By Ixabert
Probably one of the greatest merits of the so-called totalitarian system is the calling-forth of people’s ecstatic-orgiastic energies in the service of some higher end: what I call the spiritualisation of politics. It is something the world is in great need of; the de-spiritualisation of things, politics in particular, is reducing the masses to a sheep-like docility and cultural anemia that is in its scale without parallel in the history of the humanity. Men are becoming too cosmopolitan in outlook: they are members of all nations and no nation, all races and no races, and men are indoctrinated with a value-distorting egalitarianism and pan-humanism; their allegience to anything greater than themselves, their ideopraxism, is rendered feebler and feebler by this mindless extension of their “identification horizons” to borrow a term used in another post. Capitalism is the root cause of this madness: national, ethnic, racial, cultural and religious differences are all barriers to maximum profit. It is now only the citizens of the most ‘backwards’, the most uncapitalistic, of nations who are still capable of being roused into an ecstatic-orgiastic fervour, whether it is in the name of subjugating the world to Allah, establishing a ‘dictatorship of the proletariat,’ or through some ethnic affiliation. What the world needs is more of this spiritualisation of politics.
By Ixabert
Probably one of the greatest merits of the so-called totalitarian system is the calling-forth of people’s ecstatic-orgiastic energies in the service of some higher end: what I call the spiritualisation of politics. It is something the world is in great need of; the de-spiritualisation of things, politics in particular, is reducing the masses to a sheep-like docility and cultural anemia that is in its scale without parallel in the history of the humanity. Men are becoming too cosmopolitan in outlook: they are members of all nations and no nation, all races and no races, and men are indoctrinated with a value-distorting egalitarianism and pan-humanism; their allegience to anything greater than themselves, their ideopraxism, is rendered feebler and feebler by this mindless extension of their “identification horizons” to borrow a term used in another post. Capitalism is the root cause of this madness: national, ethnic, racial, cultural and religious differences are all barriers to maximum profit. It is now only the citizens of the most ‘backwards’, the most uncapitalistic, of nations who are still capable of being roused into an ecstatic-orgiastic fervour, whether it is in the name of subjugating the world to Allah, establishing a ‘dictatorship of the proletariat,’ or through some ethnic affiliation. What the world needs is more of this spiritualisation of politics.