View Full Version : Post your pic
08-07-2004, 01:20 AM
If you want mine, you're gonna have to PM me, I'm not putting it in the open.
Post a bad pic, where we can just make you out.
Idi Amin
08-07-2004, 02:34 AM
Your son, Noddy?
Why not post your pic out in the open? You that hideous? Nobody is judging here. This isn't people just like to have a face to go with who they are talking to. PM'in for a pic is kind of wierd anyways.
Dr. Brandt
08-07-2004, 08:55 AM
I doubt thats Noddy.
08-07-2004, 12:45 PM
LOL, no, noone has ever described me as hideous. Guess I like to have control over who sees it and who doesn't.
08-07-2004, 03:29 PM
Stan's cute. It's just wise to excercise a bit of caution. You never know when some ARA bum will get a burr up his ass and decide to post your picture all over with "OMG NOTORIUS INTARNET NAZII!!!11ONE!1" scrawled all over it.
08-07-2004, 03:55 PM
Edana is cute too :D
08-07-2004, 03:59 PM
Edana is cute too :DI saw her too and agree. Too bad the hot ones are already taken, seems to always be like that.:(
08-07-2004, 05:00 PM
Do I have repeat what I already did in my profile? I'm very proud for my Ideas and I have nothing to hide concerning me. My picture is already in my profile as well as my real name. If you need also my private number it is: ++6977764737.
Kindest Regards!
08-07-2004, 09:36 PM
Stan's cute. It's just wise to excercise a bit of caution. You never know when some ARA bum will get a burr up his ass and decide to post your picture all over with "OMG NOTORIUS INTARNET NAZII!!!11ONE!1" scrawled all over it.
They've done that already with some of our pics.
08-07-2004, 10:24 PM
I advize everyone who wants to show his pic to just email or PM it to whoever wants it. That way, you're sure only people you trust have it. You really don't wanna see yourself on some hatesite.
08-07-2004, 10:33 PM
They've done that already with some of our pics.
To who?
(extra words)
Saint Michael
08-07-2004, 10:48 PM
Posted by Edana
To who?
Stormfront. There was an entire page posted of pictures of stormfront members which included Prodigal Son. I don't think it has ever happened from the Phora, though there have been some lunatics that gave us a show with pictures.
08-07-2004, 11:09 PM
Oh, I knew that. I thought it was from the Phora. I did see a funny photoshop of Fade on OD one time.
08-08-2004, 12:45 AM
Oh, we have had photoshop wars galore at this place...As people got pissed with each other they began to photoshop eachother. Wehr the leading photoshopper and also the most photoshopped himself. Fade got photoshopped by Wehr once at the Phora at a time he was experimenting with an extreme nauseating ideology..Who ever has shown himself has been photoshopped. This has all toned down totally by now..but its was once upon a time quite a fashion. Quite good artworks too.
The best one yet I have seen was one of Sulla done by Zvaci (I think) including Sulla´s face and a s1ht beatle. Another one was a photoshop of Wehr was the evil Doctor at the Brit series "Dr. Who"
08-08-2004, 02:34 AM
Posting your pic on the internet is kinda dumb...
If I had a recent picture of myself I would not hesitate to post it because I am handsome.
08-08-2004, 05:27 PM
Oh what the hell. Here I am in my housecoat:
08-08-2004, 05:38 PM
Impressive outfit. But not as impressive as this:
I can tell undoubted Raphaels from Gerard Dows and Zoffanies,
I know the croaking chorus from the Frogs of Aristophanes!
Then I can hum a fugue of which I've heard the music's din afore,
And whistle all the airs from that infernal nonsense Pinafore.
08-08-2004, 06:02 PM
Oh what the hell. Here I am in my housecoat: is a black and white print of me
Here is a print of me in my work clothes
08-12-2004, 03:30 PM
I am sorry to say this, but you guys are 1) deluded that anyone care's what you look like (other than curiosity and probably to laugh at you), 2) paranoid. This is forum on the net. Do you really believe that anyone barring some pesty but harmless kooks on the net would care what you looked like? How are you to defend the caucasian race if you are so brave? Whinging on the internet won't change anything in the real world.
08-12-2004, 09:31 PM
My friend took this one of me at a protest. :)
08-12-2004, 10:41 PM
I refuse to post my picture because I know everyone would be mesmerized by my stunning good looks, and I want my arguments to be accepted on their merit, not my superior physical features.
08-12-2004, 10:43 PM
2) paranoid
Proud of it...
08-12-2004, 10:44 PM
Who would go after you, though?
08-12-2004, 10:47 PM
Who would go after you, though?
Wouldn't you like to know :D ?
08-12-2004, 10:51 PM
Let's see....
Feds? No...
Mossad? No...
08-12-2004, 10:53 PM
Let's see....
Feds? No...
Mossad? No...
WRS.... OMG, THAT'S IT!!Thats one of them... btw lurking on LF I discovered a possible "OTHER" account for the sand wigger( ask SoL don't remember the name but I pmed him with a "possible psycho alert").
I don't think all the feds would consider all my views halal either.
08-12-2004, 10:54 PM
Wouldn't you like to know :D ?
A trannie hooker you never paid?
08-12-2004, 10:55 PM
Thats one of them... btw lurking on LF I discovered a possible "OTHER" account for the sand wigger( ask SoL don't remember the name but I pmed him with a "possible psycho alert").
Aww, you're being a scaredy cat.
08-12-2004, 10:57 PM
A trannie hooker you never paid?
If I intended to stiff a whore I'd get a good non tranny one, I DONT stiff people which is why Ive never really paid a "professional"...
08-13-2004, 12:36 AM
I refuse to post my picture because I know everyone would be mesmerized by my stunning good looks, and I want my arguments to be accepted on their merit, not my superior physical features.
She's right, I've seen her and I'm still too stunned to disagree with this fair maiden about anything.
08-13-2004, 01:27 AM
I am sorry to say this, but you guys are 1) deluded that anyone care's what you look like (other than curiosity and probably to laugh at you), 2) paranoid. This is forum on the net. Do you really believe that anyone barring some pesty but harmless kooks on the net would care what you looked like? How are you to defend the caucasian race if you are so brave? Whinging on the internet won't change anything in the real world.
keep posting.
08-14-2004, 04:58 AM
photo taken about 8 am in the morning at my work(about 6 months ago). Comfortably stretching myself out and barely able to keep my eyes open while listening instensly to my employer over the phone.
Mary Poppins
08-14-2004, 05:04 AM
photo taken about 8 am in the morning at my work(about 6 months ago). Comfortably stretching myself out and barely able to keep my eyes open while listening instensly to my employer over the phone.
You are handsome for a much-older freaky deaky Dutchman! :p Why are you wearing a shirt that says "AMERICAN HAWKS?" ;)
If I intended to stiff a whore I'd get a good non tranny one, I DONT stiff people which is why Ive never really paid a "professional"...
Otto is a trannie hooker, born on Friday the 13th, no less!
08-14-2004, 05:10 AM
You are handsome for a much-older freaky deaky Dutchman!
thanks, but also i'm not that old though :P only 24
Why are you wearing a shirt that says "AMERICAN HAWKS?"
The funny thing is that I was seriously doubting if I should buy the shirt or not. I'm against wearing american symbols and such, but then I thought:"what the heck, it's just a shirt". Style won over conscious ;)
08-14-2004, 05:18 AM
I can't imagine what Brandt is going to do to that.
Mary Poppins
08-14-2004, 05:20 AM
thanks, but also i'm not that old though :P only 24
I knw you're not that old, but still, you are older than I! :p
The funny thing is that I was seriously doubting if I should buy the shirt or not. I'm against wearing american symbols and such, but then I thought:"what the heck, it's just a shirt". Style won over conscious ;)
Today I drank from a mug that read "United We Stand," with an American flag. I felt like a sellout; ah, well. :o
08-14-2004, 05:35 AM
I can't imagine what Brandt is going to do to that.
He and I had a photoshop war in the past. His photoshopped pics of mine were great. still laughing when thinking back on it.
08-14-2004, 05:53 AM
Too bad I missed it.
Damn, you look like a pretentious, faggy rock star all the sudden.
08-14-2004, 06:04 AM
Me in 1999, standing before the lair of the beast with an appropriate expression of restrained disgust:
Me and my Uzbekistani digital cam :D
I doubt thats Noddy.
Of course it's me. I posted loads of pics of myself on the old board.
Your son, Noddy?
The first of two.
Dr. Brandt
08-16-2004, 12:01 PM
I can't imagine what Brandt is going to do to that.
But he should consider getting a haircut and using a comb once in a while.
08-16-2004, 12:13 PM
photo taken about 8 am in the morning at my work(about 6 months ago). Comfortably stretching myself out and barely able to keep my eyes open while listening instensly to my employer over the phone.
You actually look like the man in your avatar.
08-16-2004, 02:16 PM
This is my other personality, 'George II'. :rolleyes:
08-17-2004, 06:53 AM
It is stupid that I am not allowed to make posts below ten words. Here is me:
08-17-2004, 10:10 AM
Hey Invictus, you can get rid of that minimum by just adding more than one blank space between words. The software filters those out, and you can make a shorter post that way.
08-17-2004, 10:12 AM
Hey Invictus, you can get rid of that minimum by just adding more than one blank space between words. The software filters those out, and you can make a shorter post that way.
Ok. Thanks.
The first of two.
Make that three. Boy, have I been busy :p
08-23-2004, 06:08 AM
Make that three. Boy, have I been busy :p
Umm, congrats? :p
I don't know what it is, but women have been coming at me and coming asking me to get them pregnant, all out of the blue. I don't know what's going on, but I'm not complaining. :p
08-23-2004, 06:43 AM
So you have become a walking sperm bank? lol
I'm not Catholic, but doing it totally free and natural rocks :D
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