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07-20-2004, 03:45 PM
BERLIN (AFP) - German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder paid tribute to Nazi officer Claus Schenk von Stauffenberg and his fellow conspirators who came closest to killing Hitler 60 years ago to the day.
Schroeder was speaking at a ceremony of commemoration in the courtyard of the Bendlerblock, the former Nazi war ministry where the aristocratic Stauffenberg was executed hours after he planted a bomb on July 20, 1944, that was intended to kill Hitler.
It exploded but an officer had moved the briefcase containing the explosives behind a leg of the solid oak table at which Hitler was studying maps in his headquarters in East Prussia, which is now Poland.
The bomb killed five of the 24 people in the room but the Nazi leader was only slightly injured.
Stauffenberg was betrayed after flying back to Berlin to lead the coup and faced the execution squad the same night. Thousands of other plotters were sent to often agonizingly slow deaths.
"On July 20, 1944, another Germany showed its face," Schroeder said. "It is therefore one of the most important days in the history of the new Germany. It is an enormous legacy."
The high-profile commemoration of the attack's 60th anniversary reflects a shift of opinion in Germany, where the conspirators were long seen as traitors by a battered people struggling in the shattered post-war landscape.
Schroeder quoted Stauffenberg himself, who warned "whoever dares to do anything must realise that he will go down in German history as a traitor".
"I think that the fact the attackers were prepared to sacrifice themselves in very difficult conditions underlines once again the human and political enormity of their actions," Schroeder said.
"In the totalitarian society of National Socialism, it was not possible to create a wider, patriotic popular resistance."
Schroeder said that German efforts to oust Hitler could not be compared to resistance movements in France, the Netherlands and other countries occupied by the Nazis.
"The German resistance had to fight against the leadership of their own country," Schroeder said.
Sitting in the front row of the spectators was the frail figure of Freya von Moltke, the widow of Helmuth von Moltke, a lawyer who was executed in January 1945 after being found warning conspirators they were about to be arrested.
One of Stauffenberg's sons, Franz-Ludwig, was also expected to attend the ceremony.
German President Horst Koehler and Dutch Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende, whose country currently holds the rotating presidency of the European Union (news - web sites), also took part.
The Bendlerblock is now part of the defence ministry and new German army recruits pledge allegiance to the constitution there.
The fact that the assassination attempt failed is regarded as one of the great tragedies of the 20th century.
Between July 20, 1944 and the end of the war in Europe in May 1945, killings in concentration camps continued, four million Germans, a million and half Soviet soldiers and more than 100,000 Allied servicemen lost their lives.
Some observers in Germany have criticised the plotters for failing to properly prepare their attack, while others have pointed to the fact that many of the conspirators had previously been staunch supporters of Hitler.
07-20-2004, 04:51 PM
No matter what you think of Stauffenberg he was a brave man who put the needs of Germany first and the needs of Hitler and the Party second.
By July 1944 the war was lost and time was running out , to end the war and avoid further loss of life and preserve what could be preserved was more in Germany's interests than continuing to fight a losing battle on all fronts.
He gets my vote as a brave man , yes it can be said that he broke his oath to the Fuhrer , but the Fuhrer had already broken his word to the Germany People and had been killing Germanys before Sept. 1939. ( T4 ).
I do not see that he was bound by his oath when the leader was acting daily against the interests of the people , the people whom he had sworn to serve.
Dr. Brandt
07-20-2004, 05:00 PM
BERLIN (AFP) - German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder paid tribute to Nazi officer Claus Schenk von Stauffenberg and his fellow conspirators who came closest to killing Hitler 60 years ago to the day.
LOL! Even People who try to kill Hitler are "NAZI OFFICERS". DC-Comic book History!
07-20-2004, 05:55 PM
Dr. Brandt,
Its the press after all.
07-21-2004, 01:52 AM
It's just a common term to describe someone in the German military in WW2 now.
No matter what you think of Stauffenberg he was a brave man who put the needs of Germany first and the needs of Hitler and the Party second.
Of course, one can excuse any traitorous act on this ground, i.e. they were "true" patriots.
The simple fact of the matter was that Stauffenberg was a traitor and a failed assassin.
07-21-2004, 03:42 AM
Of course, one can excuse any traitorous act on this ground, i.e. they were "true" patriots.
The simple fact of the matter was that Stauffenberg was a traitor and a failed assassin.Okay you wanted me to defend Stauffenberg, this criticism goes too far. He was an oathbreaker... there is no evidence he didn't think he was acting in Germanies interest. The July plotters in fact had decided before the fact to reject unconditional surrender in the event of an overthrow.
07-21-2004, 05:03 AM
Of course when Hitler tried to over throw the government he wasn't a traitor. :rolleyes:
Okay you wanted me to defend Stauffenberg, this criticism goes too far. He was an oathbreaker... there is no evidence he didn't think he was acting in Germanies interest. The July plotters in fact had decided before the fact to reject unconditional surrender in the event of an overthrow. (yes I'm lazy):
n 1: someone who betrays his country by committing treason [syn: treasonist] 2: a person who says one thing and does another [syn: double-crosser, double-dealer, betrayer]
The facts speak for themselves. Of course you employ the circular logic I knew you would. But yes, as I illustrated to you on Ummahforum, one cannot escape the plain fact that he as an officer betrayed an oath he took of his own will. In other words, a rat.
07-21-2004, 08:48 AM
Textbook traitor yes, but given that the war you can't really argue that he didn't think he was acting in Germanies interest.
Unfortunately for you the definition of the word is not limited to the traitor's belief in his own "good" intentions.
07-21-2004, 09:18 AM
His oath was to a nut job not the country so he's not a traitor in my books.
Reinhold Elstner
07-21-2004, 10:56 AM
On August 20, 1934 the following oath was introduced in Germany
Article 1. The public officials and the soldiers of the armed forces must take an oath of loyalty on entering service.
Article 2
1. The oath of loyalty of public officials will be:
'I swear: I shall be loyal and obedient to Adolf Hitler, the Führer of the German Reich and people, respect the laws, and fulfill my official duties conscientiously, so help me God.'
2. The oath of loyalty of the soldiers of the armed forces will be:
'I swear by God this sacred oath: I will render unconditional obedience to Adolf Hitler, the Führer of the German Reich and people, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, and will be ready as a brave soldier to risk my life at any time for this oath.'
Article 3. Officials already in service must swear this oath without delay according to Article 2 number 1."
So Stauffenberg et al were traitors and liars.
07-21-2004, 10:55 PM
In that there is no mention of the German People , Hitler said post Stalingrad that "the individual would die but the nation would live on , beyond the individual there is always the nation".
Seems that Hitler did not look upon himself in the same light , to me he the individual might die but beyond him there is the nation .
He was not greater than the nation , its the german people and their needs which should be paramount.
Hitlers oath of office is interesting.
He promised to work for the nation and pledged himself to them , he had comprehensively broken this oath before September 1939.
He controlled the justice system , the medical system , all politcal parties save his own had gone , and he used his power to ensure that there could be no opposition .
T4 again must be the ultimate misuse of absolute power , in view of this I don't consider Stauffenberg's oath to be binding.
Yes it can be said Stauffenberg broke his oath , but what about the Fuhrer's oath of ofice , what for it ?
Dr. Brandt
07-22-2004, 12:25 AM
On August 20, 1934 the following oath was introduced in Germany
So Stauffenberg et al were traitors and liars.
Actually the Third Reich gave the oath it's true meaning back, as it has always been in German History, except during the days of Weimar. It's the old germanic pledge of allegiance to the ellected Leader, as it has always been. During the Kaiser Reich everyone swore an oath to the Emperor, same as in Japan.
Loyalty to a man who represent the nation is much more desiarable than to a piece of paper, they call a "constitution"
The appologists for the treacherous scum also deliberately fail to mention, that the most disgusting part of the treason was not just against Hitler, but against their own country. It wasn't just that they tried to kill Hitler, but throughout the War the aided the enemy, by passing top secret information to them. If a State secretary Von der Trott zu Solz of the Foreign Office meets in Switzerland, Sweden and Istanbul with envoys of enemy intelligence Agencys and asks them for help and offers them their help, then there is no excuse for it. It's the lowest filth one can imagine.
Not to mention Canaris, who passed military plans and codes to the Allies, which resulted in the deaths of thausands of our men. These traitors are the most despicable scum on earth.
It's laughable that they are celebrated as the "moral conscience" of the "true Germany". They wanted to establish a military chunta, planned on summarily executing 300.000 (!!!!) Officials of the old Regime, and were even to cowardly to admitt the truth before the people. If the coup would have worked, they planned on announcing on the radio, that " a rouge gropu of party officials killed the Führer" and thats why the military had to establish order!
Rommel and Kluge held back an entire panzerdivision which was needed in the Normandy, because they wanted to keep it in reserve to use it against SS-Troops in case they would put up a fight.
That Panzerdivision was missing on the Front, but would have been good enough to fire upon fellow Germans. Of course they would have lied to those soldiers, because they didnt expect any sane German to fire on his own Brothers.
They not only sabotaged the development of new weapons, withheld replacement units in their barracks which were needed at the front, let amunitions and supplytrains "get lost" in some remote village, where it would rott, no - but also informed enemy agents directly per Telephone from the FHQ, since the General in charge of communications (fellgiebel) was one of them. Helping the enemy kill your own people is disgusting and nothing, absolutely NOTHING can excuse that.
Anyone who trys to excuse such disgusting behavior is just as much an imoral piece of %&§*# as these crimmals themselves.
His oath was to a nut job not the country so he's not a traitor in my books.
He was a military officer who took the oath willingly. To view what honorable men of character do when presented with an oath contrary to their moral convictions, see Bolt's "A Man for All Seasons." He deserved to be hanged like a common thief.
07-22-2004, 03:22 AM
Regarding the Panzer Division witheld from the front , which division was this ?
Rommel was not an active member of the July Plot , Kluge was ( as far as I am aware ) hedging his bets and not going to do anything which would declare his hand.
Which divison was withheld and on what grounds ?
When was the decision to withold it taken ?
If this was around 20th July it can only be one of very few , given that Kluge was appointed on 2nd July and Rommel was wounded on 17th July , which division was this ?
If this is true you must have knowledge that Rommel knew of the 20th July plot prior to his being wounded.
I would be interested if you might declare your source and the division they agreeded to withhold , when did this act of collusion take place ?
What grounds were made to excuse the divisions begin witheld ?
Kluge killed himself after being relieved by Model on 15th August , what is your evidence that Rommel knew and was directly involved in the 20th July Plot ?
What codes and secrets in specific did Carnaris leak to the Allies and by what route ?
Given that Ultra was reading papers before they were in Hitlers hand he could not have told much that was critical.
I am aware that Carnaris was not pro -Hitler but what specific secrets did he leak and when ?
Which new weapons in specific were sabatoged and by whom , you imply again that it was kluge and Rommel ?
When did these weapons come on line , who held what up and when and at what consequence to the war ?
Were the weapons held up in develepoment , production or in transport , I will check out what sources you provide. Thank you.
If Rommel was such a traitor why did he lay so many mines and do so much in such a short time to frustrate the Allied landings and why did he seek that which was proved to be the correct approach to counter the landings e.g HAVE THE PANZERS CLOSE TO THE COAST AND COMMIT THEM DIRECTLY TO BATTLE.
If there was any withholding which contributed to defeat it was early in the battle when Rommel was still in Germany unaware of the invasion and Hitler was asleep.
Which supply trains please give details dates and instances ?
The replacement units , those in the North held there on Hitlers orders , waiting for Patton who never came ?
If the reserves you refer to were not there which troops in specific do your refer to again I will check out directly and get back to you.
I am at a loss Dr. Brandt , I have a heap of excellent books on Normandy none of which can support anything of what you say , give your sources I will be happy to check them out.
I am certainly not aware of the division you refer to .
Michael Reynolds " Steel Inferno " which deals with 1st SS Panzer Corps in Normandy does not mention anything of a division being witheld in support of them .
Would really like to know about this.
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