View Full Version : Marriage In ...auschwitz!!

08-06-2004, 11:01 AM
Athens celebrates its Olympic illusion. The poor shelter became a Palace in order to organize a glamorous party! Democracy demands it! Residents of this poor country suffer a lot b u t the big money game starts in a few hours!
The largest bookshop in city, ELEFTEROUDAKIS, is starting to promote its new best-seller: "MARRIAGE IN AUSCHWITZ" by Erich Hackl, in Greek.
Often I'm thinking if all those persisting in Holocaust-lie are crazy or simply cretins!
A marriage in Auschwitz? Really?...A marriage in a place of death?
Was possible to be married before to be ...soap???
Jews are dangerous for spiritual health of Humanity!

08-07-2004, 12:55 AM
I want to get married in Auschwitz now. Any takers?