View Full Version : Germans Stop To Be 'cows'!

07-29-2004, 06:19 PM
Dear Fellows,
Upon hearing that Berlin became for another time the victim of Jewish anti-German racism, I would like to protest against today’s-German passiveness!
How is possible for Germans to permit the Jewish invasion in their Country, how is possible to accept a new hate-“monument” in Berlin without any reaction?
This time all Peoples are defending Germany except Germans! This time Germans continue to apologize for “crimes” never happened! This time a lot of foreigner Thinkers denying the myths of Jewish defending Germany, and Germans are still playing the “cows”!
Germans stop to be cows!
In Greece there is a strong Jewish minority, keeping its Synagogue and buildings 200 meters away from the Ancient Agora, in the middle of Athens! Four years before, when Mayor of Athens was a parliamentarian monkey Dimitris Avramopoulos, Jews ask force to erect their “Holocaust” monument near their Synagogue, right near the Ancient Athenian Agora. The ex-Mayor obeyed to Jews and the horrible construction was erected in the middle of our Country. According what I know, some Nation-Defenders phone to the Mayor’s office saying that they will damage not the aforementioned ‘monster’ but some monuments erected by that period’s Mayor in Athens before decorate the City for the coming Olympics…
A few weeks after, ex-Mayor took all this horrible “monument” and put it in storages of Municipality o u t of our view.
Please have a look on this horrible “monster”, a typical example of Jewish lack of Aesthetic while it was erected near our holy Agora!
Now, Athens are clear from this m i a s m a and Defenders are continuing to keep “the finger on trigger” in a case of returning the “monster”!
Are Germans unable to find ways in order to defend themselves?
They do discovered first the biggest of a lot of improvements… What about the simplest and first in priority: to defend their own existence?
Germans, it’s time to borrow our Ulysses, endlich!
Kindest Regards!