View Full Version : Holocaust: This Picture Says All!
07-24-2004, 04:47 PM
Dear Fellows, I think that pictures say the truth better than words!
You are kindly requested to observe attached picture. It is published in the official jewish review "ÉÓÑÁÇËÉÍÁ ÍÅÁ" (see attached Identity of this edition), Nr 258 (Marz-April 1997, page 19). The legent says: <<Young jews survivors of concentration camps are going to Palestina>>.
This picture makes v e r y c l e a r that:
1.All persons are wearing the prisoners' uniform. Why should wear a uniform if they were to guide in "gas chambers"? Were crazy the Germans to spend time, work hands and money in order to prepare uniforms for those who were ready to "die"?
2.In braces of two of them we see tatoo numbers! Were crazy Germans to spend time, work hands and employers to paint these numbers on persons ready to "die"?
3.One of the prisoner wears his watch on his arm. It is a privilege which is not recognizable to the prisoners of today's American prisons!
4.All faces show v e r y h e a l t h y beings! All faces are more healthy than German faces in Germany of same era! It is an evidence for conditions of life in German Concentration Camps!
This is not a fascist evidence! Instead, it is a jewish evidence!! Now we can decide about "Holocaust" and the truth concerning the ...legend!
07-24-2004, 04:51 PM
>>>Were crazy Germans to spend time, work hands and employers to paint these numbers on persons ready to "die"?
LOL that's an interesting question, especially if they planned to burn the bodies to destroy all traces of them.
Well, Ok, I admit I don't know or really care ( yet ) for this entire revisionism thing,
1. Photos can easily be faked. It's been said about many 'holohoax' photos, it can be said about many 'revisionist' photos.
2. The Germans could have used these methods just to keep the prisoners calm.
A man who doesn't have a clue he'll die the next moment is easier to control than a man whose life is visibly at stake.
So, the privilege to wear watches, be fed, or get painted with a number could have been methods to lull prisoners into thinking that everything will be OK, the way it is.
It's much less of an effort to let them wear uniforms, and to paint numbers on them, to calm them, then it is to use serious soldier/man-power just to keep the prisoners at bay.
I'll just say, I'm not pro anything regarding this matter, I'm just pointing out some possibilities.
07-24-2004, 05:17 PM
Those selected to die on arrival did not have any number they went straight to their deaths.
This shoula anser at least two of the questions.
The healthy people , do you think they came straight out of a camp and went straight to the middle east.
This might be a year after release or more.
This should also explain the watch and the cap.
Its a case of seeing what you want or need to see in the photograph , your own vision of what you want to see guides your thinking and the bends it to your will.
07-24-2004, 05:24 PM
Dear El Magnifico!
1. This photo, as already I mentioned, is published on an official sionistic review. I gave all relevant details and the Identity of this publication, so nobody is able to refer to any falsification. It is not from a fascisti source but from a jewish one!
2. Sorry to say that you are wrong! If a prisoner arrives in a concentration camp to die(an other out of logic point...) entry the camp has no change to react. Around guards and fences! Dogs and weapons! Machine-guns and electrical wire! Did you mentioned "reaction"? Did you mention to keep them "calm"? No logic! For what? The death was possible without even to expect to be happened! Instead, to prepare uniforms and ...tatoos at the moment which e v e r y s i n g l e s o l d i e r was absolutly necessary in the Fronts? Where is the European logic, at least! So many l o g i s t i c s during a war period, for nothing? Just to testimony that they (Germans) were K i l l e r s? Such a stupidity for them?
The only thing I'm afraiding for is that Jews start to doubt for their own sources discovering that, finally, the stupid was not German but themself!
Truth and History are not toys in hands of racists and censors!
Kindest Regards!
07-24-2004, 05:25 PM
The more important questions is: Who cares? Some Jews were undoubtedly killed in various ways. How? Don't care. Why? Don't care. Who? Again, don't care unless I can shake their hands. The only thing that bothers me about the Holocau$t is that it is used to malign a very honorable people and extort the world. Oh, and that not all of them died.
Did you mention to keep them "calm"? No logic! For what?
To reduce the number of troops needed to control the prisoners. Simple.
07-24-2004, 05:36 PM
>>>Those selected to die on arrival did not have any number they went straight to their deaths.
Who were these people again?
>>>This shoula anser at least two of the questions. The healthy people , do you think they came straight out of a camp and went straight to the middle east.
There were lots of Jewish immigrants to Israel from Eastern Europe in the aftermath of the war, yes.
>>>This might be a year after release or more.
Provide grounds to claim possibility please.
>>>This should also explain the watch and the cap. Its a case of seeing what you want or need to see in the photograph , your own vision of what you want to see guides your thinking and the bends it to your will.
You should listen to your own advice for once, as you are assuming apriori this photo was taken sometimes afterwards, yet you have yet to provide any grounds for this assumption, cerberus. ;)
07-24-2004, 05:38 PM
I'm certainly no authority on this subject, but it seems to me that if the Final Solution was really to kill off all European Jewry, it could have been done and would have been done with much more speed and efficiency so as to leave no survivors. Germans are nothing if not efficient.
This Zyklon B story has to be a hoax. I'm a complete scientific moron and even I could come up with a better way.
I would prolly have gone with the Jim Jones method. Inexpensive and fast.
07-24-2004, 05:50 PM
Perhaps they look healthy because, according to the original post, those are survivors, going to Palestine.
If they were survivors going to Palestine, why wouldn't they have been fed recently, and be wearing watches and so forth? It's not as if they were still under camp jurisdiction, since the picture is presumably from after the war?
The whole holocaust/Holocaust/whateveryouwanttocallit debate is pointless, because all the people going to the trouble of making books and websites and so forth already hold strong opinions at either end of the spectrum.
It is commonly forgotten, because of the work of the Holocaust Industry, that many other groups were also targeted for various reasons. The official figure for ALL deaths is something like 11 million (but how often do you hear that? It's always about the 6 million.)
The whole issue has been so tainted by after-the-fact mucking about by both sides the truth will probably never be discovered, because while it isn't the "6 million Jews died that's all" stuff one side proclaims, it certainly isn't the "It was completely accidental famine and disease" stuff from the other side.
07-24-2004, 05:51 PM
Dear Cerberus!
1. The prisoners are surly j u s t l i b e r a t e d because they are wearing camps' uniforms and caps! "One year after..." (as you mentioned) do you think that they still wear these uniforms and caps? Do you think that such a uniform and cap could be a nice memory to them? If so, concentration camps were vacation places!
2. H e a l t h y faces, no doubt! This is the great reality of this photo and I'm not trying to see any other reality than this expressed by this photo without to modify it in my measures!
Furthermore, of course is valid that you mentioned "Its a case of seeing what you want or need to see in the photograph, your own vision of what you want to see guides your thinking and the bends it to your will." But in our case it is valid for those who deny reality which is the picture itself!
Kindest Regards!
07-24-2004, 07:14 PM
Maybe a year later they were issued the clothes as a sort of "photo op" thing? You know, "they survived the camps, now they're going to Palestine, yadda yadda"?
I mean, maybe it was a "remembrance" thing.
07-24-2004, 07:37 PM
Dear Sinclair,
1. Do you have any proof to postpone the timing of this picture one year -or so...- after the liberation days? Is there any single sign?
2. Do you think that uniforms and kaps om imprisonment are the best memorabilia to keep, in order to make pictures for the rest of your life?
Even in a case such this, is there any evidence?
3. There is no such a mention from the publishers on legend of this picture or elsewhere... And the article has no a specific signature. It means that is writen by the editors who are very careful concerning their sionistic expression.
Kindest Regards!
07-24-2004, 10:29 PM
1)Well, you quoted Cerberus as saying "one year after" and used it as a device in your previous argument. But would they immediately be sent to Palestine? They also look like they've gained some weight-pictures of inmates taken at the camps don't look too well-fed.
2)Sometimes people will keep things that remind them of what they've been through. Or maybe a photographer rounded up some uniforms, real or not, for a photo op.
3)One picture doesn't really provide enough information. Was there any associated information with this pic?
07-24-2004, 11:37 PM
Dear Sinclair,
1. According what we know, after liberation from concentration camps all prisoners start to return to their countries. Of course not same day but soonest possible. To r e s t o r e a human body (make it to gain weight) is not a matter of a f e w d a y s or w e e k but it takes t i m e! It is a long procedure and becames longer under those circumstances of a general starvation because of war. During all this necessary long time, I don't believe that anybody had the will to continue wearing camp's uniform and caps. At least, the jewish publication doesn't make any relevant mention.
2. Refering your point nr.2 you are talking for a "staging". In a case such this we can doubt for any evidence against German as well...
3. This picture, I think, provides the information we need! Furthermore, it is included in a special pupblication editing by Jews (not Nazi!) dedicating to Zionism (attached Nr.3) as the cover of the publication shows! In attached Nr.3 you can read the title of the Editor (COUNCIL FOR THE FRIENDSHIP BETWEEN GREECE AND ISRAEL) the address of the Editor (VISSARIONOS 7, ATHENS 10672) the telephone number of the Editor (3600756) as well as the Press office and its address. Sorry but fingertips are not exist...
Kindest Regards!
07-25-2004, 12:04 AM
But even so, how does this debunk all of the pictures showing inmates as being near-skeletal?
07-25-2004, 12:17 AM
They were starving because the Allies kept bombing the crud out of supply lines.
07-25-2004, 01:01 AM
But the fact that various groups had been herded into forced-labour camps for ethnicity, political affiliation, etc, and thus put in a position to die of disease and famine, well, it was hardly a coincidence?
And I doubt every single person in the camps died of disease or famine, or disease or famine due to Allied bombing.
07-25-2004, 11:18 AM
But the fact that various groups had been herded into forced-labour camps for ethnicity, political affiliation, etc, and thus put in a position to die of disease and famine, well, it was hardly a coincidence?
And I doubt every single person in the camps died of disease or famine, or disease or famine due to Allied bombing.I doubt every single German POW died of diease or starvation. What is your point? That people get murdered during war and in POW camps? Is anyone denying this?
German citizens in Germany were also dying of disease and starvation. Anyone want to apologize for that? Hell no. What about the rapes of German women & girls by US solidiers after the invasion? Do I hear any apologies? Didn't think so.
07-25-2004, 03:16 PM
Dear Miss O'Gyny, you are right!
I have to add that during last war the International Red Cross in cooperation with the German Authorities offered large food-quantities to the Greek citizens.
Is wide common the case of the Archbishop of Gythion-Oitilon (Peloponnese) PROKOPIOS who died after a british war ship sunk one bulk-carrier of the International Red Cross bringing foods to the population of his area.
The Archbishop died immediately because of his sadness for what was happened!
Until today the memory of PROKOPIOS is alive among Greeks!
Kindest Regards!They were starving because the Allies kept bombing the crud out of supply lines.
07-25-2004, 03:28 PM
Dear Sinclair,
After II WW the zionistic "Anti- German Industry" made a lot of falsificated "documents" against truth and, of course, against Nazis! Among them were many falsificated photos from Stalin's horrible concentration camps showing near-skeletal inmates. These are the photos used before Nurnberg-mockery as "evidences" from ...German concentration camps! There are many publications shattering the lie. But he worst thing is what still exists: nobody mention those stalinic concentration camps! The trap of "Ewige Judde" was well made...
Kindest Regards!
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