View Full Version : ADL not Fanatical Enough for some Jews

08-12-2004, 04:53 PM
According to this neoconservative Jewess, the ADL's main failing is that it is not fanatical enough in its fight against "anti-Semitism." In particular, Ms. Gorin was offended by the fact that the ADL puts "anti-Semitism" in the same category as hostility towards other non-white people. In Ms. Gorin's mind, "anti-Semitism" is a far greater sin than any other "bigotry," and the ADL's main shortcoming lies in the fact that it doesn't recognize that not all bigotries are created equally. In other words, "racism" is bad, but "anti-Semitism" is the greatest sin of all.

While the neocons and leftwing ADL Jews do cooperate on most issues, articles like this one underscore the fact that the neos are actually the more fanatical and dangerous of the two factions. -AY

Multi-culturalizing anti-Semitism: The ADL's fanaticism for fitting in

By Julia Gorin

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Anti-Semitism is on the rise. The Jewish defense group is fighting it with a new ad campaign. The author has some serious problems with it. Huh?

http://www.jewishworldreview.com | I recently noticed a poster going up on telephone kiosks throughout the city, in which a Far Eastern child admonishes, "Anti-Semitism is anti-me." My eyes scanned to the bottom for an explanation. There I read "Anti-Semitism is anti-everybody," and was directed to the Anti-Defamation League's Web site to help fight anti-Semitism.

Mystified by the confusing, discordant message being attempted, my mind tried a few extrapolations: Be careful being anti-Semitic; you might accidentally offend an Asian-American if he's adopted by Jews…Don't be anti-Semitic, because we all come from Adam and Eve, so we're all related…Ah, the poor Buddhists and all that they've suffered from anti-Semitism. I walked on, then came to another kiosk, this one sporting an androgynous Lutheran minister. Ok, I thought, perhaps this one makes more sense: To a man (or woman) of the cloth, anti-Semitism runs counter to the teachings of the church. Or maybe this minister used to be a rabbi but converted? Eventually I came upon a third poster: Apparently, anti-Semitism is also anti-Naomi Campbell.

So now I had a black woman, an Asian child and a gender-vague minister being offended by anti-Semitism. Some semblance of an understanding began to take form in the fog that this ad campaign created in my brain: Equate anti-Semitism with discrimination against minorities that are more visibly minorities; remind people that anti-Semitism is no different from racism.

Could that really be it? Could the message really be that shallow? A friend suggested that to counteract accusations that Zionism is racism and that Judaism is a racist religion, the ADL is showing that anyone could be Jewish, that there's no specific race in Jewry. Perhaps the ADL is trying to appeal to the simplistic idiocy of some on the Left in their own language by showing them the error of their ways through something so superficial as images of diversity.

She was on to something: Giving the ADL the benefit of the doubt (after all, aren't Jews supposed to be smart?), I thought maybe the campaign was designed to do battle with the new, leftwing anti-Semitism, half of which masquerades as anti-Zionism and the other half of which has become more vocal in this country since 9/11 — when tasteful self-censorship on the question of the Jews ceased and more people started asking, "Just how much of the world do the Jews control?" and: "If Israel would just go away, things would be so much less complicated and we'd be safer."

I decided to call the ADL.

"Anti-Semitism is indivisible," explained Graham Cannon, Director of Marketing and Communications, who assured me twice that the ADL was very proud of the campaign. "You can't isolate one group and hate them. You can't split these things." Mr. Cannon added that the ads would be ongoing, with new images replacing these three every two months.

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Upon hearing that the ads also would be going up around college campuses across the country, I gave Mr. Cannon a chance to demonstrate that there was some intelligence in the underlying motivation for the campaign, and asked whether perhaps it was meant to counter the new leftwing anti-Semitism. Cannon didn't address this point at all, ultimately directing me to Abraham Foxman's quote from the press release:

"The new campaign, aimed to reach and engage a broad and diverse audience, is designed to change the perception that anti-Semitism is strictly a problem for Jews. Anti-Semitism is everyone's problem. Anti-Semitism in a society is an expression of a hatred of the other, it is contrary to our values of democracy, diversity and acceptance."

We were back to that. Back to the same hollow rhetoric that reduced the lessons of the Holocaust to some watered-down notion of the importance of tolerance for all people. We were back to the flawed assumption that hatred is a package deal. Yet if that were true, the campaign would be useless from go — because if you're a hater, you do hate everyone. Obviously, there is something that separates hatred of Jews from hatred of other minorities, and its effects need to be addressed more directly rather than universalized.

A George Will quote comes to mind: "Celebration of tolerance is the first refuge of the intolerant."

Precisely what Jews don't want to believe. Ever afraid of being singled out, we thought that when we joined the "minority" club and took cover under one big umbrella, that there'd be safety in numbers, that no one would try to tell us apart and we'd be privy to the same protections other minorities are. To the minorities, we were saying: "Hey, guys, we're one of you. We're in the same boat." As well, we hoped these groups — whose backs we'd watched and with whom we'd marched — would return the favor in the Jews' hour of need.

But they didn't. Because they've got nothing in common with Jews, whom they see as a privileged minority and part of the power structure. On the Israel front, the sympathies of our "co-minorities" as a group are instinctively inclined to the poorer, darker, more oppressed-seeming Palestinians. Witness last year's minority-dotted anti-war rallies, complete with posters reading "Sharon=Hitler." So much for half a century of Jewish effort.

Here again, a benefit of the doubt to the ADL campaign: Show a black, a gay and an Asian in order to target blacks, gays and Asians who might be swayed to anti-Semitism in today's environment of misconceptions about Jews. (The press release does say the campaign aims to target a "broad and diverse" audience.)

Still, the new slogan campaign is an attempt to re-bond on that tenuous, artificial, lowest-common-denominator connection simply as a group that's been oppressed. It is a re-intensified effort at the decades-old campaign which countless Jewish dollars funded and which failed so miserably. In fact, one can see the disastrous ineffectiveness of this strategy by doing exactly what the ADL asks and logging on to their site, which chronicles the resurgence of anti-Jewish thinking, anti-Jewish graffiti and anti-Jewish violence throughout the world.

Instead of tackling the misconceptions that are planted in the minds of the masses and that have led to a revived anti-Semitism, we see a reverting back to the flawed approach of a bland, generic anti-hate message that has already backfired. We're not being told that anti-Semitism is bad in and of itself and why, but it's bad because it's like being racist, dude.

Naturally, setting people straight on the issues is the harder task; the truth is never as neatly packaged as the lie that's big enough, said loudly and often enough until believed. But that's not a license for groups like the ADL to take the easy way out. We can't all just get along until we've had it out first.

Instead of wasting all that ad space on meaningless slogans, the organization could have conveyed a message that educated, that actually meant something. For example: "Zionism is humanism: If everyone has a homeland, why can't the Jews have the only democratic one in the Middle East?" Even better, without changing the current campaign, they could have endowed it with some meaning: "Anti-Semitism is anti-everybody" could be a reference to Jews as the canary of civilization: "Anti-Semitism is anti-everybody. Because it always starts with the Jews, then they come for the rest of us." Such a message would provide a historical context and tell people — particularly the younger generation — something they probably don't know or haven't thought about.

Good intention can no longer justify decades of organized Jewish bumbling — the likes of which led to Jewish college students and the adult Jewish Left to actually be taken by surprise at the display of Jew-hatred on college campuses, and to be so ill-prepared to counter it. Fanaticism says: If what you are doing isn't producing the desired result, intensify your efforts. Or, if you've dug yourself into a hole, keep digging. Hence we see the ADL redoubling its counterproductive efforts.

Anti-Semitism isn't anti-everybody, Mr. Foxman. It's just anti-Jewish.

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JWR contributor Julia Gorin tours with Right Stuff Comedy and performs in the monthly New York-based show Republican Riot. Send your comments by clicking here.

Julia Gorin Archives

© 2004, Julia Gorin

08-14-2004, 09:39 AM
According to this neoconservative Jewess, the ADL's main failing is that it is not fanatical enough in its fight against "anti-Semitism." In particular, Ms. Gorin was offended by the fact that the ADL puts "anti-Semitism" in the same category as hostility towards other non-white people. In Ms. Gorin's mind, "anti-Semitism" is a far greater sin than any other "bigotry," and the ADL's main shortcoming lies in the fact that it doesn't recognize that not all bigotries are created equally. In other words, "racism" is bad, but "anti-Semitism" is the greatest sin of all.

One standard for jews, another standard for everyone else. It shows up everywhere, in everything they do if you look hard enough.

08-14-2004, 10:04 AM
This also shows the inherent folly in any exclusion of women from folkish movements. Jewesses like Ms. Gorin are integral to the very backbone of Zionism. Any successful volkische movement is built upon family, and families consist of both men and women. Yet many WNs brush women aside and regard their movement as a male club. This is a major reason for the current irrelevance of WN. In contrast, Zionism is extremely vigorous, fueled by legions of fanatical, educated, well-connected women and men alike.

I believe it was Franco over at VNNforum who claimed that white women are incapable of thinking racially. This kind of dead-end thinking is exactly why WN is currently going nowhere. Can you imagine how marginal Zionism would be if Zionists harbored the same attitude towards Jewish women?

08-14-2004, 10:58 AM
You know Miss O'Gyny, this is perhaps first post of yours that I can generally agree with.

I seem to have noticed that those immature types among WNs that loudly dismiss Christianity and religion in general are also the ones with adolescent attitudes towards the opposite sex.


08-14-2004, 11:01 AM
You know Miss O'Gyny, this is perhaps first post of yours that I can generally agree with.
Out of curiosity, which other ones have you read?

08-14-2004, 11:13 AM
I seem to have noticed that those immature types among WNs that loudly dismiss Christianity and religion in general are also the ones with adolescent attitudes towards the opposite sex.

This is probably because these "immature types" are generally anti-social and therefore intimidated by the social aspect of religion. Most churches, after all, are more social clubs than anything else. The same is even more true for synagogues (ever notice how many Jewish atheists attend synagogue functions?).

I adore and admire the European side of Christianity. I particularly appreciate the art and architecture of Medieval Christendom. At the same time, I know this was/is an expression of the European folk-soul; it has little to do with the Bible or the original Christianity of the Middle East.

08-14-2004, 11:15 AM
Well, to be perfectly honest, I think you change your name so often I can't remember, and I don't spend all my time on this forum anyways, so this is just a hasty generalization.

To clarify: when I say "I agree with you" it means I REALLY agree with you, not just "I sort of agree with you". I have tight criteria on what I will support.

You may have written earlier some stuff that I "sort of" agreed with, but in this post, I almostly completely agreed.


08-14-2004, 11:20 AM
Well, to be perfectly honest, I think you change your name so often I can't remember , and I don'tspend all my time on thisforum, so this just a hasty generalization.
"Miss O'Gyny" is the only nym I've used for this incarnation of The Phora.

To clarify: when I say "I agree with you" it means I REALLY agree with you, not just "I sort of agree with you". I have tight criteria on what I will support.

You may have written earlier some stuff that I "sort of" agreed with, but in this post, I almostly completely agreed.

08-14-2004, 12:41 PM
Only the imposition of a law making Anti-Semitism a hate crime punishable by death would satisfy the likes of Julia Gorin. Remember, one of the first things the Bolsheviks did in the Soviet Union was enact such a law. The biggest threat of a Kerry Administration is more hate-crime legislation from the Jew-controlled Congress.

Solzhenitsyn, in his lastest work which Jews have thus far kept off American bookshelves, estimates 66-million Russians, mostly Orthodexo Christians, perished in gulags under the Communist dictatorship.

It can happen here. I venture to say that Jews have more power in America today than they had in Russian on the eve of the Bolshevik Revolution.

08-14-2004, 12:47 PM
I kinda agree with MOG on lots of stuff, with one exception: what constitutes trolling. :D

08-16-2004, 02:42 AM
Because they've got nothing in common with Jews, whom they see as a privileged minority and part of the power structure.

Most Jews are a part of the power structure...

Solzhenitsyn, in his lastest work which Jews have thus far kept off American bookshelves, estimates 66-million Russians, mostly Orthodexo Christians, perished in gulags under the Communist dictatorship.

The total prison population of the USSR was a maximum of 2.4%. From 1934-1953, a total of approximately 900,000 people died in the prison camps. About half of these died during the Great Patriotic War.

08-16-2004, 06:10 AM
Since Solzhenitsyn's latest work in not available in bookstores, I haven't read it. My knownledge of it comes from an excerpt I read on the internet. I'm sure of the 66-million deaths, but I erred in attributing it all to gulags. More than likely Solzhenitsyn's estimate includes all causes of death he attributes to the Communist dictatorship in Russia, not just the gulags.

08-16-2004, 01:46 PM
66 million is way too much. 30 million in the period of 1917-1953, at most, I'd say.

(Victims of Soviet-Nazi war not included)

I don't think that that 66 mil figure comes from Solzhenitsyn. I believe it may also contain victims of Asian communists or be just downright propagandistic exaggeration.


08-16-2004, 07:18 PM
We'll have to read Solzhenitsyn's book, won't we, Petr.

08-16-2004, 11:40 PM


"I love strong opponents! It's such fun to break their backs! said the Leningrad interrogator ****ov. And if your opponent (e.g. your prisoner) is so strong that he refuses to give in, all your methods have failed and you are in a rage? Then, don't control your fury! It's tremendously satisfying, that outburst! Let your anger have its way; don't set any bounds to it. Don't hold yourself back! That's when interrogators spit in the open mouth of the accused! And shove his face into a full toilet! That's the state of mind in which they drag Christian believers around by their hair. Or urinate in a kneeling prisoner's face! After such a storm of fury you feel yourself a real honest-to-God man!"

—Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

The Gulag Archipelago

Texe Marrs

It's been all over the press, on TV and in newspapers. Mel Gibson, the famous movie actor and director, has been horribly slandered, defamed, and verbally mauled by the Jewish elite who uniformly hate and despise Gibson's powerful film, The Passion of The Christ. The ADL, the Simon Wiesenthal Center, and other racist anti-Christian hate groups have made Gibson their whipping boy now for over a year.

But, hold on! You think Gibson has been treated unfairly, you haven't seen anything yet. Consider the case of Nobel Prize-winning historian and writer Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. The Jews have been ripping into, slandering and otherwise savaging the reputation of the solidly Christian Solzhenitsyn for some four years now. But unlike the Gibson affair, the controlled media disingenuously refuse to report it. Solzhenitsyn is the hapless victim whose brutal mental whipping and emotional beating the world knows nothing about.

It now seems aeons ago that the stoic Russian author was celebrated for his insightful, poignant accounts of the horrible, subhuman treatment of the victims of the Soviet Communist Gulag, an interlocking system of thousands of concentration and slave labor camps. Solzhenitsyn himself had been a prisoner of the Gulag for a decade, preventively jailed for nothing more than the fear of the communist overlords that he might someday write something the Kremlin masters might find offensive to the state.

Solzhenitsyn: The "Conscience of the 20th Century"
Historian Solzhenitsyn's gut-wrenching book, Gulag Archipelago, went through countless printings—in over 50 languages—and touched the hearts of westerners. Expelled by the Kremlin for telling the awful truth, this great man was honored by freedom-loving people both in the United States and in Europe. He was often called the "Conscience of the 20th Century" and recognized universally as one of the globe's prime examples of bold courage and moral conviction. Even the liberal press initially had nice things to say about Solzhenitsyn. They were reluctant to go up against a man so honored for high moral stature, and recognized by so many as a truthteller of the highest character.

Then, the historian and truthteller Solzhenitsyn made what was, to liberals and communists, a grave error. Asked at a press conference his opinion on why the terrible events behind the Iron Curtain had occurred, why millions were carted away, tortured, starved and worked to death in Gulag slave camps, Solzhenitsyn gave this simple, yet startling, response: "Man has forgotten God."

The brave Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, the famous Russian writer who has been called the "Conscience of the 20th Century," served eight long years in the Soviet Gulag prison system. Today, he is hated by top-level Jews in America and around the world because he exposed the Jewish leadership of the genocide of 66 million Communist Gulag victims. Many victims were Christians.

"Outrageous," the Critics Roared
"What did you say? God? Outrageous!" the critics roared. Immediately, the world's press began a reversal of opinion about this man they once had lionized. Some called him a "Christian fanatic." Others said Solzhenitsyn was "reactionary...right wing...a religious nut."

Then, in 2000, Solzhenitsyn released a blockbuster new book he had penned entitled Together For Two Hundred Years. The new book was a lengthy treatise, a thorough and far-reaching compilation of several decades of research by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn into the machinations for two centuries of Jews inside Russia and the Soviet Empire.

Karl Marx, the Jewish radical who inspired Lenin and Trotsky with his communist theories, was secretly a High Priest of Satan (see Richard Wurmbrand's book, Marx and Satan). Shown here in his official portrait, Marx is giving an enigmatic Masonic hand sign (see Richardson's Monitor of Freemasonry, p. 74).

Accurate in every detail, painstakingly documented, the author showed how, over the centuries, a small band of revolutionary Jews had conspired and plotted to overthrow the Russian Czars. Their aim: seize control of Czarist Russia and establish a beachhead for a Jewish utopia on planet earth—the long sought after Kingdom of the Jews.

The Gulags of the Jewish Revolutionaries
With staggering implications, Together For Two Hundred Years showed how Lenin, Trotsky and other Jewish conspirators had overthrown the Romanov dynasty in 1917 and set up their own Bolshevik totalitarian system. The result: The nightly assassination and roundup of thousands of innocent men, women, and children, most of whom were herded by black-hearted Big Brother secret police into thousands of monstrously evil Gulag concentration camps.

The largest number of victims, Solzhenitsyn reports, were Christian believers, understandable since the revolutionary Jews despised and hated Jesus and His Chosen People, the Christians. All-in-all, about 66 million innocent people were kidnapped and eventually died a hideous death at the hands of the Jewish "Ivan the Terrible" corps.

Four Gulag camp commandants. Note that all four are giving the secret sign of Jewish Freemasonry, just as did Communism's founding father, the Jewish Mason, Karl Marx.

66 million murdered by mostly Jewish Gulag overlords! That's over ten times the number of Jews claimed to have been slain in Nazi concentration camps.

Obviously, such a powerful—and truthful—book as Together For Two Hundred Years must be suppressed. And it has been. No English-speaking publisher, either in Britain or in the U.S.A. has dared to publish it. So far, Solzhenitsyn's book has only been issued in the Russian language.

"Crush This Insolent Wretch"
Shamelessly, yet quietly and without a lot of fanfare, Jewish organizations have put out the word: "Crush this insolent wretch, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. Give his works, his voice no forum, kill him with neglect. If you must mention his name, say it with scorn and with taunts and ridicule. Punish him severely for attempting to reveal our secrets to the world. Let him be an example of what the Jewish Power can do to a man who stubbornly refuses to tow the Zionist party line."

I have seen what they have done to Solzhenitsyn. I have read their biased and spiteful reviews of his book in the controlled media and witnessed their revengeful hatred of him in countless Jewish magazines, websites, and journals influential but relatively unknown to the public at large. The ruthless Jewish Power clique works to kill men in a variety of ways. With Mel Gibson, it was more public. With Solzhenitsyn, it is more personal and private. Clearly, Solzhenitsyn's writings about the Jewish leadership of the Soviet Holocaust is viewed as a grave threat to the Jewish Plan for global supremacy.

In Russia, millions of people—many of them survivors of the Gulag—still love and respect the aging man of God, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. They have read his newest book, and they know it is true. They lived it! They also well understand why such a book is being kept from the American people. The Talmudic Jews are fiercely determined that the whole truth about their repugnant, geno-cidal crimes be covered up. Solzhenitsyn's reputation must be progressively tarnished and his writings buried forever.

So now, the man, Solzhenitsyn, who suffered under the Jewish Gulag tormentors for so long, must now be tortured once again, and for the same purported "crime," the offense of using "words."

It was Lenin who once said, "Words are more deadly than bullets." Leninist ideology is truly an exemplar of the poisonous Talmudic Jewish mindset. Today, in America, there are, consequently, many things a man cannot say, cannot write about, and cannot publish. I know. I have, myself, faithfully followed God's calling and done my best to follow in Solzhenitsyn's footsteps. The Jewish holocaust revisionists have punished me, too, and they continue today to threaten and bully whip me and Power of Prophecy ministries.

Like Mel Gibson and Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Texe Marrs is now being falsely and cruelly branded an "anti-Semite," a "Jew-hater" and worse, on all seven continents.

Fascinating, isn't it, how much fury, venom, and wrath just a touch of truth can whip up among the Jewish overlords and their Gentile accomplices, who today guide Western culture and minutely monitor and control every aspect of media reporting on politics, economics, and religion.

This official postcard, widely circulated by the Communist government in Russia following the Jewish Bolshevik takeover, is entitled "Leaders of the Proletarian Revolution." The postcard reveals the Jewishness of these original leaders of the Communist Party. All six shown, including Lenin and Trotsky, are Jews!

The Fearless Few Are Hated
Their greatest hatred, their most vicious spewing of venom, is reserved for the fearless few who dare to reveal to the world the heinous crimes committed by the Jewish Power in the Communist Gulag, especially the Zionist murder of 66 million men, women, and children, many of them Bible-believing Christians.

Equally hated are men like Ernst Zundel of Canada, who have questioned whether six million Jews actually died in a Nazi Holocaust. But even if six million died in a Nazi Holocaust, what of the sixty-six million who perished in the Jewish Gulag? And remember: Thousands of Nazis have been tracked down and punished for their reported crimes against humanity. Why is it that not even one Zionist Jew has ever been brought to justice for the heinous crimes committed in the Jewish Communist Gulag? Why?

For almost six decades, America and the planet have been preaching to the Germans, reminding them of the terrible crimes of their Nazi ancestors. It is only fair and just that we all now turn our attention to the Communist Gulag Holocaust, that we expose the Jews' role in its monstrous crimes and remind the Jews of what their criminal ancestors did to these sixty-six million innocent victims, most of whom were Christians.

Isn't it also time we demand construction of a Christian Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C., to be erected next door to the existing taxpayer-funded Jewish Holocaust Museum? Is only the suffering of Jews worthy of being memorialized? What about the pain and suffering endured by so many other ethnic and religious groups, including that of Russian and Eastern European Christians during the Jewish Bolshevik era? Don't these tens of millions of Gentiles killed and tortured deserve to be remembered as well?