07-26-2004, 05:40 PM
The curtain of time always reveals the historical truth and its forgers who try so much to hide behind it, are, finally condemned to moral stripping. This is what the Jews are now suffering from, after the demolition of their historical scheming which they had managed to strengthen their disputable national existence (and not only ....) on the stupidity or simply the tolerance of all the gullible people of the world.
The disgusting story of the supposedly six million Jews, which the "schizophrenic" Nazis would, according to the seasonal perverted fantasies of the Jews, on some occasions convert them into.... soap or on other occasions into .... Fertile ash is now a "story1! The great Historians R.FAURISSON, A. BUTZ, P. RASSINIER, W. STAGLICH etc. have turned the criminal Jewish lies into ashes placing them is the pos it ion of the non-existing ashes, of the supposed, cremated "victims" of the concentration camps.
Now it is time to expose yet another impudent Jewish lie which is related to the metropolis of the outer-Palestinian international Zionism: Poland, Krakow, district KAZIMIERZ, SZEROKA Street, Here is the most advertised Jewish synagogue REMUH and the Jewish cemetery which surrounds it. Unfortunately, as for the Jews, again, their piteous story doesn't meet a German who would most probably be "possessed", but a neutral investigator with a GREEK NATIONALITY, whose impartiality is a fact.
I found myself in Poland, "plugging" it for fifteen days and came in contact with many people and things. This is the obligation of those who seek for the truth.... I was in Krakow for the fifth day, when, I was browsing through the special "tourist" guide "A GUIDE TO JEWISH KRAKOW", signed by the well-known Zionist EUGENIUSZ DUDA who edits in the Jewish-held Poland the local Jewish propaganda service JEWISH INFORMATION AND TOURIST BUREAU (i.e., a state within a state ...) I read on page 43 a sentence, and was astounded:
"During the Nazi Occupation the cemetery was totally destroyed: the tombstones were shattered, the walls smashed. All the area was destroyed in such a way that it was turned into a formless mass of earth".
This information, in spite of its revealing Jewish anti-Nazi conclusion, it would have left me totally indifferent if, symptomatically, the day before I hadn't visited this particular cemetery, left totally intact, to which this fraud leaflet was referring to : the cemetery and the REMUH synagogue.Because I belong to those who don't mean to give in to the Jewish trap of anti-fascism, I took the Jewish leaflet and went again to the REMUH synagogue, where I met the Jewish (as always...) manager. I gave him the publicized fairy-tale and showed him the upright synagogue and the intact cemetery asking for some explanations for the fraud.
The Jew, used to the people's passiveness, showed discomfort because of my disputing and most provocatively asked me if I was a …German! After having a bad day by finding out me was Greek, he babbled out his his alternative story: "The author..." he said, "didn't live here therefore he doesn't know exactly how things are. Before the Germans came in, we had covered the cemetery with earth, and when the Nazis arrived, they thought the whole range was some kind; of a field so they organized football matches on it. They didn't do anything to our synagogue because it was essential as a building to them, since they had converted it into a store for setting clothes"!
Firstly there is no probative evidence and no witness to affirm that the Germans used the synagogue as a store for selling …clothes. On the contrary:
1. As a building it is totally unsuitable for a similar use, since its interior is
particularly narrow, and is limited, even more, by the "forum" which, like a
large cage, dominates the centre, of the already small hall, in a suffocating way.
2. On both sides of SZEROKA Street there are more suitable buildings for this use.
3. The story of the Jews overlooked the fact that the German Army was
exemplary well - disciplined within the limits of accomplishing their war duties, which differs so much from the American Army, which (look at Vietnam and anywhere else....) sold out all sorts of its material, and also from the most famous Jewish psychology of trading everything, even lies.
Concerning, now, the "changing" of the REMUH cemetery into a ...Football court, we are pointing out the obvious untruth of the Jews for the following proving reasons:
A. Firstly, the surprise arrival of the Germans and, for those days, the non-existing technical means in combination with the immense surface of the cemetery excludes the version of the "hiding" of the cemetery under vast amounts of earth and its "variation" into a court, as the Jew story-teller claims.
B. None of the neighbors (mainly Jews) we asked didn't remember to tell us
exactly if and when the cemetery was covered up and when was is revealed: not even an approximate date! This though, couldn't even be determined by our Jew "guide" who was a big liar. It should be noted down, that, none, of the old inhabitants living in the Jew houses of JAKUBA Street, which runs along the whole western side of the cemetery, did speak about the banking up of the Cemetery but all- remember the Cemetery as it is today, that is, intact.
C. Where from could the millions of cubic meters of earth be transported for such an extensive banking up and where would they have been dumped away after liberating, without one thing been seen either then or today? No
explanation was given to us and it is worth while noting that both district KAZIMIERZ and the wide old city (STARA MIESTA) of Krakow, in which
KAZIMIERZ is placed in, they are both not offered for neither earth-receiving or earth-dumping because both KAZIMIERZ and STARA MIESTA, show an intact town planning, which is, mostly cobbled road building, dating back to the 9th century A.D.! Except if we naively accept that all these millions of debris were carried from somewhere many miles away and thrown away again just as much away but again, the means of that period wouldn't allow it to happen.
D. If in case the cemetery was covered up with earth, its resulting configuration would be eye-striking artificial and suspicious because the ground would be un-naturally raised high, over the level of the surrounding roads and be enclosed inside the perimeter cemetery walls with an average height of over two meters! Therefore, it would compose of a super-natural
earth cube, with of-course, the surrounding tall walling of the cemetery. The Germans never earned the reputation of being stupid, especially in technical matters!
E. As we observe in the photograph of the interior of the cemetery (photo 1), the cornice of the gravestone of chief rabbi REMUH,which is the tallest of all, is exactly at the same height with the upper cornices of the windows which are on the back wall(western) of the REMUH synagogue: that is exactly what line points out on the photograph. If then, we accept the Jewish script of the banking up, then,for just the least concealment of the grave slabs, the slightest level of banking up would compulsory shut out the exterior of the windows of the synagogue whilst in the interior, the exactly
outside of the window earth, would betray the suspicious un-natural condition.
F. In order for us to accept that the slightest secure level of banking up,
which would be succeeded, is the straight horizontal line B on photo 1,
that would mean the decisive deterioration of the bark of the tree which is seen in the grave yard perimeter of REMUH (from the level of banking up and downwards), also, mainly the decomposition of the synagogue walls from the same height and below. None though of these two decisive indications don’t exist, except for the usual and expected (because of time and the environments usual moisture) damages of the coats of the synagogues 'walls,
similar to those which are observed at the rest buildings of the same area.
G. The end of the arrow of the diagonal line on the same photo 1 indicates the summit of an earth slope which runs across the southern side of the graveyard perimeter; this slope is totally natural and the determined summit is much shorter than the tallest cornice of all the grave yards’ slabs. The naturalness of the slope is sure and its molding doesn't testify at any past period the remove of vast amounts of earth which would be necessary for the counterbalance of the conceded surface of the cemetery.
The Zionist leaflet told us about the "destruction of the REMUH cemetery up to the point where it was turned into a formless mass of earth"! Reality shows it INTACT not only from the "mean" Nazis but from anyone else! The international jewish untruth is demolished, loosing one after another its rotten forts, and this not because of the efforts of the "mean" Nazis but because of the factual observations of investigators from all the civilized World, indiscriminate of nationality* Alas, to those naive people's intelligence who still are trapped in the fraud of those who swept the Mankind to the most horrifying bloodshed of two World Wars in order to manage to establish their country, exactly after the fall of Europe, a substantial result of the last great War.
The curtain of time always reveals the historical truth and its forgers who try so much to hide behind it, are, finally condemned to moral stripping. This is what the Jews are now suffering from, after the demolition of their historical scheming which they had managed to strengthen their disputable national existence (and not only ....) on the stupidity or simply the tolerance of all the gullible people of the world.
The disgusting story of the supposedly six million Jews, which the "schizophrenic" Nazis would, according to the seasonal perverted fantasies of the Jews, on some occasions convert them into.... soap or on other occasions into .... Fertile ash is now a "story1! The great Historians R.FAURISSON, A. BUTZ, P. RASSINIER, W. STAGLICH etc. have turned the criminal Jewish lies into ashes placing them is the pos it ion of the non-existing ashes, of the supposed, cremated "victims" of the concentration camps.
Now it is time to expose yet another impudent Jewish lie which is related to the metropolis of the outer-Palestinian international Zionism: Poland, Krakow, district KAZIMIERZ, SZEROKA Street, Here is the most advertised Jewish synagogue REMUH and the Jewish cemetery which surrounds it. Unfortunately, as for the Jews, again, their piteous story doesn't meet a German who would most probably be "possessed", but a neutral investigator with a GREEK NATIONALITY, whose impartiality is a fact.
I found myself in Poland, "plugging" it for fifteen days and came in contact with many people and things. This is the obligation of those who seek for the truth.... I was in Krakow for the fifth day, when, I was browsing through the special "tourist" guide "A GUIDE TO JEWISH KRAKOW", signed by the well-known Zionist EUGENIUSZ DUDA who edits in the Jewish-held Poland the local Jewish propaganda service JEWISH INFORMATION AND TOURIST BUREAU (i.e., a state within a state ...) I read on page 43 a sentence, and was astounded:
"During the Nazi Occupation the cemetery was totally destroyed: the tombstones were shattered, the walls smashed. All the area was destroyed in such a way that it was turned into a formless mass of earth".
This information, in spite of its revealing Jewish anti-Nazi conclusion, it would have left me totally indifferent if, symptomatically, the day before I hadn't visited this particular cemetery, left totally intact, to which this fraud leaflet was referring to : the cemetery and the REMUH synagogue.Because I belong to those who don't mean to give in to the Jewish trap of anti-fascism, I took the Jewish leaflet and went again to the REMUH synagogue, where I met the Jewish (as always...) manager. I gave him the publicized fairy-tale and showed him the upright synagogue and the intact cemetery asking for some explanations for the fraud.
The Jew, used to the people's passiveness, showed discomfort because of my disputing and most provocatively asked me if I was a …German! After having a bad day by finding out me was Greek, he babbled out his his alternative story: "The author..." he said, "didn't live here therefore he doesn't know exactly how things are. Before the Germans came in, we had covered the cemetery with earth, and when the Nazis arrived, they thought the whole range was some kind; of a field so they organized football matches on it. They didn't do anything to our synagogue because it was essential as a building to them, since they had converted it into a store for setting clothes"!
Firstly there is no probative evidence and no witness to affirm that the Germans used the synagogue as a store for selling …clothes. On the contrary:
1. As a building it is totally unsuitable for a similar use, since its interior is
particularly narrow, and is limited, even more, by the "forum" which, like a
large cage, dominates the centre, of the already small hall, in a suffocating way.
2. On both sides of SZEROKA Street there are more suitable buildings for this use.
3. The story of the Jews overlooked the fact that the German Army was
exemplary well - disciplined within the limits of accomplishing their war duties, which differs so much from the American Army, which (look at Vietnam and anywhere else....) sold out all sorts of its material, and also from the most famous Jewish psychology of trading everything, even lies.
Concerning, now, the "changing" of the REMUH cemetery into a ...Football court, we are pointing out the obvious untruth of the Jews for the following proving reasons:
A. Firstly, the surprise arrival of the Germans and, for those days, the non-existing technical means in combination with the immense surface of the cemetery excludes the version of the "hiding" of the cemetery under vast amounts of earth and its "variation" into a court, as the Jew story-teller claims.
B. None of the neighbors (mainly Jews) we asked didn't remember to tell us
exactly if and when the cemetery was covered up and when was is revealed: not even an approximate date! This though, couldn't even be determined by our Jew "guide" who was a big liar. It should be noted down, that, none, of the old inhabitants living in the Jew houses of JAKUBA Street, which runs along the whole western side of the cemetery, did speak about the banking up of the Cemetery but all- remember the Cemetery as it is today, that is, intact.
C. Where from could the millions of cubic meters of earth be transported for such an extensive banking up and where would they have been dumped away after liberating, without one thing been seen either then or today? No
explanation was given to us and it is worth while noting that both district KAZIMIERZ and the wide old city (STARA MIESTA) of Krakow, in which
KAZIMIERZ is placed in, they are both not offered for neither earth-receiving or earth-dumping because both KAZIMIERZ and STARA MIESTA, show an intact town planning, which is, mostly cobbled road building, dating back to the 9th century A.D.! Except if we naively accept that all these millions of debris were carried from somewhere many miles away and thrown away again just as much away but again, the means of that period wouldn't allow it to happen.
D. If in case the cemetery was covered up with earth, its resulting configuration would be eye-striking artificial and suspicious because the ground would be un-naturally raised high, over the level of the surrounding roads and be enclosed inside the perimeter cemetery walls with an average height of over two meters! Therefore, it would compose of a super-natural
earth cube, with of-course, the surrounding tall walling of the cemetery. The Germans never earned the reputation of being stupid, especially in technical matters!
E. As we observe in the photograph of the interior of the cemetery (photo 1), the cornice of the gravestone of chief rabbi REMUH,which is the tallest of all, is exactly at the same height with the upper cornices of the windows which are on the back wall(western) of the REMUH synagogue: that is exactly what line points out on the photograph. If then, we accept the Jewish script of the banking up, then,for just the least concealment of the grave slabs, the slightest level of banking up would compulsory shut out the exterior of the windows of the synagogue whilst in the interior, the exactly
outside of the window earth, would betray the suspicious un-natural condition.
F. In order for us to accept that the slightest secure level of banking up,
which would be succeeded, is the straight horizontal line B on photo 1,
that would mean the decisive deterioration of the bark of the tree which is seen in the grave yard perimeter of REMUH (from the level of banking up and downwards), also, mainly the decomposition of the synagogue walls from the same height and below. None though of these two decisive indications don’t exist, except for the usual and expected (because of time and the environments usual moisture) damages of the coats of the synagogues 'walls,
similar to those which are observed at the rest buildings of the same area.
G. The end of the arrow of the diagonal line on the same photo 1 indicates the summit of an earth slope which runs across the southern side of the graveyard perimeter; this slope is totally natural and the determined summit is much shorter than the tallest cornice of all the grave yards’ slabs. The naturalness of the slope is sure and its molding doesn't testify at any past period the remove of vast amounts of earth which would be necessary for the counterbalance of the conceded surface of the cemetery.
The Zionist leaflet told us about the "destruction of the REMUH cemetery up to the point where it was turned into a formless mass of earth"! Reality shows it INTACT not only from the "mean" Nazis but from anyone else! The international jewish untruth is demolished, loosing one after another its rotten forts, and this not because of the efforts of the "mean" Nazis but because of the factual observations of investigators from all the civilized World, indiscriminate of nationality* Alas, to those naive people's intelligence who still are trapped in the fraud of those who swept the Mankind to the most horrifying bloodshed of two World Wars in order to manage to establish their country, exactly after the fall of Europe, a substantial result of the last great War.