07-26-2004, 03:38 PM
Allies’ unpunished crime against Humanity:
S’appressan gl’istanti
d’un’ ira fatale;
sui muti sembianti
gia piomba il terror!
Le folgori intorno
gia schiudono l’ale!
Apprestan un giorno
di lutto e squallor!
[The moments of fatal anger
are approaching;
upon their silent faces
terror already settles!
Around, the thunderbolts
are spreading their pinions!
They are preparing a day
of mourning and gloom!]
On Sunday, July 28th 1943 from 1 to 2 am British planes dropped gasoline, phosphorous, and explosive bombs on the Hamm and Hammersbrook residential districts of Hamburg, Germany to create a firestorm that engulfed a 5 kilometer wide area sending a 2 kilometer wide column of flames soaring 4 kilometers high which pushed superheated gasses a further 8 kilometers. To feed the 600 degree centigrade firestorm, winds reached 240 kilometers per hour dragging uprooted trees and people into the inferno. (Ref.: Caiden, M., p.4-50)
In oxygen deprived shelters people suffocated while clawing at blocked exits. On rubble strewn streets people met choking gasses, burning debris, and walls of flame. They scrambled to the Elbe or Alster Rivers writhing in pain from boiling asphalt and burning phosphorus.
Children were dragged into the flames or stuck to boiling asphalt. Thousands simply v a p o r i z e d. Many who reached the rivers died unable to stop the burning phosphorous.
For ten days from July 24th to August 2nd, 1943, British night and American day bombing completely demolished a seven kilometer wide area and severely damaged a 12 kilometer wide zone destroying 300.000 dwellings and killing over 100.000 people.
In cellars rescuers found shriveled remains and melted pools of glass, bones, and fat. Charred grotesque figures littered the streets.
Unrecognizable bodies were loaded into trucks and driven to Ohlsdorf cemetery in the northern section of the city. Here four mass graves each measuring 130 meters long and 16 meters wide were dug in the sandy soil in the form of a cross by workers assisted by a mechanical excavator. Truck drivers approximated the numbers in their loads before the unidentified bodies were raked into the pits. Each of the four graves held an estimated 10.000 bodies. (Ref.: Middlebrook, M., p.356-366, plate 40)
The bombing of Hamburg was over!
For the entire World term “HOLOCAUST” means Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Hamburg, Dresden,Berlin, Piraeus, f a c t s no m y t h s!
For such crimes against Humanity no Nurnberg-Trial was for Allies! These crimes still remain unpunished and the world-criminals American-British still continue to kill around globe! Sorry to say, it’s upon the responsibility of these two countries to understand that they must be finally independent from the evil influence of international Jew. If they really want to show that they are respecting themselves!
S’appressan gl’istanti
d’un’ ira fatale;
sui muti sembianti
gia piomba il terror!
Le folgori intorno
gia schiudono l’ale!
Apprestan un giorno
di lutto e squallor!
[The moments of fatal anger
are approaching;
upon their silent faces
terror already settles!
Around, the thunderbolts
are spreading their pinions!
They are preparing a day
of mourning and gloom!]
On Sunday, July 28th 1943 from 1 to 2 am British planes dropped gasoline, phosphorous, and explosive bombs on the Hamm and Hammersbrook residential districts of Hamburg, Germany to create a firestorm that engulfed a 5 kilometer wide area sending a 2 kilometer wide column of flames soaring 4 kilometers high which pushed superheated gasses a further 8 kilometers. To feed the 600 degree centigrade firestorm, winds reached 240 kilometers per hour dragging uprooted trees and people into the inferno. (Ref.: Caiden, M., p.4-50)
In oxygen deprived shelters people suffocated while clawing at blocked exits. On rubble strewn streets people met choking gasses, burning debris, and walls of flame. They scrambled to the Elbe or Alster Rivers writhing in pain from boiling asphalt and burning phosphorus.
Children were dragged into the flames or stuck to boiling asphalt. Thousands simply v a p o r i z e d. Many who reached the rivers died unable to stop the burning phosphorous.
For ten days from July 24th to August 2nd, 1943, British night and American day bombing completely demolished a seven kilometer wide area and severely damaged a 12 kilometer wide zone destroying 300.000 dwellings and killing over 100.000 people.
In cellars rescuers found shriveled remains and melted pools of glass, bones, and fat. Charred grotesque figures littered the streets.
Unrecognizable bodies were loaded into trucks and driven to Ohlsdorf cemetery in the northern section of the city. Here four mass graves each measuring 130 meters long and 16 meters wide were dug in the sandy soil in the form of a cross by workers assisted by a mechanical excavator. Truck drivers approximated the numbers in their loads before the unidentified bodies were raked into the pits. Each of the four graves held an estimated 10.000 bodies. (Ref.: Middlebrook, M., p.356-366, plate 40)
The bombing of Hamburg was over!
For the entire World term “HOLOCAUST” means Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Hamburg, Dresden,Berlin, Piraeus, f a c t s no m y t h s!
For such crimes against Humanity no Nurnberg-Trial was for Allies! These crimes still remain unpunished and the world-criminals American-British still continue to kill around globe! Sorry to say, it’s upon the responsibility of these two countries to understand that they must be finally independent from the evil influence of international Jew. If they really want to show that they are respecting themselves!