08-31-2004, 11:25 AM
Posted By: TruthPassion <Send E-Mail>
Date: Tuesday, 31 August 2004, 12:28 a.m.
John Kaminskis has put out another essay. This time, again, he returns to the 9/11 question. He believes that 9/11 "happened" so that the world would learn to "hate" the Muslims, and therefore any wars could be gotten away with in that area.
He also believes that these wars planned for the Middle East are carrying out the plan the Zionists have for the Middle East, which include a GREATER Israel. Much greater, from the plans I've seen.
However, Barry Chamish calls the war in Iraq "just another Sabbataean war..." and he believes the ultimate DESTRUCTION of Israel is the plan.
Then there is the reason held by many RMNers. For some reason, Bush HAD to go to war, and things would have been much worse over there if he had not. I have difficulty with this, particularly after listening to Barry's CDs over and over.
I am definitely open to all suggested reasons, but Barry's Sabbataean nightmare sounded pretty authentic to me. I'm still studying this, and would like to buy Rabbi Antelman's two books on the subject, but at the moment there are none available in English.
So, here is John Kaminski's latest. TP
* * * * * * * * *
9/11 was staged to defame Muslims
By John Kaminski
Special to the Yemen Times
In addition to the millions of Americans who are protesting their nation's unjust and immoral torture of the shell-shocked country of Iraq, there are also a substantial number of people in the U.S. who see through the lies of Zionist controlled U.S. mainstream media and believe the story told to them by their government about the tragedy of September 11, 2001 is merely another self-serving, nightmare fairytale meant to rally political support by the ignorant and uncaring for the continuing American/British/Israeli assault on the Islamic world.
Indeed, this small but vociferous minority of 9/11 skeptics believes that was the primary purpose of that awful day - to vilify Muslims in the collective mind of the American public and enable the Western war machine to increase its level of aggression against the Persian Gulf states without any political opposition at home. Half the plan seems to have worked. Few Americans initially questioned the official version of 9/11 and rallied round the flag, but now, as clumsy excuses for the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq have been exposed throughout the world as blatant lies, even some of the most closed-minded Americans are beginning to question their government's dishonest behavior, even in regard to 9/11.
The deaths of many American troops, the sex crimes by American soldiers at Abu Ghraib prison in Baghdad, and the scandals involving misappropriated funds by giant American corporations have emerged into mainstream discussion throughout America, causing not only shame but a reconsideration of the public lies used to start these wars in the first place.
Yet, exposure of these embarrassing revelations seems to have had no tempering impact on the behavior of the U.S. military. It is a sad barometer of mainstream thought in America that President Bush's chief opponent in the upcoming election (November 2004) talks in even more warlike terms than his war-mongering opponent, so that the rest of the world can expect no change in America's charge toward violent imperialism no matter who wins the election.
Still, a vocal minority in America continues its efforts to expose the deceptions that comprise perhaps the greatest threat to political stability the world has ever known, as the Zionist-controlled neocon cabal in Washington continues its efforts to usurp all the Persian Gulf oilfields by planning a series of wars throughout the Middle East aimed at accomplishing this objective.
In both the cases of the 9/11 tragedy and the Iraq war, the great unspoken influence continues to be Israel.
The principal figure in the 9/11 mystery continues to be Larry Silverstein, who leased the World Trade Center towers months before their demise and collected a $3.5 billion insurance payout shortly after their destruction. Silverstein was caught on video ordering the destruction of one of the undamaged WTC towers after the initial damage had been done, leading to speculation that the two main towers were wired for destruction prior to the event. Silverstein, an influential official of several powerful American Jewish groups, is known to be a telephone friend of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.
Among the various groups in the American 9/11 skeptics movement, one dividing line appears to be the validity of the hijacker thesis. Since the FBI published a list of the names of the alleged 19 hijackers mere hours after the disaster, eight of those names have belonged to people reportedly alive and well and living in various countries. Yet the FBI has never made an attempt to change its list, nor has it attempted to question those with names used by hijackers who are still able to talk. In addition, there is no legitimate security camera videotape showing the hijackers ever got on the fateful planes, nor any record of their purchasing tickets. And their names were not included on the passenger lists recording the names of the dead.
Adding to the Israeli angle of this discussion is the distressing fact of the Israeli "art students" who were shadowing the alleged hijackers during the months prior to 9/11 were all sent home without investigation when they were "discovered."
And, after much discussion about why America chose to invade Iraq at the moment it did, the oil issue and Saddam's switch to the euro have moved to the background, while Israeli influence at the White House in Washington has come to the fore as the reason for the sudden bombing of Baghdad, especially since America's stated reasons - Saddam's connection to al-Qaida and 9/11, and his concealment of alleged weapons of mass destruction - have long since been proven groundless fabrications.
The real reason for all the fomented misery in the Middle East appears to be nothing more complex than the expansion of Israel's borders.
Bush's White House staff is dominated by Israeli operatives: Perle, Wolfowitz, Libby, Bolten, Zakheim, Feith. In addition, warmongering advisers Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Rice are inextricably linked to both the oil industry and the Zionist agenda, as is much of the leadership of the opposition party, the Democrats, which is why Americans saw a recent vote in their House of Representatives supporting Sharon's policy of wall-building and mass extermination of Palestinians in the Occupied Territories by a count of 407-9.
And yet, with all this evidence (and much more), those trying to expose the 9/11 charade don't primarily focus on Israel. Instead they devolve into convoluted theories about the peak oil scare, questionable film analysis, and some even insist that no planes were used at all in the attacks.
The solidest piece of evidence about 9/11 lies that seems to be emerging is photographic footage of the disaster at the Pentagon, which shows, from a multiplicity of angles and sequences, not a trace of the wreckage of a jetliner. A new video, "911 In Plane Site," convincingly exploits this contention with numerous shots of flames inside the Pentagon behind a relatively unblemished wall (where the plane was supposed to have hit) with all its windows still unbroken.
Another recent revelation has involved the so-called cellphone calls from distressed passengers on the hijacked planes. It seems that cellphone calls cannot be successfully completed above 8,000 feet, and most of the purported calls were supposedly made above that altitude.
Probably the most compelling evidence for a 9/11 coverup, however, has always been the duplicitous statements made by top American officials immediately after the attacks. Cheney, Rice, and military chief Richard Myers all said that same day that they had no idea attacks like this could ever happen, but then the FBI blew their cover by releasing the names of hijackers they said they had been tracking for six months. Since that time, President Bush has worked diligently to prevent a legitimate investigation of that day's events, culminating recently in the official publication of the 9/11 Commission Report, which never attempted to fix blame on any perpetrators.
Can you imagine? The greatest crime in American history, and it was never properly investigated. Even more amazing: most Americans don't seem have noticed this stupendous affront to honest behavior!
But that's the way it is in America, and probably always has been. Their government storms around the world shooting up innocent civilian populations and stealing the resources of underdeveloped nations, while a majority of Americans believe their brave soldiers are fighting evil terrorists and bringing justice to the unfortunate backwaters of civilization. It's basically the same situation in Palestine, about which most Americans are brainwashed by Zionist media into believing the brave Israelis are struggling for freedom against the evil bandit Palestinians, when in fact it is a population of unarmed Palestinians who are being exterminated by Israeli Jews who believe that anybody who is not a Jew is less-than-human vermin, and therefore it is OK to kill them with impunity.
Indeed, it is the world turned upside down for purposes of plunder and profit.
In understanding a little more about who the true perpetrators of all this evil violence actually are, two recent articles circulating on the Internet have been particularly instructive. The first in a ten-year old fragment of a book by religious historian David Livingstone that gets into the Jewish heritage in the Cahaba movement within Islam, casting a serious question about motivation of Saudi royalty and its possible connection to Zionist interests, and the second is a series of pieces (all available on rense.com, as is the Livingstone essay) by the Canadian writer Henry Makow about who are the true powers in the world. Makow, a Jew who became a Christian, insists that it is the London banking cabal that controls everything, and makes the interesting point that the Zionist menace in Israel that has captured the political will of the United States is as much a danger to God-fearing Jews as it is to all the other honest, well-meaning people in the world.
What is definitely becoming clearer now, three years after the initial shock of 9/11 jolted America into all-out war mode, is that the information emanating from the big media companies all over the world is clearly and tragically twisted by an evil Zionist corruption that blames innocent people for crimes that these media whores themselves are complicit in. And because of this power, millions of people are being unjustly murdered, while soulless American corporations reap unprecedented profits. And all the while a majority of Americans wave their flags and praise the sacrifice of their young soldiers who squander their lives in a needless war based on lies.
What is encouraging is that more people around the world are realizing this every day. However, whether that will be enough to stop these soulless, money-hungry murderers from destroying the entire planet remains very much in doubt.
John Kaminski is an Internet columnist based in Florida whose essays are seen on hundreds of websites around the world. They have been collected into two anthologies, "America's Autopsy Report" and the soon-to-be-published "The Perfect Enemy." For more information go to http://www.johnkaminski.com/
Posted By: TruthPassion <Send E-Mail>
Date: Tuesday, 31 August 2004, 12:28 a.m.
John Kaminskis has put out another essay. This time, again, he returns to the 9/11 question. He believes that 9/11 "happened" so that the world would learn to "hate" the Muslims, and therefore any wars could be gotten away with in that area.
He also believes that these wars planned for the Middle East are carrying out the plan the Zionists have for the Middle East, which include a GREATER Israel. Much greater, from the plans I've seen.
However, Barry Chamish calls the war in Iraq "just another Sabbataean war..." and he believes the ultimate DESTRUCTION of Israel is the plan.
Then there is the reason held by many RMNers. For some reason, Bush HAD to go to war, and things would have been much worse over there if he had not. I have difficulty with this, particularly after listening to Barry's CDs over and over.
I am definitely open to all suggested reasons, but Barry's Sabbataean nightmare sounded pretty authentic to me. I'm still studying this, and would like to buy Rabbi Antelman's two books on the subject, but at the moment there are none available in English.
So, here is John Kaminski's latest. TP
* * * * * * * * *
9/11 was staged to defame Muslims
By John Kaminski
Special to the Yemen Times
In addition to the millions of Americans who are protesting their nation's unjust and immoral torture of the shell-shocked country of Iraq, there are also a substantial number of people in the U.S. who see through the lies of Zionist controlled U.S. mainstream media and believe the story told to them by their government about the tragedy of September 11, 2001 is merely another self-serving, nightmare fairytale meant to rally political support by the ignorant and uncaring for the continuing American/British/Israeli assault on the Islamic world.
Indeed, this small but vociferous minority of 9/11 skeptics believes that was the primary purpose of that awful day - to vilify Muslims in the collective mind of the American public and enable the Western war machine to increase its level of aggression against the Persian Gulf states without any political opposition at home. Half the plan seems to have worked. Few Americans initially questioned the official version of 9/11 and rallied round the flag, but now, as clumsy excuses for the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq have been exposed throughout the world as blatant lies, even some of the most closed-minded Americans are beginning to question their government's dishonest behavior, even in regard to 9/11.
The deaths of many American troops, the sex crimes by American soldiers at Abu Ghraib prison in Baghdad, and the scandals involving misappropriated funds by giant American corporations have emerged into mainstream discussion throughout America, causing not only shame but a reconsideration of the public lies used to start these wars in the first place.
Yet, exposure of these embarrassing revelations seems to have had no tempering impact on the behavior of the U.S. military. It is a sad barometer of mainstream thought in America that President Bush's chief opponent in the upcoming election (November 2004) talks in even more warlike terms than his war-mongering opponent, so that the rest of the world can expect no change in America's charge toward violent imperialism no matter who wins the election.
Still, a vocal minority in America continues its efforts to expose the deceptions that comprise perhaps the greatest threat to political stability the world has ever known, as the Zionist-controlled neocon cabal in Washington continues its efforts to usurp all the Persian Gulf oilfields by planning a series of wars throughout the Middle East aimed at accomplishing this objective.
In both the cases of the 9/11 tragedy and the Iraq war, the great unspoken influence continues to be Israel.
The principal figure in the 9/11 mystery continues to be Larry Silverstein, who leased the World Trade Center towers months before their demise and collected a $3.5 billion insurance payout shortly after their destruction. Silverstein was caught on video ordering the destruction of one of the undamaged WTC towers after the initial damage had been done, leading to speculation that the two main towers were wired for destruction prior to the event. Silverstein, an influential official of several powerful American Jewish groups, is known to be a telephone friend of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.
Among the various groups in the American 9/11 skeptics movement, one dividing line appears to be the validity of the hijacker thesis. Since the FBI published a list of the names of the alleged 19 hijackers mere hours after the disaster, eight of those names have belonged to people reportedly alive and well and living in various countries. Yet the FBI has never made an attempt to change its list, nor has it attempted to question those with names used by hijackers who are still able to talk. In addition, there is no legitimate security camera videotape showing the hijackers ever got on the fateful planes, nor any record of their purchasing tickets. And their names were not included on the passenger lists recording the names of the dead.
Adding to the Israeli angle of this discussion is the distressing fact of the Israeli "art students" who were shadowing the alleged hijackers during the months prior to 9/11 were all sent home without investigation when they were "discovered."
And, after much discussion about why America chose to invade Iraq at the moment it did, the oil issue and Saddam's switch to the euro have moved to the background, while Israeli influence at the White House in Washington has come to the fore as the reason for the sudden bombing of Baghdad, especially since America's stated reasons - Saddam's connection to al-Qaida and 9/11, and his concealment of alleged weapons of mass destruction - have long since been proven groundless fabrications.
The real reason for all the fomented misery in the Middle East appears to be nothing more complex than the expansion of Israel's borders.
Bush's White House staff is dominated by Israeli operatives: Perle, Wolfowitz, Libby, Bolten, Zakheim, Feith. In addition, warmongering advisers Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Rice are inextricably linked to both the oil industry and the Zionist agenda, as is much of the leadership of the opposition party, the Democrats, which is why Americans saw a recent vote in their House of Representatives supporting Sharon's policy of wall-building and mass extermination of Palestinians in the Occupied Territories by a count of 407-9.
And yet, with all this evidence (and much more), those trying to expose the 9/11 charade don't primarily focus on Israel. Instead they devolve into convoluted theories about the peak oil scare, questionable film analysis, and some even insist that no planes were used at all in the attacks.
The solidest piece of evidence about 9/11 lies that seems to be emerging is photographic footage of the disaster at the Pentagon, which shows, from a multiplicity of angles and sequences, not a trace of the wreckage of a jetliner. A new video, "911 In Plane Site," convincingly exploits this contention with numerous shots of flames inside the Pentagon behind a relatively unblemished wall (where the plane was supposed to have hit) with all its windows still unbroken.
Another recent revelation has involved the so-called cellphone calls from distressed passengers on the hijacked planes. It seems that cellphone calls cannot be successfully completed above 8,000 feet, and most of the purported calls were supposedly made above that altitude.
Probably the most compelling evidence for a 9/11 coverup, however, has always been the duplicitous statements made by top American officials immediately after the attacks. Cheney, Rice, and military chief Richard Myers all said that same day that they had no idea attacks like this could ever happen, but then the FBI blew their cover by releasing the names of hijackers they said they had been tracking for six months. Since that time, President Bush has worked diligently to prevent a legitimate investigation of that day's events, culminating recently in the official publication of the 9/11 Commission Report, which never attempted to fix blame on any perpetrators.
Can you imagine? The greatest crime in American history, and it was never properly investigated. Even more amazing: most Americans don't seem have noticed this stupendous affront to honest behavior!
But that's the way it is in America, and probably always has been. Their government storms around the world shooting up innocent civilian populations and stealing the resources of underdeveloped nations, while a majority of Americans believe their brave soldiers are fighting evil terrorists and bringing justice to the unfortunate backwaters of civilization. It's basically the same situation in Palestine, about which most Americans are brainwashed by Zionist media into believing the brave Israelis are struggling for freedom against the evil bandit Palestinians, when in fact it is a population of unarmed Palestinians who are being exterminated by Israeli Jews who believe that anybody who is not a Jew is less-than-human vermin, and therefore it is OK to kill them with impunity.
Indeed, it is the world turned upside down for purposes of plunder and profit.
In understanding a little more about who the true perpetrators of all this evil violence actually are, two recent articles circulating on the Internet have been particularly instructive. The first in a ten-year old fragment of a book by religious historian David Livingstone that gets into the Jewish heritage in the Cahaba movement within Islam, casting a serious question about motivation of Saudi royalty and its possible connection to Zionist interests, and the second is a series of pieces (all available on rense.com, as is the Livingstone essay) by the Canadian writer Henry Makow about who are the true powers in the world. Makow, a Jew who became a Christian, insists that it is the London banking cabal that controls everything, and makes the interesting point that the Zionist menace in Israel that has captured the political will of the United States is as much a danger to God-fearing Jews as it is to all the other honest, well-meaning people in the world.
What is definitely becoming clearer now, three years after the initial shock of 9/11 jolted America into all-out war mode, is that the information emanating from the big media companies all over the world is clearly and tragically twisted by an evil Zionist corruption that blames innocent people for crimes that these media whores themselves are complicit in. And because of this power, millions of people are being unjustly murdered, while soulless American corporations reap unprecedented profits. And all the while a majority of Americans wave their flags and praise the sacrifice of their young soldiers who squander their lives in a needless war based on lies.
What is encouraging is that more people around the world are realizing this every day. However, whether that will be enough to stop these soulless, money-hungry murderers from destroying the entire planet remains very much in doubt.
John Kaminski is an Internet columnist based in Florida whose essays are seen on hundreds of websites around the world. They have been collected into two anthologies, "America's Autopsy Report" and the soon-to-be-published "The Perfect Enemy." For more information go to http://www.johnkaminski.com/