View Full Version : Controversy's no stranger to AIPAC, Washington's Jewish juggernaut

08-29-2004, 01:05 AM
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sfgate.com (http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/news/archive/2004/08/28/national1654EDT0609.DTL)

AIPAC, the Jewish lobbying juggernaut, operates in such high-stakes politics that it inevitably has been unable to avoid occasional unpleasantness. But almost universally, the largest pro-Israel lobby has found all the friends its has needed in Congress.

More often than not, the politician who tried to face down the American Israel Public Action Committee came out the worse for it.

In 1975, for example, President Ford was angered because Israel refused to end its eight-year occupation of Egypt's Sinai Peninsula and ordered a reassessment of the United States' relationship with the Jewish state. Largely because of AIPAC, the move ended with 76 Senators reaffirming the special U.S.-Israeli bond.

Even friends in high places, however, have not made a perpetually smooth ride for AIPAC over the years. The latest scrape came with word Friday that FBI investigators suspect AIPAC has acted as middleman to funnel to Israel details of secret Bush administration deliberations about Iran, a murky assertion adamantly denied by the group. . .