View Full Version : Origins of Anti-Semitism
06-27-2004, 03:56 AM
What are the causes of your anti-semitism?
06-27-2004, 04:18 AM,10551,1046589,00.html
This threat to Europe first got my attention. If Israel goes down, we'll nuke parts of Europe. That attitude got me thinking, and later on I found out about the classical shit they pull.
06-27-2004, 04:55 AM
I'm not anti semetic.
06-27-2004, 05:41 AM
Im not anti semitic, though jewish women are pushy and they have too many liberals.
06-30-2004, 09:40 PM
I actually don't hate all Jews, but I dislike most of them, so I do consider myself an anti-Semite. I really don't like the term "anti-Semite," though, since I don't have nearly as much of a problem with Arabs as with Jews.
What I hate about (most) Jews is their extreme hypocrisy. They stick together like glue, yet they squeal loudly enough to wake the dead whenever members of the White race attempt to organize along racial lines. They were persecuted via an ethnic cleansing campaign in Nazi Germany, but now they've forgotten all about that and are doing to the Palestinians the very same thing that was done to them. It's a sickening spectacle. Even worse, their organizations (including the state of Israel) have subverted the US government both legally (through political action groups such as the AIPAC) and illegally (through plants and spies). It's even gotten to the point where the US military is being used by Israel, as in the latest Iraq war. I hardly even need to mention the USS Liberty attack. Jews are also the major force behind damaging domestic political movements in the US, including lax immigration laws, gun control, the attempted normalization of homosexuality, radical feminism, affirmative action, and so on.
On a more personal level, Jews tend to be abrasive, pushy, and smug. Jewish men are generally wimpy and can't fight (even when they have muscles -- I found this out through personal experience), while Jewish women are bitchy and materialistic. There are plenty of Whites who share these characteristics, though, and I tend to judge individuals I meet as just that -- individuals. Therefore, my dislike of Jews is more a result of their activities as a group as described above.
06-30-2004, 11:06 PM
Anti-Jewish sentiment, which I will here call anti-Semitism for simplicity's sake, was probably first a result of Jews being a minority with different religious practices and whatnot.
To survive, Jews have probably picked up survival characteristics, such as working as a closely-knit group. It is exaggerated versions of these characteristics that are either cause or justification for modern anti-Semitism.
If Jews are smug, it's because they're on top, for whatever reason. It's like a bunch of white supremacists chortling because they're so superior to mud race X.
07-01-2004, 07:59 AM
Anti-Jewish sentiment, which I will here call anti-Semitism for simplicity's sake, was probably first a result of Jews being a minority with different religious practices and whatnot.Much of Jewish religious belief is based on their notion of being "special" in God's eyes. Perhaps you're familiar with the Talmud? Many religious Jews think that non-Jews are sub-human.
To survive, Jews have probably picked up survival characteristics, such as working as a closely-knit group. It is exaggerated versions of these characteristics that are either cause or justification for modern anti-Semitism.I think Jewish cohesion and group-think is mostly a legacy of Talmudic thinking.
If Jews are smug, it's because they're on top, for whatever reason. It's like a bunch of white supremacists chortling because they're so superior to mud race X.Well, Jews certainly aren't on top of me. (For one thing, I know for a fact that my IQ is much higher than that of the average Jew. There are many Whites and Asians who can say the same thing, yet most of us don't act smug or obnoxious toward anyone.) Jews' success can be attributed in part to their better-than-average intelligence, but there's much more to it than that. Their tribal cohesion, nepotism, and disregard of the ethical principles espoused by most Whites and Asians -- especially Christians -- really tilts the playing field to their advantage.
07-01-2004, 09:35 AM
What are the causes of your anti-semitism?
jews. :D
Seriously though, it is the jews themselves that cause most of the so-called anti-semitism. It is more often a reaction to the jews themselves as opposed to some blind hatred of the jews.
Isn't it more irrational NOT to hate a group that is naturally a parasite, a hypocrite and an all-around destructive force on whichever nation they choose to infest?
07-01-2004, 02:22 PM
The atmosphere they have created in Europe is such that you can't even speak about jews anymore if you're not mentioning WW2 in your discourse. It is hard to believe the magnitude of influence they exert over western media if you look at how little jews there actually are.
07-21-2004, 01:00 PM
Does anti-Semitism arise from an irrational blind hatred of Jews (as the Jews say), or instead, from a phenomena which hitherto has been shrouded in darkness, anti-Goyism?
07-21-2004, 02:24 PM
Does anti-Semitism arise from an irrational blind hatred of Jews (as the Jews say), or instead, from a phenomena which hitherto has been shrouded in darkness, anti-Goyism?
anti-goyism, absolutely sure
07-21-2004, 02:49 PM
First it was their ****ty treatment of the Palestinians, but at that time I didnt hate all Jews; I was just anti-zionist. Over time, as especially as I became more Christian, I began to develop a hatred of jews in general. Basically it was a combination of anti-Zionism, their role in creating our current cultural decadence, traditional Christian teachings, and rhetoric from fellow nationalists.
07-21-2004, 03:42 PM
What are the causes of your anti-semitism?
Politics, politics, politics.
I do not hate Jews that don't follow a certain political behavior pattern, but most do, since their behavior and politics is a product of Jewish culture.
07-21-2004, 03:50 PM
Politics, politics, politics.
I do not hate Jews that don't follow a certain political behavior pattern, but most do, since their behavior and politics is a product of Jewish culture.
Its a product of jewish mothers, and having felt with some justification( in the Middle Ages they didn't bring it on themselves, Charlemagne and the jews got along great they came to grief later in the Middle ages because the catholic church decided it wanted a monopoly on knowledge, big banking, and trade. Any grief the jews came to in their capacity as moneylenders is justified by the fact they were restricted from other professions).
07-21-2004, 04:04 PM
I refuse to discuss any Jewish issues with you until you cease your purposeful ignorant state (which is a product of your own personal ties). You're too uninformed (and not by accident) to have a meaningful discussion with right now.
07-21-2004, 04:05 PM
Im confirming the jewish mother stereotype here.
07-21-2004, 04:16 PM
The vanguard of most of the desctructive political ideologies in this century were male Jewish intellectuals. It is theorized that this is a result of leaving the ghetto and feeling a hatred/alienation towards the host society around them. This theory is confirmed by many Jewish writers themselves, such as Horowitz (and Fade has been nice enough to post long excerpts from his book on this forum). This resulted in their desire to tear down the existing society and reconstruct it more to their liking. A possible countertactic would be to deconstruct the Jewish tribe, utterly.
07-21-2004, 04:27 PM
Okay, so you are saying that most subversive ideologies originate from jewish intellectual sources( Friedan and Marx come to mind).
Modern Feminism( a very destructive ideology) Ill agree and blame jewish women for to a large extent, they were causal. Ive said before I don't generally like jewish women very much.
Marx wrote for "The League of the Just"( if they were mostly jewish tell me because I honestly don't know) and he to a large degree recycled Plato and Rosseau... nor had socialism been untried before historically. So as to the jewish origins of the intellectual ideology its a bit of a strech.
When jews do rebel I agree they tend to embrace radical utopian ideologies.
07-21-2004, 04:36 PM
Okay, so you are saying that most subversive ideologies originate from jewish intellectual sources( Friedan and Marx come to mind).
If you would read the material I provided or rec. to you, you wouldn't be in the dark.
Modern Feminism( a very destructive ideology) Ill agree and blame jewish women for to a large extent, they were causal. Ive said before I don't generally like jewish women very much.
Modern Feminism is but one of numerous ideological movements which Jews have spearheaded to subvert and destroy their host societies.
When jews do rebel I agree they tend to embrace radical utopian ideologies.
It's a product of Jewish culture to be in a constant state of either rebellion or alienation from non-Jewish society. There have been numerous other religious/ethnic tribal units in history that simply do not exist any more. Sure, their genes are floating around somewhere, but they do not exist as a social unit. Perhaps we can say the same about Judaism someday.
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