08-02-2004, 05:23 AM
If 'racists' are defined as those who believe in inherited differences manifestig themselves in observable groups, and these individuals constitute a reasonable percentage of the population, then should it not follow that in a 'free' democracy that this group should be permitted representation? This is not currently the case-a sizeable group of voters have their beliefs demonised, and are not permitted to 'have their say', so to speak, therefore, those in power responsible for this oppression should enter into discussion and mediation with the 'racists', else the democracy in question is anything but 'free'.
What are the sticking points that need to be brought up by both sides?
Here's a few:
#A demand for representation in the political process
#An end to demonisation
#The freedom to associate, and the converse, with whom one will
#Free speech
#Equal treatment irrespective of race
#An end to unfairness
#Limitations to speech regarding race
What are the sticking points that need to be brought up by both sides?
Here's a few:
#A demand for representation in the political process
#An end to demonisation
#The freedom to associate, and the converse, with whom one will
#Free speech
#Equal treatment irrespective of race
#An end to unfairness
#Limitations to speech regarding race