View Full Version : Golan Cipel

08-16-2004, 04:34 AM
The recent articles about N.J. Governor Jim McGreevy's resignation over a homosexual affair has focused almost exclusively on the sexual aspect. In doing so, it ignores something far more sinister than sodomy, namely, the fact that US security was compromised due to the infiltration of the "Department of Homeland Security" by an Israeli national named Golan Cipel. Apparently Cipel wormed his way into his position via the Governor in exchange for sexual favors.

In focusing on the sexual aspect of the story, the media conveniently distracts attention from the important issue at hand, meanwhile the masses don't care as long as they can be titillated by tabloid sex scandal.

I wouldn't be surprised if one of the Mossad's key techniques is finding agents willing to provide sexual favors in return for US intelligence information. Perhaps there was more to Monica Lewinsky and the unlamented Chandra Levy than met the eye. -AY


08-16-2004, 04:57 AM
In focusing on the sexual aspect of the story, the media conveniently distracts attention from the important issue at hand, meanwhile the masses don't care as long as they can be titillated by tabloid sex scandal.

No kidding.

The missing puzzle piece:


McGreevey's biggest campaign contributor, Charles Kushner, was the link between McGreevey and Cipel. Kushner is under federal investigation for allegedly making illegal campaign contributions and under indictment for trying to obstruct a campaign finance probe. He is accused of hiring prostitutes to obtain compromising videotapes and photographs of a witness cooperating with the federal investigation.

Cipel had worked for real estate developer Kushner, also a major donor to state Democrats. Kushner signed the papers the Israeli citizen needed to work in the United States, and gave him a $30,000 a year marketing job.

Pretty impressive, no? McGreevy's chief contributor, a Jew, also provides prostitutes to federal witnesses when they become . . . inconvenient.

I wouldn't be surprised if one of the Mossad's key techniques is finding agents willing to provide sexual favors in return for US intelligence information. Perhaps there was more to Monica Lewinsky and the unlamented Chandra Levy than met the eye.

Actually, rather than information retrieval, which I think they've got down, I think it's to control or compel behavior favorable to them.

Even the hoi polloi are waking up to this. While I was trying to gently explain the Jewish role in all this to a civilian friend by mentioning first that Cipel wasn't an American citizen, I was met with the reply: "Oh! You mean his Mossad hustler - it seems like every Democrat has one nowadays".

The news above, that a wealthy Jew is running a whole operation of providing hookers for people he's seeking to neutralize, lends credence to the whole line of speculation.


08-16-2004, 07:37 AM
Sex, Lies, and Terrorism: How did Golan Cipel become New Jersey's 'anti-terrorism' czar? (http://www.antiwar.com/justin/?articleid=3310)

"When the FBI issued a terrorist alert last week, it was apparently Cipel who first contacted McGreevey, not New Jersey's newly appointed terror czar, Assistant Attorney General Kathryn Flicker.Even before McGreevey's election in November, administration sources said, Cipel toured the state – visiting refineries, nuclear plants, bridges, and seaports – to make an inventory of security needs. McGreevey said Cipel has already offered ‘invaluable insights’ into a variety of security matters, both large and small. ‘He's someone who thinks with a different set of eyes, and that is very hard to find,’ McGreevey said."

So this guy was out there "inspecting" nuclear plants – if that doesn’t set off alarm bells, then we might as well pack it in, because we're all doomed.

08-16-2004, 08:58 AM
Sex, Lies, and Terrorism: How did Golan Cipel become New Jersey's 'anti-terrorism' czar? (http://www.antiwar.com/justin/?articleid=3310)

I posted the above article as a separat thread. No matter, it's better placed here.

As Raimondo points out in his article, it's more than suspicious that Cipel, considering all the jobs he could have had on the New Jersey payroll, was awarded the Homeland Security position. This stinks of treason and espionage. I doubt the Jew-controlled media will pursue this angle. If Cipel were the citizen of a Muslin nation, you can bet the one-eyed Jew would be screaming "treason" 24/7.

In an election year one would think the Republicans would make a big issue out of Cipel and espionage, but they won't. Look for the story to fade away in a few days.

08-16-2004, 07:26 PM
I truned on the one-eyed Jew while having my morning coffee, it made no mention of the McGreevey/Cipel scandal.

I did find this post at LF:

Foreign Policy/Intelligence Columnist Andy Martin Says McGreevey Sex Scandal was Israeli Intelligence Operation

8/16/2004 8:49:00 AM


To: Assignment Desk, Daybook Editor

Contact: Andy Martin Worldwide Communications, 866-706-2639

NEW YORK, Aug. 16 /U.S. Newswire/ -- America's most respected foreign policy/intelligence analyst, Out2.com's Andy Martin, will publish a column and hold a news conference in New York today (Aug. 16) to disclose that the New Jersey sex scandal involving Gov. James McGreevey was really an Israeli intelligence operation gone sour.


Time/date: today (Aug. 16) at 1 p.m. EDT

Location: Southwest Corner of Fifth Avenue and 57th Street, New York City

"People have been confused by the McGreevey sex scandal," says Martin. "But McGreevey's dilemma is not a gay sex scandal. It is an Israeli intelligence operation gone sour. This is not a scandal about 'sex.' It is a scandal about 'secrets.'

"McGreevey said he had sex. He did. Golan Cipel says he is not gay. He's not. They are both right. Mr. Cipel was a junior Mossad case officer, originally posted to New York under official cover. The Mossad is well known for using human sex toys. McGreevey was lured into a relationship that was intended to penetrate New Jersey's homeland defenses.

"Since 9/11 there has been barely suppressed anger at the fact Israeli intelligence knew about the hijackers and said nothing. Israelis have found themselves under suspicion and restricted by some intelligence channels. The state homeland security position was seen as a back door way of spying on anti-terror preparations in the New York-New Jersey area, and possibly nationally.

"The media have focused on the wrong blackmail scheme. This was not a sexual blackmail situation, although threats and demands have been made. 'Gay sex' is being used to conceal the real nature of the betrayal. This was a blackmail scheme intended to place Golan Cipel in a position of intense interest to Israeli intelligence.

"I am asking the U.S. Attorney for New Jersey to refocus his investigation into a breach-of-security investigation instead of a sex scandal.

"Based on my extensive experience with foreign intelligence agencies, I think you will see Mr. Cipel, who is now exposed by his non-official cover, on a plane back to Israel very soon.

"Gov. McGreevey was a 'fool for love,' but the root cause of his weakness was his mistaken belief that Cipel was a lover, when he was in fact Cipel was a trained intelligence asset trying to exploit McGreevey's weakness to benefit Israeli security interests," says Martin. ------------------------------------------------------------

America's Daily Briefing is an investigative opinion column syndicated nationally by Out2.com, where Andy Martin serves as independent chief national and foreign correspondent. Martin has been Baghdad Bureau Chief for Out2.com since April 2003. His specialty is investigative analysis in the Middle East where he harvests information from numerous official and unofficial sources and breaks stories with intelligence overtones on a regular basis.

RESOURCES: Martin's columns at Out2.com (Govt & Politics); E-MAIL reactions/opinions: andy@andymartin.com


08-16-2004, 08:53 PM
Prostitutes and the like used in blackmail schemes were big in the cold war. I believe the slang for one was "honeytrap".

08-17-2004, 01:52 PM

Israeli Espionage: When a Honey Trap Goes Bad A Governor Resigns
By John Anast – Al-Jazeerah, August 15, 2004

With the news out that in fact James McGreevey is, by his own admission, a homosexual; the Mossad honey trap has become somewhat unglued. Golan Cipel, the object of the Mr. McGreevy’s affection, worked for the Israeli consulate in New York in the 1990’s and other posts in a capacity to serve the Israeli espionage service and its targeting of American politicians and the American political system.

Notwithstanding all the self-serving political rhetoric spewing from democratic lips attempting to relegate the matter to a personal issue between two men, there are larger and in deed more relevant issues to our Nation's security to discern. It is a glimpse into the world of Israeli espionage targeted against the United States, its politicians, and its people.

Despite recent numerous pronouncements by both public and private figures alike that Mr. McGreevey’s sexual preference came as a shock, to the contrary it was widely known in political and business circles that the ex-governor had a per chant for male sex partners. There were any number of swirling allegations regarding his sexual exploits, not the least of which that the ex-governor broke his leg at a New Jersey beach during a homosexual act gone awry.

With the knowledge of the ex-governors preference for men, Mossad activated Cipel to lure McGreevey into a compromising position for exploitation, extortion and blackmail purposes. It is alleged that in a pre-arranged visit to Israel, organized by New Jersey Jewish organizations, Mr. McGreevey was introduced to the Jewish homosexual, Mr. Cipel at a political function.

In its zeal to penetrate the Governors office and homeland security, Mossad demanded that Cipel, an Israeli citizen who lacked any requisite experience or security clearances, be appointed to run New Jersey’s homeland security office. In that position Mr. Cipel could have not only obtained information on US security procedures, but also been in a position to access sensitive investigative information, methods and sources relative to US efforts to thwart Israeli espionage against the United States. New Jersey is still reeling from the Israeli espionage ring which was housed in Urban Movers that collapsed soon after it was discovered on 11 September, and more recently by the detention of two (2) Israelis, working for a New Jersey moving company, caught with classified submarine fuel near a US base in Tennessee where the fuel is manufactured.

Investigators should not limit their investigation to Cipel and his activities but should also be reviewing every appointment made by the McGreevey administration and especially those dealing with homeland security, to ensure that additional Israeli moles are not in-place conspiring espionage against the State of New Jersey and our Nation. Investigators should also be reviewing if telephone calls from the ex-governors home and office were logged by Amdocs, and if that information was shared with Israeli agents in Israel, as Amdocs is an Israeli company based in the United States which monitors and tracks most calls made within our Nation.

This should be a wake-up call to every local, state and federal agency to demand that all meetings public or private by any official, and or any member of their staff, and any foreign national, or any person holding dual citizenship be made part of the public record as a matter of law. It would also enhance security in the State of New Jersey to make it mandatory that the Division of Motor Vehicles include the place of birth, and any dual citizenship the recipient may hold. It would likewise increase security to tag every foreign visitor to the United States to know and monitor their whereabouts at all times.