View Full Version : Hitler the insane
08-10-2004, 02:28 AM
For a while I didn't know what to think about the rumors of Hitler having jewish blood. After reading a bit on it it came clear that Hitler doesn't have jewish blood, but something more disturbing:
Hitler's grandmother was not Jewish.
There are some rumors hinting that Hitler's grandfather was Jewish. Few, if any, of the reputable historians on the Holocaust believe that this is so. It is more likely that Hitler tried to keep the murky history of his family quite secret because there was a high incidence of insanity and feeble-mindedness in his ancestors.
Rumors die hard, though.
One of Hitler's henchmen, Hans Frank, declared during the Nuremberg Trials in 1945-46, that Hitler's grandmother had worked in the town of Graz as a servant in the home of a Jewish family named Frankenberger. He further claimed that she was seduced by the head of the household and that Hitler's grandfather was the result of that liaison.
A subsequent analysis of Frank's statement by Simon Wiesenthal disclosed that there was no evidence of any Jewish family named Frankenberger ever living in Graz. What is more, Jews had been driven out of Graz in the 15th century and had not been allowed to return until 1856, nearly twenty years after Hitler's grandfather had been born.
Hitler's grandmother's maiden name was Schickelgruber. There is considerable evidence that this family produced abnormal progeny. Examples are: one of Hitler's relatives through his mother's side committed suicide in 1920, another, Aloisha had been placed in an insane asylum, another was "feeble-minded," and yet another was retarded.
According to the article from which I am quoting this material:
"Hitler's real fear, then, was not that someone would discover that he has a Jewish grandfather, but that it would someday come to light that he carried a hereditary disposition toward mental illness and retardation."
"Hitler's Family Secret: A file recovered from the Nazi Archives tells of a Gestapo investigation into the Fuehrer's murky family history."
By: Ben S. Swearingen
Civilization: The Magazine of the Library of Congress Volume 2, Number 2, Arcg/April 1995, pp. 54-55
Harry W. Mazal OBE
I do not see where that says Hitler was insane. Also, is that Fade in your Avatar?
08-10-2004, 08:05 AM
The usual crap Jews need to come up with to tarnish this great man. Lets see how long it takes for the Geli Raubal golden shower stories to turn up.
For a while I didn't know what to think about the rumors of Hitler having jewish blood. After reading a bit on it it came clear that Hitler doesn't have jewish blood, but something more disturbing:
...Sounds like they're relying on the phony science of eugenics to prove Hitler's insanity!
08-10-2004, 09:31 AM
Hitler was not insane.
Having said that from what some eye witnesses say about his temper tantraums and mood swings , "his bad stomachs" , his almost self directed medical care by a doctor who knew if "I don't give him what he wants , I will be replaced by someone who will " there is strong substansial evidence to say that he was neurotic / hysterical in nature and quite possibly would today be considered to have a "personality disorder".
It can be said that Hitler was under a great deal of stress certainly as the war progressed this increased.
Look at how he dealt with the stress and how his own mistrust of others certainly compounded the situation.
Not insane but certainly a number of his personailty traits would in any other type of goverment give rise for serious concern.
08-10-2004, 02:07 PM
Having said that from what some eye witnesses say about his temper tantraums and mood swings , "his bad stomachs" , his almost self directed medical care by a doctor who knew if "I don't give him what he wants , I will be replaced by someone who will " there is strong substansial evidence to say that he was neurotic / hysterical in nature and quite possibly would today be considered to have a "personality disorder".
also, the video in which he has that severe trembling hand (alzheimer) which didn't pass the censor review and don't forget his suicidal tendencies ;)
No doubt this man had some dubious personality traits.
08-10-2004, 02:11 PM
Suicidal tendencies? Dubious personality traits? WTF are you talking about?
08-10-2004, 02:15 PM
Are you Idolising this man Ebusitanus?
aside from his dubious personality traits, are you forgetting his extremely weak military tactics which ruined germany eventually?
08-10-2004, 02:17 PM
Are you trying to Troll here Paul?
08-10-2004, 02:19 PM
I do not see where that says Hitler was insane. Also, is that Fade in your Avatar?
He had the genes to become, or maybe already was, insane.
08-10-2004, 02:31 PM
Are you trying to Troll here Paul?
I'm expressing some criticism towards wacko Adolf and instantly i'm trolling?
I've read numerous speculative posts on the jews, africans, etc and when i'm trying to validate the above mentioned post people get all defensive instead of inquisitive.
the man showed dubious personality traits and had weak military tactics, only thing that can be said is that he knew how to rebuild a land in a short time. He was more of a builder than a soldier.
08-10-2004, 05:14 PM
Well from my younger day's reading about Hitler I would not say he was insane. He was certainly a dreamer, for example in Mein Kampf he tends to make it out as if the decisions he made in life came from tough thinking whereas they most likely came from chance.
Also his ideas were simply an amalgamtion of the general feeling in Germany at the time. Of course he was an aloof person, for example he was never promoted in the army because he showed no leadership skills, nobody he stayed with while in the Vienna home for men really got to know him etc.
I guess he idea's of grandeur are associated with the whole aimless artist persona, where was he going until he joined the then DAP? Nowhere, it gave him meaning and he had nothing to lose, the key to his success in my eyes.
Odd things like when he was clearly near to death he would look at the map of Linz for hours and dream of rebuilding it etc. his allowing of Vienna to be bombed when he could have gave them some anti-aircraft weapons.
He is an odd individual and I guess a political genius, not with ideas, he had no new ideas at all, but simply as a public figure.
08-10-2004, 05:38 PM
acceptable..also he sent an entire generation of youth into their certain deaths by defending cities(Koningsberg) which were to be sieged by half a million russians. He did this on a few key points when the war was already lost. Also reassigned battalions that were already defeated or near defeat, as seen in northern France and the Ardennes.
Was this because he still had the illusion that he could win or did he want to drag everyone down with him just because he was bitter?
08-10-2004, 05:41 PM
Ebusitanus , had been interviewed and assessed by a psychiatrist or a psychologist they certainly would have voiced some concerns about him.
Hysterial type behaviour might not be so far wide of the mark , neutrotic most certainly.
Psychopath , would not rule it out , he certainly had some traits which are associated with psychopathy/ sociopathy.
Insane in terms of psychotic , no he would not appear to have been.
Dementing , sorry Paul I have to disagree with you.
Was he a stable well adjusted individual , no Hitler in my view was neither.
08-10-2004, 06:34 PM
"The Nazi swastika flag colors, red and black, typically appeal to the brain-damaged. And Hitler used "odd stereotyped gestures" (hand motions up near his own face, to make a point) in his speeches. And "odd stereotyped gestures" are typical in brain damage. "Marked distortions of normal behavior appear in the form of odd stereotyped gestures," say Allen D. Calvin, Ph.D., et al, Psychology (1961), p. 430
As was then known to occur disproportionately among smokers, Adolf's mental ability deteriorated. As a result, his school grades went down. They went down to the extreme that in 1900, at another school, he failed and had to repeat a grade. Again, public record!
Hitler and accomplices had a daily practice recorded in the period 11 Nov 1923 - 20 Dec 1924; they "would smoke and gossip . . . ."—John Toland, Adolf Hitler (Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Co, 1976), p 203. Smoking from 1897 through at least 1924 made Hitler a smoker for at least about 27 years. "
"Hitler was not new to psychiatry. In 1918, blinded by a poisonous gas attack in the war, he was admitted to a military hospital where he was hypnotized by psychiatrist Edmund Forster. Forster put Hitler in a trance and implanted him with the belief that his beloved Germany needed him to recover his sight in order to serve the cause of national resurrection"
"A little-known United States Naval Intelligence document (declassified in 1973) for the first time identified Dr. Edmund Forster as the psychiatrist who treated Adolf Hitler during his recovery in Pasewalk Military Hospital.
The fact that Adolf Hitler served as a corporal in World War I is known. However, little has been known as to the psychiatric treatment of Hitler during the autumn of 1918 after he fell victim to a mustard gas attack while serving in the front lines with The 16th Bavarian Reserve Infantry Regiment."
08-10-2004, 06:44 PM
The National Socialists were retarded, you say? A group of retards was somehow able to gain overwhelming support from Germans?
Your "arguments" could just as easily have come from Beavis and Butthead. Hitler was retarded, Hitler was gay, heh heh heh.
You are a useless troll. I motion that you be banned.
08-10-2004, 07:01 PM
I am not convinced as to the link between the read, black and white abnner colours / swastika emblem and smoking having any bearing on Hitler's state of mind or their being directly linked to any brain damage.
I may not agree with them but David does provide quotes to back them up.
As for banning David goes , I give it no consideration at all.
08-10-2004, 07:02 PM
There is a whole crew of Anglos and Euros here who seem desperate to hang on to the popularized diametrical analysis of World War II.
Paul, your links are to silly hatchet jobs that, quite frankly, make your cause look ridiculous.
08-10-2004, 07:04 PM
As for banning David goes , I give it no consideration at all.
That's okay. I'd ban the both of you. Be glad that the mods are more tolerant of subliterate trolls. Of course, that tolerance may eventually run out.
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