View Full Version : Hamitic myth (that Blacks are cursed by God) is the product of the Old Testament

friedrich braun
07-20-2004, 04:48 PM
New York Times: "Jesus and Jihad''

Dear Mr. Kristof:


Sunday, July 18, 2004

In your Saturday column, ''Jesus and Jihad'' you wrote, '' that many American
Christians once read the Bible to mean that African Americans were cursed as
descendants of Noah's son Ham and were intended by God to be enslaved''.

What you omitted, either out of ignorance or deference to your Hebraic handlers,
was that the so called Hamitic myth is the product of the Jewish Old Testament
which was later enhanced by various interpretations and commentaries found in
the Talmud.

According to the renowned black scholar, Professor Tony Martin of
Wellesey: '' Christians have customarily borne the brunt of the blame for the
Hamitic myth, and they are certainly not without sin in this regard. Yet the
Hamitic Myth (this is the association of the African with the supposed curse of
Noah), was invented by Jewish talmudic scholars over a thousand years before
the transatlantic slave trade began. As important as the Jewish involvement in
helping finance and prosecute the Atlantic slave trade...their invention of
the Hamitic myth may be of even greater importance, since it provided the moral
pretext upon which the entire trade grew and flourished ''.

Professor Martin is not alone in giving Jewish talmudic scholars credit for
the Hamitic Myth. The Jewish scholar, Harold D. Brackman of the Simon
Wiesenthal Center wrote in his Phd. dissertation the following: '' There is no denying
that the Babylonian Talmud was the first source to read a Negrophobic content
into the episode...Sages provide homosexual embellishments for the Biblical
story as well ...Rab maintained that Ham had unmanned Noah, while Samuel claimed
that he had buggered him as well''.

Professor Martin further points out that the Hamitic Myth, invented by Jews
not Christians, gives Black-Jewish relations a most bizarre twist. '' For on
the one side you have the Jews, by their own supposition God's chosen people. On
the other hand you have the African race, by Jewish invention the recipients of
God's implacable curse. This is hardly the basis for a mutually respectful

After years of Jewish hounding, the Catholic Church withdrew its
traditional view of Jews as Christ killers collectively. Now it is the turn
of the Jews to retract, apologize and pay reparations for the Hamitic Myth,
which killed many millions more than all the anti-Jewish pogroms and holocausts
in Europe.''

"Deep down, I believe that a little anti-Semitism is a good thing for the
Jews - reminds us who we are." --Jay Lefkowitz (NYT Magazine. Feb.12, 1995. Page 65). Jay Lefkowitz is now Deputy assistant to the President for Domestic