08-22-2004, 01:49 PM
Hoffman Challenges Dr. Robert Morey to Debate
[No reply from Morey or Otten as of Aug. 5, 2004]
Letter to the Editor / "Christian News" / New Haven, Missouri / July 28, 2004
Dear Editor Herman Otten
This is to inform you and your readers that I have challenged your newspaper's esteemed kosher-Conservative Muslim-basher, Dr. Robert Morey, to a debate. The topic I have proposed is, "Resolved, Judaism is a greater threat to Christianity than Islam."
I realize that you will take Morey's position in this debate (assuming he does not duck it), since you relentlessly promote Dr. Morey's book, while neglecting any commensurate level of publicity for this writer's work, Judaism's Strange Gods . Moreover, Pastor Otten is on record as stating that he is tired of the topic of the perfidy of the Talmud; strangely enough however, Otten never seems to tire of the topic of the perfidy of the Koran.
Let us now see whether Morey will evade the debate or possess the fortitude to confront head-on, voluminous documentation concerning the utterly poisonous, soul-destroying spiritual and mental rot afflicting our nation in consequence of Judaism's millennia-old war upon our Faith and our Savior, an assault incalculably more lethal than the physical attacks Muslims launch in response to US and Israeli state terror in Muslim lands.
For example, I will point out that Muslims do not make cable TV programs luring Amish women to Hollywood so they can be filmed cavorting half-nude on a Los Angeles beach. No Hollywood mogul would tolerate any ultra-Orthodox Hasidic Judaic youth being seduced and filmed in this disgraceful manner, but it's perfectly fine for ultra-conservative Amish youth to be lured by Zionist Leslie Moonves with cash and other blandishments in order to ritually demean their Christian heritage before an audience of millions on the UPN channel; and this squalid evil is by no means an exception, but the rule when it comes to New York and Hollywood media.
Furthermore, who took Christ out of Christmas in America's public schools and civic squares, Muslims or the ADL? Who honors Jesus as a prophet and defends His Holy Name against blasphemy, and who despises and insults Him as a feces-stewed sorcerer; mullahs or rabbis?
Let the debate begin! And let Rev. Otten report the outcome of my challenge fairly, and in view of the magnitude of the issues at hand, on the front page of "Christian News." Should Dr. Morey rise to the challenge and should this writer prevail in the ensuing contest, through the grace of God, perhaps Otten will feel moved to begin regularly advertising and selling Judaism's Strange Gods in his newspaper, as an emergency antidote to the Antichrist disinformation about Judaism being "the religion of the Old Testament" as well as "our ally in the war on terror" and "supportive of our traditional values" -- all three contentions being damnable lies.
Michael A. Hoffman II
Hoffman Challenges Dr. Robert Morey to Debate
[No reply from Morey or Otten as of Aug. 5, 2004]
Letter to the Editor / "Christian News" / New Haven, Missouri / July 28, 2004
Dear Editor Herman Otten
This is to inform you and your readers that I have challenged your newspaper's esteemed kosher-Conservative Muslim-basher, Dr. Robert Morey, to a debate. The topic I have proposed is, "Resolved, Judaism is a greater threat to Christianity than Islam."
I realize that you will take Morey's position in this debate (assuming he does not duck it), since you relentlessly promote Dr. Morey's book, while neglecting any commensurate level of publicity for this writer's work, Judaism's Strange Gods . Moreover, Pastor Otten is on record as stating that he is tired of the topic of the perfidy of the Talmud; strangely enough however, Otten never seems to tire of the topic of the perfidy of the Koran.
Let us now see whether Morey will evade the debate or possess the fortitude to confront head-on, voluminous documentation concerning the utterly poisonous, soul-destroying spiritual and mental rot afflicting our nation in consequence of Judaism's millennia-old war upon our Faith and our Savior, an assault incalculably more lethal than the physical attacks Muslims launch in response to US and Israeli state terror in Muslim lands.
For example, I will point out that Muslims do not make cable TV programs luring Amish women to Hollywood so they can be filmed cavorting half-nude on a Los Angeles beach. No Hollywood mogul would tolerate any ultra-Orthodox Hasidic Judaic youth being seduced and filmed in this disgraceful manner, but it's perfectly fine for ultra-conservative Amish youth to be lured by Zionist Leslie Moonves with cash and other blandishments in order to ritually demean their Christian heritage before an audience of millions on the UPN channel; and this squalid evil is by no means an exception, but the rule when it comes to New York and Hollywood media.
Furthermore, who took Christ out of Christmas in America's public schools and civic squares, Muslims or the ADL? Who honors Jesus as a prophet and defends His Holy Name against blasphemy, and who despises and insults Him as a feces-stewed sorcerer; mullahs or rabbis?
Let the debate begin! And let Rev. Otten report the outcome of my challenge fairly, and in view of the magnitude of the issues at hand, on the front page of "Christian News." Should Dr. Morey rise to the challenge and should this writer prevail in the ensuing contest, through the grace of God, perhaps Otten will feel moved to begin regularly advertising and selling Judaism's Strange Gods in his newspaper, as an emergency antidote to the Antichrist disinformation about Judaism being "the religion of the Old Testament" as well as "our ally in the war on terror" and "supportive of our traditional values" -- all three contentions being damnable lies.
Michael A. Hoffman II