View Full Version : Jewish Neighbor Objects

Dr. Brandt
07-31-2004, 11:56 PM
Welcome to Oceania, where big brother makes sure, that no ones "roots are offended" and you can't even raise a flag on your own private property.


Scotsman accused of flying Albanian flag

Flag gesture lands pensioner in court


The Scotsman, Edinburgh Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Edinburgh—A pensioner who flew a foreign flag in the window of his home ended up in the dock yesterday accused of "racial aggravation."

A neighbor complained to police that the flag was the eagle emblem of Imperial Germany, which offended her Jewish roots.

But Ebenezer Melville, 65, claimed it was the double-headed eagle of the Albanian national flag, which he flew to pay tribute to his new son-in-law.

After his trial was adjourned at Banff Sheriff Court, he protested: "This is the most stupid thing I have ever heard in my life. The flag is Albanian, and I can't understand why anyone would be offended by it."

The neighbor, Christina Foster, had called in the police believing the emblem represented the German Imperial army. Officers seized the flag, and Mr. Melville was charged with acting in a "racially aggravated" manner.

When he appeared in the dock, he pleaded not guilty to deliberately trying to offend his neighbor by flying the flag "in direct sight" of her house.

As he left the court after the trial was adjourned without evidence being called, Mr. Melville said: "For some reason, I'm being accused of being a racist. It's ridiculous, considering I've got Croatians, Albanians and Germans in my family."

Mr. Melville told how he erected the flag in the window of his Banff home after the marriage of his daughter, Deborah.

He thought the Albanian flag would provide the perfect welcome on his son-in-law's first visit to Scotland. It was placed in his first-floor window, which looks directly on to Mrs. Foster's house.

Mr. Melville will appear in court again in September.




Dept E
PO Box 270486
Milwaukee WI 53227

08-01-2004, 12:37 AM
A neighbor complained to police that the flag was the eagle emblem of Imperial Germany, which offended her Jewish roots.

Did someone tell her( Shiela Brotlovski here) that Imperial Germany wasn't anti semitic.

08-01-2004, 01:04 AM
No one should tell her anything. She should be punched in the face, and any country that takes complaints such as hers seriously needs a bloody system rehaul.

LoL, Jews complain about anti-semitism and think that people hate them "just because they're Jews", then they act like these pissy, oversensitive, paranoid, hysterical, whining busybodies who don't hesitate to destroy someone's life if they happen to get a particularly rough menstrual period and need to take it out on someone.

Dr. Brandt
08-01-2004, 01:28 AM
What I find so funny about this is, that it is OBVIOUS that it is NOT a german Flag, but this fellow is still being dragged to court and they are wasting taxpayers money and everyones time with such BS. Like there are no crimminals to deal with at all. I mean, all the police would have had to do is look into a dictionary or a book on Flags, check out from where it is from and then just ignore the stupid whining jewish bit*h.
But we all know they can't do that, otherwise the Jew will cry how "racist" and "insensetive" and "fascist" the police is!

It just shows how the Jews overreach themselves every time they are in control. It's just pure "terror".

08-01-2004, 01:34 AM
Who needs reason, logic, facts, or moderation when some damn Jew's feelings are at stake?

08-01-2004, 08:14 AM
Response to this Jew and every other Jew: move to Israel or shut up.

08-01-2004, 04:13 PM
oy vey

08-01-2004, 04:56 PM
Completely ridiculous. Hyper-sensitive legal system out of control. Waste of money. All of these can be used to discribe the situation.

Here's a wacky way to solve the problem for less than a hundred bucks: Buy a "Flags of the World" book, figure out which flag it is. Case closed.

08-01-2004, 05:13 PM
2nd Reich war flag (Reichskriegsflagge):

Albanian flag: