View Full Version : Stop To Be Trapped By Jews !

07-26-2004, 05:59 PM
It's time to stop to be trapped by Jews!This ridiculous debate of jewish "Holocaust" must be stoped while Jews continue to murder children in Palestine and asking an international censoship against truth!
They dare to ask to be extradite in their loughable state any denier and the rest of Humanity is trapped in the jewish HAGANA and MOSSAD terrorism!
How we can allow to the international criminals acting unpanished?
When Humanity's Holocaust is attempted by the international criminals , all we are guilty while conversating on jewish myths etc!
I feel first of all guilty because I argue about past while present and future is even worst as the more brutal fantasy!
Let's start to organize practical reaction against the international criminals who trapped us in the past enable themselves to continue butchering World!
Kindest Regards!

07-26-2004, 06:40 PM

07-26-2004, 07:33 PM
LOL... mandatory character length.