08-01-2004, 02:10 PM
Canary In The Coal Mine
Our freedom exists only upon the whim
of psychopaths devoid of conscience.
By John Kaminski
(No, not canary as in disgruntled Mafiosi who tweetles to the feds, singing like a bird. Canary as in sensitive to toxic gases such as carbon monoxide, placed in a mine to warn of danger. Any sign of distress from the canary was a clear signal that conditions underground were unsafe and miners should be evacuated from the shafts. Ernst Zündel is our canary, not because he sings to the feds, but because he sings for all of us eloquent songs of truth and practicality, a lighthouse of hope in a world of deliberately scripted trauma. Ernst Zündel is our barometer of freedom, and that forecast is dreadfully stormy as his hope for freedom wanes. Held for 18 months in solitary confinement in kangaroo-court Canada without charges and without the ability to defend himself, he faces imminent deportation to Germany where he will likely never leave prison again - all for trying to expose the demented Zionist lie that threatens all life on this planet.)
Now if I tell you that you suffer from delusions
You pay your analyst to reach the same conclusions
You live your life like a canary in a coalmine
You get so dizzy even walking in a straight line
- Sting, "Canary in a coal mine"
Letter to Ernst, July 30, 2004
Dear Ernst,
I am so ashamed, both to write you and not to have written for so long. I am so paralyzed about how to help you, if in fact in this current banana republic climate there is any way to help you at all.
You are the character Orwell and Huxley dreamed up in their nightmares, whose principled pursuit of truth brought you straight down a no-exit highway to endless punishment, and no solution for it short of a sudden awakening of conscience in every person on Earth.
You are the perfect cautionary tale for the Zionist monster now pillaging, blackmailing, extorting, and profaning the planet. The message your ordeal sends to the peoples of the world? Seek truth and you will be punished mercilessly. Try to tell them that war is a plague that destroys the victor as well as the vanquished, and if you participate you will become a victim of that war, and you will be ridiculed as hopelessly out of style, as reckless teenagers in Army fatigues run around viciously looking for a chance to kill someone they've been told by their schools and movies is less than human. It is a lesson they have been taught by their Zionist masters through rancid music and video games.
Ironic is too kind a word to use for those who preach hatred of the Islamic world, call them cockroaches and cattle as they shoot down the next generation of Palestine, and terrorize Iraq with bombs and beheadings, but who use their own purported persecution fifty-odd years ago as an ikon of their own religion to exempt them from the very terror they now inflict around the world.
Have you heard about the latest Zionist atrocity, recently uncovered in Far East, where Mossad agents seeking to steal identities to better infiltrate new nations they wish to target for enslavement are killing Australian tourists and then masquerading as the people they have killed? Lovely trait, eh, much like what they have become in the U.S., which they have effectively taken over and turned into a monster, as you so well know.
Anybody with a brain and a modicum of political savvy knows these staged beheadings and random bombings in Iraq are carried out by Mossad hit squads who drop a Qu'ran at the scene of the crime and then the Zionist TV crews come by and say, "See? Islamics did this."
Point out these cynical myths that those who enslave and exploit us use to deceive us and you will receive in return only silence, enmity, and inexplicably vicious retribution, as you know oh so well.
You are despised by them for choosing nobility over the corrupt truculence that tortures them. Your persecution is an ugly manifestation of their betrayal of their own souls. Their day of horror and retribution is creeping inexorably toward them.
All people of conscience know that there is no legitimate explanation for why you are kept in prison, so your jailers keep silent, smug in their knowledge that in their corrupt power that they can abuse you at will, yet fearful of the knowledge that when the human hearts of the world wake up and perceive their preposterous scam, it is they who will suffer punishment much worse than yours.
As you scrawl your thoughtful observations about the world with your stubby pencil and try to sleep under the glare of unrelenting flourescence, you may not know the degree to which you inspire others by your steadfast pursuit of honesty, nor how you have kindled a new desire to know the true facts of what they call World War II, in which the German people, seeking merely to control their own destiny, were obliterated by Jewish bankers who were terrified the world would wake up and see the truth, and abandon their evil practices of fiat usury which had earned them their ill-gotten gain, and hurled the world into a permament state of war.
Now you are one of many victims held in dungeons throughout the world who have merely tried to point out the lies that hold the world in their death grip. All of Europe is now mindlocked under the ponderous weight of these new anti-Semitism laws, which prohibit honest discussion of the objective facts of World War II. Even the Church of Rome has endorsed them, and why not, since that is how Christianity was propagated all those many centuries ago, across the sightless corpses of millions upon millions of pagans, who, like you and me, were only trying to live life honestly, and describe things as they saw them, and not be told only what they were permitted to say, what they were ordered to see.
Anyone who examines the matter with an objective and intuitive eye can't help but conclude the Holocaust story as told today by Jews seeking endless sympathy for their pain is a shameful hoax. The Germans didn't gas anybody. The so-called Final Solution was deportation, a plan in which Zionist leaders willingly participated and didn't mind that the old and infirm lost their lives in prison because they were deemed ineligible, expendable, exploited corpses, sacrificial stock too weak to seed the insane incubus that was to be imposed on the waste land of Palestine. Jewish authors such as Lenni Brenner, Edwin Black and others have chronicled this shameful betrayal, a syndrome very much like what happened on 9/11 - sacrifice your own and blame someone else as a firestarter for conquering others.
The Auschwitz gas chambers that now are the site of tours for those who seek redemption through victimhood were fabricated in 1947, after the war had ended, as several French magazines have reported on numerous occasions. All the dead and emaciated so eagerly paraded in photographs at the close of the war had not been gassed, but had suffered and died from typhus and malnutrition. All the hysterical Jewish claims of gas chambers are lies. The real Holocaust was perpetrated on German prisoners by Eisenhower's U.S. soldiers after war, but this news was blacked out in America, just as today's American atrocities in Iraq are conveniently ignored by the the U.S. Zionist press.
Hitler was the Saddam of his time, the bin Laden, the Noriega.
Certainly the Germans were not blameless. Their singlemindedness proved their undoing. Nations without willing allies will always be destroyed eventually, a lesson of history the United States would do well to realize on its present, manical dash toward empire. But ultimately, Germany's principled resistance to the corrupt doublespeak of conscienceless bankers was rewarded in the same way that your integrity has been rewarded - with inhuman persecution and shameful silence as to the reasons why.
Now is a black time in human history, the beginning, perhaps, of a new Dark Ages, when lies are called truth and truth becomes an offense against the evil state, which bans all speech not consistent with its own depraved objectives.
And now, with a worldwide epidemic of creation of these anti-free-speech laws prohibiting rational discussion of these facts, the twisted truth grinds down upon all who oppose the worldwide menace pillaging Jerusalem, whose nuclear weapons are aimed at all the capitals of Europe, and whose stealthy agents have frequently been seen driving around America in white vans, positioning more nuclear weapons as part of their policy of blackmailing everyone into submission, or carrying out assassinations anywhere they please on orders from Ariel Sharon with the eager, truculent approval from both political parties in Washington.
Most people don't have a clue about the real purpose of all these new anti-semitism laws - they are to assure the spread of the Jewish version of history, and eradicate all those opposed to their fable. That fable includes the entire history of both the United States and the Soviet Union.
In the case of America, Jewish bankers in control of the Bank of England started war after war, including the Civil War, to wrest control of the American financial system from Americans themselves, a goal they finally achieved with the passage of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913.
In the case of Russia, Jewish revolutionaries were exported from Brooklyn by American bankers, and recruited from all over Europe to send to Moscow to create the 1917 firestorm known as the Bolshevik Revolution. This resulted in 20 million deaths in Russia and nine million more in Ukraine, genocide of Russian peasants engineered by the Jews who controlled the Bank of England and all the financial systems of the world. You won't find details of these episodes in your local Holocaust museum.
This is what these new anti-semitism laws seek to conceal by prohibiting free speech under the misleading rationale that anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism. That, and Jewish complicity with Hitler in devising their unholy solution to acquiring the soon-to-be-ruined land of Palestine.
You are one of the principal people who blew their cover, Ernst. That's why they hate you so. That's why nothing is ever heard about your plight in the newspapers, and when it is mentioned, it is in their condescending Zionist tone that you are less than human for challenging their sanctimonious, self-righteous deceptions about gas chambers, control of banks, manipulation of media, and usurping control of the way the world thinks through Freud, Einstein, and other geniuses strategically deployed by the men behind the Red Shield.
Canada's pretension of being a free country is even more absurd than America's claim, but resistance is futile in Canada, owing to these Orwellian free speech sanctions created and gleefully wielded by Zionist influences over every aspect of Canadian life.
Of course you know all this, and mostly are too gracious to even mention it. Instead you speak in generalities of what we need to do to restore health to our planet, and escape the tyranny of those who don't care about anything but their own sick perversion of the world's cultures. And conduct yourself with sublime dignity in front of villains who have no conception of what humanity and justice actually are.
We both know, Ernst Zundel, that not all Jews are evil people, nor all Catholics, Protestants, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists or any other sects, but we also know that each group has its own conscienceless thugs. But the question at hand today in regard to control of the world is about Jews, and about how they have deliberately altered society in a massive way resulting in endless wars and serious imbalances in the distribution of the fruits of our labors.
A revolution is brewing, Ernst, a worldwide revolution, and many people tell me at this point it can't be stopped, because the financial beast centered in London and emulated in Washington and Tel Aviv has gone too far, has abused everyone too much, has told too many lies. And because they have abused too many, they are vulnerable, because they have too few friends left to participate in their evil schemes.
Even their soulless employees will turn on them when the time is right. That time is near. You are an inspiration to this group, which is growing by the day. There are even Jews in this group, Ernst, who see the Zionist monster for what it is.
I found this best expressed in a post on Rumor Mill News by a person named Aladdin. It goes like this:
Israel is not a home for Jewish people.
Let us not mince words here. The time for pussyfooting is over.
Israel is a base for the terrorists who created and control that state to operate, on behalf of the House of Rothschild and the Elite, a global terror and manipulation network.
That is why it was created after the war and the influence of its intelligence arm, Mossad, is so vast for such a tiny country because Mossad is really the intelligence agency of the Rothschild - Rockefeller - Global Elite, while genuine Jewish people who live in Israel (the vast, vast majority) are used as an innocent front, a smokescreen, for this.
So, too, is the suffering of Jews in Nazi Germany which resulted from the manipulating of the Nazis into power by, among others, 'Jewish' financial and political forces....
It is no good some writers condemning the whole thing as a Jewish plot. It is not. The mass of Jewish people are victims, not perpetrators of the events I describe. It is those who control Israel who are among those behind the plot, not Jewish people, as at least some brave rabbis and other Jews have had the guts to point out.
Mossad, like the State of Israel itself, was created by groups such as the Stern Gang and others, which terrorised Palestine out of existence after the war, under the financial and political direction of the House of Rothschild.
Lord Victor Rothschild, the former British intelligence officer, and KGB spy, was at the forefront of this.
People know, Ernst. The word is getting out. The hoax is being exposed. The men in the corrupt system who abuse you know their days are numbered.
Unfortunately, some time will pass before this Zionist ogre is definitively dismembered, and in that time, you and I may not be around to see the final flowering of freedom, when the malevolent beast is dissolved into a molten pool of bubbling green puss.
But know this. What happens to you is what will happen to all those who seek freedom, truth, and the right to express our most sincere thoughts. You are our canary in the coal mine, Ernst. What happens to you happens to us.
The fight for true freedom turns on your fate. And your fate is ours.
Fight to Free Ernst!
Do it now.
Before it's too late for all of us.
Canary In The Coal Mine
Our freedom exists only upon the whim
of psychopaths devoid of conscience.
By John Kaminski
(No, not canary as in disgruntled Mafiosi who tweetles to the feds, singing like a bird. Canary as in sensitive to toxic gases such as carbon monoxide, placed in a mine to warn of danger. Any sign of distress from the canary was a clear signal that conditions underground were unsafe and miners should be evacuated from the shafts. Ernst Zündel is our canary, not because he sings to the feds, but because he sings for all of us eloquent songs of truth and practicality, a lighthouse of hope in a world of deliberately scripted trauma. Ernst Zündel is our barometer of freedom, and that forecast is dreadfully stormy as his hope for freedom wanes. Held for 18 months in solitary confinement in kangaroo-court Canada without charges and without the ability to defend himself, he faces imminent deportation to Germany where he will likely never leave prison again - all for trying to expose the demented Zionist lie that threatens all life on this planet.)
Now if I tell you that you suffer from delusions
You pay your analyst to reach the same conclusions
You live your life like a canary in a coalmine
You get so dizzy even walking in a straight line
- Sting, "Canary in a coal mine"
Letter to Ernst, July 30, 2004
Dear Ernst,
I am so ashamed, both to write you and not to have written for so long. I am so paralyzed about how to help you, if in fact in this current banana republic climate there is any way to help you at all.
You are the character Orwell and Huxley dreamed up in their nightmares, whose principled pursuit of truth brought you straight down a no-exit highway to endless punishment, and no solution for it short of a sudden awakening of conscience in every person on Earth.
You are the perfect cautionary tale for the Zionist monster now pillaging, blackmailing, extorting, and profaning the planet. The message your ordeal sends to the peoples of the world? Seek truth and you will be punished mercilessly. Try to tell them that war is a plague that destroys the victor as well as the vanquished, and if you participate you will become a victim of that war, and you will be ridiculed as hopelessly out of style, as reckless teenagers in Army fatigues run around viciously looking for a chance to kill someone they've been told by their schools and movies is less than human. It is a lesson they have been taught by their Zionist masters through rancid music and video games.
Ironic is too kind a word to use for those who preach hatred of the Islamic world, call them cockroaches and cattle as they shoot down the next generation of Palestine, and terrorize Iraq with bombs and beheadings, but who use their own purported persecution fifty-odd years ago as an ikon of their own religion to exempt them from the very terror they now inflict around the world.
Have you heard about the latest Zionist atrocity, recently uncovered in Far East, where Mossad agents seeking to steal identities to better infiltrate new nations they wish to target for enslavement are killing Australian tourists and then masquerading as the people they have killed? Lovely trait, eh, much like what they have become in the U.S., which they have effectively taken over and turned into a monster, as you so well know.
Anybody with a brain and a modicum of political savvy knows these staged beheadings and random bombings in Iraq are carried out by Mossad hit squads who drop a Qu'ran at the scene of the crime and then the Zionist TV crews come by and say, "See? Islamics did this."
Point out these cynical myths that those who enslave and exploit us use to deceive us and you will receive in return only silence, enmity, and inexplicably vicious retribution, as you know oh so well.
You are despised by them for choosing nobility over the corrupt truculence that tortures them. Your persecution is an ugly manifestation of their betrayal of their own souls. Their day of horror and retribution is creeping inexorably toward them.
All people of conscience know that there is no legitimate explanation for why you are kept in prison, so your jailers keep silent, smug in their knowledge that in their corrupt power that they can abuse you at will, yet fearful of the knowledge that when the human hearts of the world wake up and perceive their preposterous scam, it is they who will suffer punishment much worse than yours.
As you scrawl your thoughtful observations about the world with your stubby pencil and try to sleep under the glare of unrelenting flourescence, you may not know the degree to which you inspire others by your steadfast pursuit of honesty, nor how you have kindled a new desire to know the true facts of what they call World War II, in which the German people, seeking merely to control their own destiny, were obliterated by Jewish bankers who were terrified the world would wake up and see the truth, and abandon their evil practices of fiat usury which had earned them their ill-gotten gain, and hurled the world into a permament state of war.
Now you are one of many victims held in dungeons throughout the world who have merely tried to point out the lies that hold the world in their death grip. All of Europe is now mindlocked under the ponderous weight of these new anti-Semitism laws, which prohibit honest discussion of the objective facts of World War II. Even the Church of Rome has endorsed them, and why not, since that is how Christianity was propagated all those many centuries ago, across the sightless corpses of millions upon millions of pagans, who, like you and me, were only trying to live life honestly, and describe things as they saw them, and not be told only what they were permitted to say, what they were ordered to see.
Anyone who examines the matter with an objective and intuitive eye can't help but conclude the Holocaust story as told today by Jews seeking endless sympathy for their pain is a shameful hoax. The Germans didn't gas anybody. The so-called Final Solution was deportation, a plan in which Zionist leaders willingly participated and didn't mind that the old and infirm lost their lives in prison because they were deemed ineligible, expendable, exploited corpses, sacrificial stock too weak to seed the insane incubus that was to be imposed on the waste land of Palestine. Jewish authors such as Lenni Brenner, Edwin Black and others have chronicled this shameful betrayal, a syndrome very much like what happened on 9/11 - sacrifice your own and blame someone else as a firestarter for conquering others.
The Auschwitz gas chambers that now are the site of tours for those who seek redemption through victimhood were fabricated in 1947, after the war had ended, as several French magazines have reported on numerous occasions. All the dead and emaciated so eagerly paraded in photographs at the close of the war had not been gassed, but had suffered and died from typhus and malnutrition. All the hysterical Jewish claims of gas chambers are lies. The real Holocaust was perpetrated on German prisoners by Eisenhower's U.S. soldiers after war, but this news was blacked out in America, just as today's American atrocities in Iraq are conveniently ignored by the the U.S. Zionist press.
Hitler was the Saddam of his time, the bin Laden, the Noriega.
Certainly the Germans were not blameless. Their singlemindedness proved their undoing. Nations without willing allies will always be destroyed eventually, a lesson of history the United States would do well to realize on its present, manical dash toward empire. But ultimately, Germany's principled resistance to the corrupt doublespeak of conscienceless bankers was rewarded in the same way that your integrity has been rewarded - with inhuman persecution and shameful silence as to the reasons why.
Now is a black time in human history, the beginning, perhaps, of a new Dark Ages, when lies are called truth and truth becomes an offense against the evil state, which bans all speech not consistent with its own depraved objectives.
And now, with a worldwide epidemic of creation of these anti-free-speech laws prohibiting rational discussion of these facts, the twisted truth grinds down upon all who oppose the worldwide menace pillaging Jerusalem, whose nuclear weapons are aimed at all the capitals of Europe, and whose stealthy agents have frequently been seen driving around America in white vans, positioning more nuclear weapons as part of their policy of blackmailing everyone into submission, or carrying out assassinations anywhere they please on orders from Ariel Sharon with the eager, truculent approval from both political parties in Washington.
Most people don't have a clue about the real purpose of all these new anti-semitism laws - they are to assure the spread of the Jewish version of history, and eradicate all those opposed to their fable. That fable includes the entire history of both the United States and the Soviet Union.
In the case of America, Jewish bankers in control of the Bank of England started war after war, including the Civil War, to wrest control of the American financial system from Americans themselves, a goal they finally achieved with the passage of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913.
In the case of Russia, Jewish revolutionaries were exported from Brooklyn by American bankers, and recruited from all over Europe to send to Moscow to create the 1917 firestorm known as the Bolshevik Revolution. This resulted in 20 million deaths in Russia and nine million more in Ukraine, genocide of Russian peasants engineered by the Jews who controlled the Bank of England and all the financial systems of the world. You won't find details of these episodes in your local Holocaust museum.
This is what these new anti-semitism laws seek to conceal by prohibiting free speech under the misleading rationale that anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism. That, and Jewish complicity with Hitler in devising their unholy solution to acquiring the soon-to-be-ruined land of Palestine.
You are one of the principal people who blew their cover, Ernst. That's why they hate you so. That's why nothing is ever heard about your plight in the newspapers, and when it is mentioned, it is in their condescending Zionist tone that you are less than human for challenging their sanctimonious, self-righteous deceptions about gas chambers, control of banks, manipulation of media, and usurping control of the way the world thinks through Freud, Einstein, and other geniuses strategically deployed by the men behind the Red Shield.
Canada's pretension of being a free country is even more absurd than America's claim, but resistance is futile in Canada, owing to these Orwellian free speech sanctions created and gleefully wielded by Zionist influences over every aspect of Canadian life.
Of course you know all this, and mostly are too gracious to even mention it. Instead you speak in generalities of what we need to do to restore health to our planet, and escape the tyranny of those who don't care about anything but their own sick perversion of the world's cultures. And conduct yourself with sublime dignity in front of villains who have no conception of what humanity and justice actually are.
We both know, Ernst Zundel, that not all Jews are evil people, nor all Catholics, Protestants, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists or any other sects, but we also know that each group has its own conscienceless thugs. But the question at hand today in regard to control of the world is about Jews, and about how they have deliberately altered society in a massive way resulting in endless wars and serious imbalances in the distribution of the fruits of our labors.
A revolution is brewing, Ernst, a worldwide revolution, and many people tell me at this point it can't be stopped, because the financial beast centered in London and emulated in Washington and Tel Aviv has gone too far, has abused everyone too much, has told too many lies. And because they have abused too many, they are vulnerable, because they have too few friends left to participate in their evil schemes.
Even their soulless employees will turn on them when the time is right. That time is near. You are an inspiration to this group, which is growing by the day. There are even Jews in this group, Ernst, who see the Zionist monster for what it is.
I found this best expressed in a post on Rumor Mill News by a person named Aladdin. It goes like this:
Israel is not a home for Jewish people.
Let us not mince words here. The time for pussyfooting is over.
Israel is a base for the terrorists who created and control that state to operate, on behalf of the House of Rothschild and the Elite, a global terror and manipulation network.
That is why it was created after the war and the influence of its intelligence arm, Mossad, is so vast for such a tiny country because Mossad is really the intelligence agency of the Rothschild - Rockefeller - Global Elite, while genuine Jewish people who live in Israel (the vast, vast majority) are used as an innocent front, a smokescreen, for this.
So, too, is the suffering of Jews in Nazi Germany which resulted from the manipulating of the Nazis into power by, among others, 'Jewish' financial and political forces....
It is no good some writers condemning the whole thing as a Jewish plot. It is not. The mass of Jewish people are victims, not perpetrators of the events I describe. It is those who control Israel who are among those behind the plot, not Jewish people, as at least some brave rabbis and other Jews have had the guts to point out.
Mossad, like the State of Israel itself, was created by groups such as the Stern Gang and others, which terrorised Palestine out of existence after the war, under the financial and political direction of the House of Rothschild.
Lord Victor Rothschild, the former British intelligence officer, and KGB spy, was at the forefront of this.
People know, Ernst. The word is getting out. The hoax is being exposed. The men in the corrupt system who abuse you know their days are numbered.
Unfortunately, some time will pass before this Zionist ogre is definitively dismembered, and in that time, you and I may not be around to see the final flowering of freedom, when the malevolent beast is dissolved into a molten pool of bubbling green puss.
But know this. What happens to you is what will happen to all those who seek freedom, truth, and the right to express our most sincere thoughts. You are our canary in the coal mine, Ernst. What happens to you happens to us.
The fight for true freedom turns on your fate. And your fate is ours.
Fight to Free Ernst!
Do it now.
Before it's too late for all of us.