View Full Version : Jew Elected President of Serbia in CIA-Corrupted Elections

07-24-2004, 03:35 PM

A 'left-wing' Jewish intellectual, Boris Tadic, has been 'elected' president of Serbia in a low turn out vote that was heavily influenced by the CIA and Western corruption.

Tadic, who is the son of Klara Mandic, another left-wing Jewish intellectual, counts Predrag Markovic, head of the Jewish-Serbian Society as his main advisor. He heads the CIA-backed and -led Democratic Party, and was elected after forming a coalition with CIA-agent and Western pawn Vojislav Kostunica, who is the current prime minister and who heads the Democratic Party of Serbia.

Tadic won 53% of the vote, narrowly beating Tomislav Nikolic, a 'right-wing' Serb nationalist who won 45% of the vote.

Tadic's first act in office was to purge 60 ethnically Serbian officials, as a prelude to replacing them with Jewish officials acceptable to the Jewish-dominated
European Union and the Jewish-dominated United States.

The Jewish ascension to power in Serbia is a direct result of the Jewish-led 'American' war against the country in 1999, during which the Jewish media in the US fabricated atrocity stories against Serbia.

Tadic's ascension to power solidifies Jewish control in the Balkans, where another Jew, Solomon Pasi, sits as foreign minister in Bulgaria and the Jew Yorgos Papanreou leads the Greek opposition, and is expected to gain the Prime Minister's slot in the near future.

The sixty officials purged came after the United Nations was embarassed by yet another failure to arrest Serbian nationalist leader Radovan Karadzic, who is accused of war crimes and ethnic cleansing.

07-24-2004, 04:06 PM
Tadic, who is the son of Klara Mandic, another left-wing Jewish intellectual,

Nope, he's not Jewish, and he's not the son of Klara Mandic. That's a lie.
Personally, I've only ever heard this misinformations on Spermfront.

There's unofficial info that Tadic's father used to 'fool around' with Klara Mandic. ( perhaps our friends from SF think that Tadic's father became pregnant? ) :D

counts Predrag Markovic, head of the Jewish-Serbian Society as his main advisor. He heads the CIA-backed and -led Democratic Party, and was elected after forming a coalition with CIA-agent and Western pawn Vojislav Kostunica, who is the current prime minister and who heads the Democratic Party of Serbia.

Hear-say, I've never heard of anything like a "Jewish-Serbian society",
also, saying that CIA backs/leads the Democratic party is conspiracy theory.
It's basically the truth that no party in Serbia acts to defend Serbian national interests, whether it's because they are pawns of CIA, FBI, NSA, IBM or NBA, or just because they are corrupt greedy bastards, which can be said about any politician in the known world.

Tadic won 53% of the vote, narrowly beating Tomislav Nikolic, a 'right-wing' Serb nationalist who won 45% of the vote.

Nikolic, who is a faux-nationalist. Beating the drum of 'greater Serbia' does not equal national interests. His party is in it for the money and power, just like any other party.

Tadic's first act in office was to purge 60 ethnically Serbian officials, as a prelude to replacing them with Jewish officials

That's a lie. I want to hear the names of these so-called Jews.
I honestly dislike Tadic, and all other politicians, but lying is lying.

acceptable to the Jewish-dominated
European Union and the Jewish-dominated United States.

Ok, that's true, probably. If someone is working for Jewish interests, that doesn't make him a Jew.

The Jewish ascension to power in Serbia is a direct result of the Jewish-led 'American' war against the country in 1999, during which the Jewish media in the US fabricated atrocity stories against Serbia.

What Jewish ascension? Building a straw man here.
The Milosevic regime was kept in power by the USA and EU. Whenever he needed, the USA and EU were there to help him out to opress the Serbs more and more, and lead more disastrous war-adventures which always proved to be anti-Serbian in interest.

Tadic's ascension to power solidifies Jewish control in the Balkans, where another Jew, Solomon Pasi, sits as foreign minister in Bulgaria and the Jew Yorgos Papanreou leads the Greek opposition, and is expected to gain the Prime Minister's slot in the near future.

Ah, now everyone is a Jew, why? Because we say so. :rolleyes:

Honestly, the world politics revolves around what USA decides, and it's virtually the same as Israel/Jews want to happen, but calling everyone a Jew and blaming everything on the Jews is irresponsible and can only appeal to
white-trash, haters and Jewish propagandists, who just love to catch these WN's in outright lies.

The sixty officials purged came after the United Nations was embarassed by yet another failure to arrest Serbian nationalist leader Radovan Karadzic, who is accused of war crimes and ethnic cleansing.

Miraculous, how they can't seem to catch him for years on end... and all the time, they have him as an ace in the sleeve to blackmail every Serb government.

Politics is never as simple and as transparent as it seems.
Just because the mega-media say someone is a bad-guy, that doesn't automatically make him a good-guy for 'us'. Does it.

The enemy of my enemy can also be my enemy, providing that he isn't my enemy's secret ally.