View Full Version : Blather on affirmative action casting, etc.
The greatest lie ever told, that of the general functional equality of various races, finds its' primary roots in America, in particular, the post '60s and '70s American audio-visual media, and in extreme, the post '90s audio-viual media. Consider such big-screen titles as Independence Day,, will smith movies, and just about everything produced in Hollywood post '90s, with the only major film series without having blacks in unrealistic, glorifying roles being the LOTR trilogy. In what I would term religious propaganda, blacks are rarely or never portrayed in negative roles, or if they are, they are cleaned up by a super-negroe such as will smith. In the real world, with the thuggish grunters whose highest aim in life is impregnating the women of a different subspecies, and thus allieviating the existential insult of being what they are in comparison for their descendants, the blacks are virtually never articulate, high-status fighter pilots, elite lawyers, or military commanders, unless of course they got there by affirmitve action in the U.S., or similar copycat programs in other 'enlightened' western countries, post WWII.
All I want, no, demand, is this-portray them as they are, not as what unconscious religiosity wishes them to be-show them as aggressive, show them as barely literate inseminoids, only really existing as a result of the failure of whites to portray and treat them honestly-which might be uncomfortable for some of the indoctrinated, who, lacking the information or perhaps moral courage to see the world as it really is.
I am of course, only speaking in general terms-there might well be millions of blacks world-wide that are just as functional, or possibly superior to myself in some, or even all respects, yet the facts remain-we are what we were born, what our genes have given us the potential to become, and if, if the majority, especially those with the power to make change, had the existential and moral courage to accept this, then humanity, as a whole, might begin to move forward from where it is now, and not sink into moral cowardice, and live a lie.
The truth is out there.
07-03-2004, 09:50 AM
What about all the movies with black gang bangers? Will Smith doesn't turn up in them to right the wrong.
07-03-2004, 09:51 AM
the blacks are virtually never articulate, high-status fighter pilots, elite lawyers, or military commanders, unless of course they got there by affirmitve action in the U.S., or similar copycat programs in other 'enlightened' western countries, post WWII.
Tuskagee Airmen. Most successful USAAF fighter squadron in WW2.
07-03-2004, 08:55 PM
Tuskagee Airmen. Most successful USAAF fighter squadron in WW2.
The US would never have won World War II without the Tuskegee Airmen.
07-04-2004, 12:38 AM
I was horrified (and angry) to discover that the romance novel "club" I belong to (Harlequin sends me the four latest books every month and a half) included a romance novel about a BLACK couple in the latest shipment!
I've decided that, as much as I like the escapist literature, I'm sending THAT book back with my cancellation: I have LESS than no desire to read about a hypothetically intelligent, pretend honorable and fakey loving black male! Still, at least (?) it's not a miscegenation romance novel!! (YET!)
So I'm working up a semi-polite letter pointing out that, among other bits of information they LEFT OUT is the fact that 70% of black children are born out of wedlock (too bad we don't have data on how many of these kids are actually HALF-sibs to the other bastard-children they're living with!! Bet that would be quite a high percentage too!); that black males commit 50 times more violent crimes than whites -- and it is doing a disservice to AMERICA to try to brainwash their readers to believing anything else!
It's SOMETHING to do, anyway, to try to wash away my disgust!
07-04-2004, 12:52 AM
I was horrified (and angry) to discover that the romance novel "club" I belong to (Harlequin sends me the four latest books every month and a half) included a romance novel about a BLACK couple in the latest shipment!
I've decided that, as much as I like the escapist literature, I'm sending THAT book back with my cancellation: I have LESS than no desire to read about a hypothetically intelligent, pretend honorable and fakey loving black male! Still, at least (?) it's not a miscegenation romance novel!! (YET!)
So I'm working up a semi-polite letter pointing out that, among other bits of information they LEFT OUT is the fact that 70% of black children are born out of wedlock (too bad we don't have data on how many of these kids are actually HALF-sibs to the other bastard-children they're living with!! Bet that would be quite a high percentage too!); that black males commit 50 times more violent crimes than whites -- and it is doing a disservice to AMERICA to try to brainwash their readers to believing anything else!
It's SOMETHING to do, anyway, to try to wash away my disgust!
What's the big deal with being born out of wedlock?
07-04-2004, 01:22 AM
Children without fathers are 6 times more likely to be poor and stay poor longer. They are 2 to 3 times more likely to have emotional and behavioral problems. They are more likely to engage in crime, do drugs, and have promiscuous sex. They also have a harder time holding a stable family of their own, and thus are much less likely to do so. You can take a trip to an African American "challenged" community to see all the wonderful fatherless offspring if you like.
07-04-2004, 01:55 AM
What she said!! (Thanks Edana! Glad to 'see' you again!)
Mary Poppins
07-04-2004, 04:25 AM
I was horrified (and angry) to discover that the romance novel "club" I belong to (Harlequin sends me the four latest books every month and a half) included a romance novel about a BLACK couple in the latest shipment!
I've decided that, as much as I like the escapist literature, I'm sending THAT book back with my cancellation: I have LESS than no desire to read about a hypothetically intelligent, pretend honorable and fakey loving black male! Still, at least (?) it's not a miscegenation romance novel!! (YET!)
So I'm working up a semi-polite letter pointing out that, among other bits of information they LEFT OUT is the fact that 70% of black children are born out of wedlock (too bad we don't have data on how many of these kids are actually HALF-sibs to the other bastard-children they're living with!! Bet that would be quite a high percentage too!); that black males commit 50 times more violent crimes than whites -- and it is doing a disservice to AMERICA to try to brainwash their readers to believing anything else!
It's SOMETHING to do, anyway, to try to wash away my disgust!
A novel involving black characters should be a 'creative work', not a didactic report on the lives of 'average' blacks. Thus, a novelist writing about an individual black couple should not be obligated to line up the circumstances of the fictional characters with that of the majority of blacks.
What more, if you belong to a romance novel club you should be aware that no romance novel could truly be called a realistic portrait of society. Why then do you expect this of a romance novel about blacks?
07-04-2004, 04:34 AM
What more, if you belong to a romance novel club you should be aware that no romance novel could truly be called a realistic portrait of society. Why then do you expect this of a romance novel about blacks?
Even porn movies tend to be more realistic than romance novels. At least some porn is made by amateurs who are just being themselves; can you say the same about any romance novel?
07-04-2004, 08:15 AM
Children without fathers are 6 times more likely to be poor and stay poor longer. They are 2 to 3 times more likely to have emotional and behavioral problems. They are more likely to engage in crime, do drugs, and have promiscuous sex. They also have a harder time holding a stable family of their own, and thus are much less likely to do so. You can take a trip to an African American "challenged" community to see all the wonderful fatherless offspring if you like.
I didn't say fatherless, I said born out of wedlock. 2 different things.
07-05-2004, 04:34 PM
I didn't say fatherless, I said born out of wedlock. 2 different things.
A child born out of wedlock is fatherless, for all practical purposes. A man who fathers a child outside a solemn, binding pledge to the mother is not going to have much interest in the child's upbringing. Several million years of evolution can't be overridden just because the social engineers think "family" is a mutable concept.
07-05-2004, 04:46 PM
Well the father could easily fulfill the same functions as husband, this could quite possibly be the case. The husband aspect tends to be more of an obligatory title, usually required for financial reasons and perhaps religious depending on the family.
07-05-2004, 05:15 PM
Well the father could easily fulfill the same functions as husband, this could quite possibly be the case. The husband aspect tends to be more of an obligatory title, usually required for financial reasons and perhaps religious depending on the family.
Unless the sexual union which produces the child is accompanied by solemn, tradition-laden ceremony and public vows of loyalty, the product of the union is more likely to be regarded as a mistake, and subordinate to what was otherwise the goal of such a union: low cost gratification of sexual desire.
Raising children takes a lot of work, and is much more easily accomplished by the division of labor between two people. As mankind learned of the bad consequences of bastardy, he developed solemn ceremonies and cultural mores to try and assure that children were raised in two-parent, heterosexual families, as several million years of evolution designed them to be.
07-05-2004, 08:24 PM
Thats all fine but I was simply pointing out that its quite possible to raise a child with two unmarried parents and to ignore the ceremony which serves only as a confirmation of two peoples dedication to one another.
07-05-2004, 10:41 PM
Perhaps, but this is not the situation with the American negro. They don't have stable fathers in or outside of marriage. They have mothers and perhaps a revolving door of her boyfriends, who are often abusive and/or just plain scummy.
Tuskagee Airmen. Most successful USAAF fighter squadron in WW2.
The movie was Hollywood B.S.. They were shot to pieces actually.
07-06-2004, 06:11 AM
Tuskagee Airmen. Most successful USAAF fighter squadron in WW2.
Do you really believe that? :D
He's going by the telemovie.
Even porn movies tend to be more realistic than romance novels. At least some porn is made by amateurs who are just being themselves; can you say the same about any romance novel?
Too true. A porn movie is a romance without the B.S.
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