View Full Version : Remember the Real Holocaust
Saint Michael
07-26-2004, 09:07 PM
That which happened to the Greeks. Their women were raped, murdered, destroyed ... their lands were stolen, their mouths were left hungry, their religious figures were spat upon and destroyed and they became enslaved to barbaric Turks for hundres of years. Yet not even the Greeks moan and complain like the pathetic Jews who endured some 10 years of German aggression. The Greeks do not invent stories, fill their coffers, and demand public humility from the Islamic community towards them. The Greeks do not use their holocaust as a crutch, a giant crutch for pity and money. And the Holocaust that they experienced and all of the damages and scars have not been recompensated, and much of it continues into this day. This is because the Greeks are a noble people, and that is what makes them so distinguished from the venomous manipulators.
Armenians also suffered a real holocaust.
However, the Jewish media doesn't like competition.
07-26-2004, 09:37 PM
But what does the Turkish occupation of Greece have to do with the persecution of various groups by the Nazis?
Were the homosexuals, Jews, Masons, Jehovah's witnesses, Slavs, etc responsible for the Turkish invasion? Were the Germans avenging the injustices against the Greeks?
It's a complete non sequiteur.
I think my post puts it all in the right perspective. The Jews don't like the competition.
Therefore, the information about other genocides circulates through the media less.
It's not un-obtainable, it's just not mentioned nearly as frequently as the Jewish holocaust.
This doesn't help the story of 'we mention the holocaust so it would never happen to anyone again', as it's now clear that Jews don't care about holocausts happening now and then to other people, the main focus is on making the public feel for Jews, not making the public feel for all holocaust victims.
Mentioning other holocausts certainly won't diminish the horror of such events, it will just diminish the image of ( the only ) innocent victim the Jews have.
07-26-2004, 09:52 PM
The distinction being drawn is that Greeks and Armenians don't demand tax dollars from people who were in no way responsible for their or their ancestors' suffering. Nor do they get legislatures to pass laws criminalizing anyone who questions their version of these events.
07-26-2004, 10:27 PM
Mike is trying to point out for you that holocaust is a Greek concept that has been ripped off and appropriated by the Jews for their own purposes. The Greeks suffered under the Turkish yoke for centuries, whereas the ****ing Jews simply got what they arguably had coming to them. If one really wants to speak about a holocaust, then one should refer to the REAL or ORIGINAL meaning of the term, that being, its originally Greek meaning. What is even more unnerving is that the Greeks have come to terms with with their past, whereas the Jews dwell on it.
07-26-2004, 11:23 PM
But does what happen after the fact affect the validity of the historical events?
I mean, do those people who died in the camps, are they asking for money? They're not getting anything. Because they're dead.
If the Greeks wanted to go after the Turks, or the Armenians, I wouldn't mind. For all I care Turkey can go choke on it.
07-26-2004, 11:29 PM
I mean, dammit, yes, the Holocaust Industry profiteers are slugs. It's hardly as though the actual victims are the ones profiting from it either.
But how does this excuse the Jews, Gypsies, Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, homosexuals, Communists, dissidents, Poles, etc who were put in concentration camps?
I mean, it's hardly like the people who died had a say in what would happen afterwards.
And comparing it to the Armenian Genocide or to the Turkish occupation of Greece is BS. That's like saying "Some white girl raped by a black guy is no big deal, compared to the huge number of rapes committed by Greek soldiers during the sack of Troy".
Not only do the things being compared have anything to do with each other, the use of historical perspective is bogus. If something really bad happens, does it mean everything that isn't as bad afterwards is not worth paying attention to?
So, the Jewish holocaust is somehow more important, because it happened 20 years closer to our time than the Armenian holocaust?
07-27-2004, 01:33 AM
I don't think it's more important. I feel that the role of the Holocaust Industry is very unpleasant in promoting the big-h Holocaust in being the atrocity to end all atrocities, and to completely gloss over the presence of non-Jews as victims and survivors.
But I hardly feel that the after-the-fact manipulations of the HI somehow mean that it's okay to disparage those that died. Isn't it possible to acknowledge that ALL of the events mentioned are bad?
And the Armenian Genocide was not really on the same level. The killings were mostly done on the spot, or by herding people into outlying areas and then killing them, etc. They were not made slave labourers, as far as I know.
And of course there are many who deny the Armenian Genocide.
Reinhold Elstner
07-27-2004, 02:04 AM
Isn't it possible to acknowledge that ALL of the events mentioned are bad?
Only if they really happened.
And the Armenian Genocide was not really on the same level.
What? Like it really happened? Unlike the big H . . .
And of course there are many who deny the Armenian Genocide.
You know, you just can't declare things like that and get away with it. Who are the "many" who deny it?
And the Armenian Genocide was not really on the same level. The killings were mostly done on the spot, or by herding people into outlying areas and then killing them, etc. They were not made slave labourers, as far as I know.
Yeah, 2 million real Armenians isn't as bad as a certain number of Jews.
Do you think that if Turks killed more Armenians, in a worse manner, would that make it more mentioned in the media?
I don't think so, I think that even if 10 million Armenians were made into slaves and then sliced to death in the most painful imaginable way... the Jews would still monopolyze the holocaust only for themselves.
It's not their ( Jews' ) goal to fight the evil of genocide, it's their goal to be perpetually portrayed as innocent victims, them, and no one but them.
And of course there are many who deny the Armenian Genocide.
I'm not a denier/revisionist, frankly, I know that I don't know.
The problem is in the fact that Jews are shunning the mention of
the Armenian genocide, because it suits their interests.
07-27-2004, 02:30 PM
Has the government of Turkey ever acknowledged the Armenian genocide?
I have said before: Just because the Holocaust Industry is slimy, does it somehow affect the people who actually died?
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