View Full Version : What is so great about major team sports?
08-03-2004, 05:59 PM
Let's see. People cheer for a team consisting of numerous people who were bought from other cities and countries. People cheer for a team consisting of people who could just be bought by other cities and countries if they do well. Why, then, are major team sports a source of patriotic or local pride? It makes as much sense as rooting for an army of hired mercenaries.
I think they should make a rule in team sports that all members of a team must have lived in that city/country for a certain (long) amount of time. Otherwise, it completely defeats the purpose. What is the point of local or national competition if the teams are not composed of people from a locality or nation? Why should people feel any pride at all about "their team" winning if they won because they're composed of hired foreigners who will just go to the other team if the price is right?
08-03-2004, 06:34 PM
What can I say, you're making a good point. Still, the teams itself still tap into strong local feelings, and many people, including myself, are receptive to it. Sports aren't 100% rational Edana. They would be dull if that were the case.
08-03-2004, 06:40 PM
But I don't understand why a team would create strong local feelings if most of the team doesn't even come from that locality and could be gone from that team next year when another offers a better deal.
I think "the public" is still of the mindset created back when teams actually came from the locality or country, yet the sport has turned into a business and the public hasn't caught up yet.
If people would stop rooting for sports teams that consist of foreign mercs, maybe they would change their practices.
As of right now, I think major team sports are more dull precisely for this reason. Localities and nations are not actually competing based on skill they can harvest from their area. They're competing based on how many good players they can buy from wherever.
08-03-2004, 06:57 PM
Most people are worthless sheep. Professional sports are a panem et circensis method of entertaining the mob. Professional sports use loud noises and music, idiotic catch phrases, bright colors, and mindless physical exertion to entertain the fat Rust Belt workers, welfare Negroes, and rich wigger kids. Players are paid millions of dollars a year for throwing a ball, jumping high, or running fast. Meanwhile, research scientists get paltry university paychecks. Why? Because real science is too abstruse for the idiots; it doesn't entertain them the way Negroes dunking a basketball does.
08-03-2004, 07:21 PM
You should get into G.A.A. Edana.
08-03-2004, 08:04 PM
Not all sports are as negro-infested as basketball. My footie (soccer)team has only one negro, and he only plays on fairly rare occasions. The rest of the team is all European.
08-03-2004, 08:15 PM
Are they all natives of your country, though?
08-03-2004, 08:28 PM
08-03-2004, 08:29 PM
Let's see. People cheer for a team consisting of numerous people who were bought from other cities and countries. People cheer for a team consisting of people who could just be bought by other cities and countries if they do well. Why, then, are major team sports a source of patriotic or local pride? It makes as much sense as rooting for an army of hired mercenaries.
I think they should make a rule in team sports that all members of a team must have lived in that city/country for a certain (long) amount of time. Otherwise, it completely defeats the purpose. What is the point of local or national competition if the teams are not composed of people from a locality or nation? Why should people feel any pride at all about "their team" winning if they won because they're composed of hired foreigners who will just go to the other team if the price is right?
The only thing good about them is if your so much better then the handicappers you actually consistently win money on sports betting, no I don't know anyone like that ya feds really I don't...
08-03-2004, 08:34 PM
The only thing good about them is if your so much better then the handicappers you actually consistently win money on sports betting, no I don't know anyone like that ya feds really I don't...
Dear feds:
I can personally attest to weikel's status as an obedient, fearful Amewikwan.
Carl Rylander
08-04-2004, 03:33 AM
What is so great about major team sports?
Pro-sports teams supposedly provide a major boon to local economies.
I fail to see how, as the money spent by fans on pro-sporting events would be spent on other forms of entertainment if the teams didn't exist.
08-04-2004, 03:36 AM
Yeah thats a nice sig, but is Apple still using the "think different" campaign. If not, that's a couple points off. Even then, nice idea anyhow.
08-04-2004, 05:41 AM
Pro-sports teams supposedly provide a major boon to local economies.
I fail to see how, as the money spent by fans on pro-sporting events would be spent on other forms of entertainment if the teams didn't exist.
I guess they are a God send to the junk food stand businesses.
08-04-2004, 01:55 PM
Pro-sports teams supposedly provide a major boon to local economies.
I fail to see how, as the money spent by fans on pro-sporting events would be spent on other forms of entertainment if the teams didn't exist.
There have been several academic studies which reach the same conclusion. They also raise the tax burden on other people since the franchises generally receive a number of local government subsidies.
08-10-2004, 12:12 AM
I guess they are a God send to the junk food stand businesses.
Oh be quiet and go fetch us some ale wench.
08-31-2004, 09:16 AM
Well one shouldn't take sports too seriously. Too many lemmings do.
Now one thing to keep in mind is that many players are very young, so when they get added to the Franchise in your area they become part of the community alot easier, like grow into it, then say some seasoned veteran who just signed. For example I happen to be a Portland Trailblazers fan and they have a player Travis Outlaw who is only 18 and has really become part of the community, besides dunking, the Blazers iz all this young guy knows.
Also when a local player does get on a team itz BIG and that can really get the fans going. Another Blazer example is they traded and got a guy named Dan Dickau who had originally grown up in Portland... then there are the rumors of that occuring, like this last season there was talk that Gary Payton or Brent Barry (who both played at Oregon State University) would sign with the Blazers
Two other things not mentioned.
1.) Rivalries. Some folks aren't really in it too cheer on their own team, but to boo the other team. This can also feed into relationships one has with other folks. For instance a guy I knew at work was a huge Lakers fan so we had a huge rivarly. Also some others were Sacremento Kings fans and we would team up and make fun of the Lakers fan!!
2.) Many fans also jump ship/ jump on the bandwagon. For instance when the Trailblazers are playing real bad I'll just jump ship and switch over to watching the Seattle Supersonics (I can do this because I have lived in both Portland in Seattle!). Now when all that occurs other folks can come in with some friendly ribbing and make fun of the 'jumpee'
08-31-2004, 09:41 AM
Jumping ship is low, the lowest you can do as a fan. If you pick a team, you're stuck with it for life unless it goes bankrupt and disappears. Only then are you allowed to switch.
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