assets.

No precise figures about the number of Jews forced to leave Libya are available nor estimates of the amount of compensation they might receive.

Gaddafi's gesture appeared to be part of his efforts to consolidate diplomatic gains made since last December when he announced Libya was abandoning its nuclear weapons programs.

Libya, which suffered years of isolation and sanctions, is now cited by Washington as an example for other states accused of having similar arms programs to follow.

Gaddafi, speaking at a rally in his home town of Sirte to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the bloodless coup d'etat that brought him to power, urged the United States to trust him and his drive to reconcile with the West.

He also asked Libyans to cement the new image of Libya as a peace-loving country seeking cooperation with the world.

The United States eased some economic sanctions and renewed its diplomatic ties with Tripoli, but it has yet to fully normalize relations.

"There is mutual mistrust between us because of historic reasons and we should overcome this," Gaddafi said. "We ask them to confirm to us their good will and that they will not betray us one day and we ask them to trust us."

Gaddafi urged Libyans to show love and respect for foreigners wanting to invest and do business in Libya.

"They are extending to us their hands for cooperation, we must show them our clean hands and give social, economic and financial guarantees for their investments and businesses," he said.

09-01-2004, 01:43 PM
That's always one of the first steps towards being excepted by the so called "international community," compensating the Jews, i.e., paying the customary extortion tax, isn't it? :rolleyes:

09-01-2004, 03:06 PM
It doesn't matter to the jews that Col. Gaddafi's Libya was directly responsible for the deaths of innocent Americans. Just suck up to the jew$ and all is forgiven. Kinda god-like of them isn't it?

I wonder why Saddam Hussein wasn't granted the same appeal to his alleged crimes as Gaddafi? I don't recall Saddam having ordered the bombing of American airliners in Scotland and discos in Germany like Gaddafi did, do you? Gaddafi was allowed to dispose of Libya's WMD-which means they have them-while Saddam's Iraq had no WMD's and still got blown to bits?!!?

What's going on here?!?!?!

Dr. Brandt
09-01-2004, 05:53 PM
I don't recall Saddam having ordered the bombing of American airliners in Scotland and discos in Germany like Gaddafi did, do you?!

Nobody is perfect. :222

09-01-2004, 08:46 PM
Nobody is perfect. :222
Didn't that attack kill Germans too Brandt?

Oh thats right they went to a disco... not good nazis probably traitors to the fatherland etc. good riddance.

Qaddafi anyway learned his place after the Great Ronald Reagan killed part of his family in a reprisal bombing. No more terrorism, no more aiding them at all even indirectly.

09-01-2004, 08:52 PM
Yeah good ol' Reagen, everything must be attributed to him. :rolleyes: