View Full Version : Jewish Autonomous Oblast

08-20-2004, 12:10 PM

Birobidzhan looks just perfect as a replacement for Israel. At 36,000 kmē, it is actually larger than Israel (20,000), so those who currently kvetch about 'a tiny sliver of land' will have nothing to complain about.

Deporting the Jews there would stick them well and truly out in Asia where they
belong, and would limit their capacity for mischief. The climate is quite pleasant in summer, though cold in winter.

It has approximately 161,000 hectares of arable land, which could be greatly increased through appropriate land reclamation measures (principally drainage, as the land is rather swampy). Crops such as soybeans, maize, sunflowers wheat etc. can be grown.

The region has a variety of mineral resources, as well as large quantities of timber such as Korean pine. The region borders the Heilongjiang region of China (population 38,110,000) with large reserves of petroleum and coal, though they have yet to be found in the Jewish Autonomous Region.



Niccolo and Donkey
08-21-2004, 05:57 AM
from what I've read, only some 18,000 Jews took "advantage" of the scheme and resettled in this autonomous oblast.

08-21-2004, 06:04 AM
From what I understand, Birobidzhan was created not so that Jews would go there voluntarily, but as a province where they would ultimately be deported to from other parts of the USSR. Towards his last years Stalin, who once feared and kowtowed to the Jews, decided that their tribalism was a threat to his and the party's rule and planned on deporting them all to the far east where they would cause less trouble.

08-21-2004, 06:58 AM
It seems that large scale emigration to Birobidzhan halted with Stalin's purges, and much of the 'Jewish culture' that had been established there was destroyed, but I have also heard that he planned to deport the Jews there. Unfortunately any such plans were halted with his death :(.

08-21-2004, 08:47 AM
Deporting the Jews there would stick them well and truly out in Asia where they belong, and would limit their capacity for mischief.

"Well and truly out in Asia where they belong" - beautifully said. Where do I sign?

It seems that large scale emigration to Birobidzhan halted with Stalin's purges, and much of the 'Jewish culture' that had been established there was destroyed, but I have also heard that he planned to deport the Jews there. Unfortunately any such plans were halted with his death.

You know, we didn't have the Olympics for more than a thousand years, either. Some things just have to wait for a spirited group of reconstructionists to bring them back to life after a long fallow period.

Birobidzhan: an idea whose time has come. All aboard!!


08-21-2004, 08:58 AM
"Well and truly out in Asia where they belong"
What did Asians ever do to deserve the worst of all plagues?

Exile der jude and he will merely cause trouble from afar and worm his way back within a few generations. Then it's back to square one.

In the timeless void of eternal darkness is where they belong. No quarter.

08-21-2004, 09:26 AM
What did Asians ever do to deserve the worst of all plagues?

There's a school of thought, persuasive to me, that Jews are not only Asiatics, but the spearhead of Asia into the West. Hence Birobidzhan is a proper home, cold and surrounded by hostile but visibily different populations hemming them in. Much different than giving them Uganda, where they could conquer the whole continent in just a few years.

In the timeless void of eternal darkness is where they belong. No quarter.

Such words! Intoxicating and sweet, like wine and honey mixed.

I say we split the difference, strand them on Antarctica, and patrol that ice-continent for a thousand years to be sure no one tries to leave. This way, there are no neighbors to worry about.


08-21-2004, 09:35 AM
First I've heard of Birobidzhan. Stalin wasn't all bad. His idea parallels Goebbles "Final Solution," i.e. A Jewish State in Madagascar.

In the modren age the practice of cannibalism has become socially unacceptable. Mankind will be better off if Judaism, too, is banned. It died in AD 70 with the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem. It's time to bury the Zionist ghost.

Dr. Brandt
08-21-2004, 12:28 PM
I say we split the difference, strand them on Antarctica, and patrol that ice-continent for a thousand years to be sure no one tries to leave. This way, there are no neighbors to worry about.


What have the pinguins done to deserve such fate?

Why do people want to keep parasites alive? Thats like saying, We need to find a place for leeches. We need to find a host for viruses.
Jews are like nuclear waste. Letahal.

Every year all sort of animals go extinct, never to return again. What are 15 Million Jews compared to that? The Dodo-bird is a greater loss to this planet as jews would be.

As to Stalin: He didn't mind the Jews as long as they were loyal to him. The SU supported the creation of the zionist entity.
The older he got, the more paranoid he was.

Stalin wasn't all bad.

You may have a point there........ considering what he did to the Polaks in KATYN ! :D :222

08-21-2004, 02:00 PM
Bullock ( think it was him ) wrote "Hitler and Stalin - Parallel Lives" they had much in common both being a blight on humanity.