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07-01-2004, 06:45 AM
Height and build
typically tall,
with big bones and heavy musculature
Arms are long
The Head
mesocephalic to sub- brachycephalic
forehead is high and broad,
heavy brow ridge,
the face wide and often orthognathous
malars are wide,
the lower jaw deep and broad,
and the chin is prominent and typically clefted
Male Brünn facial features can be very ruggedly masculine, often with exaggeratedly pronounced browridges and deep jaws
the degree of sexual dimorphism is high, and a corresponding ruggedness is seldom observed among the females. These are typically rounder-featured and larger-breasted than the European mean.
The Nose
The nose is moderately large,
mesorrhine to leptorrhine,
and straight in profile, with a considerable concave minority.
The tip is somewhat thick, and frequently upturned.
The Mouth
The mouth is large and the lines around the oral cavity are deeply drawn, while the lips are moderately thick and little everted. The upper lip is characteristically long and convex
The Skin
The skin, typically freckled, is very fair, and does not easily tan
The Hair
The hair is brown and wavy, and often rufous (the Irish Brünn is known for its frequent red-headedness). Curly hair seems to be an Irish specialty, as it is not common with the Scandinavian type
The Eyes
The eyes are light-mixed blue in the great majority of cases.
Measurements (mm)
Height (cm)........................167 to 181
Head Length.......................199 to 212
Head Breadth......................154 to 162
Minimum Frontal Breadth.......108 to 118
Bizygomatic Diameter...........147 to 156
Bigonial Diameter.................111 to 132
Total Facial Height...............126 to 134
Upper Facial Height...............72 to 80
Nasal Height........................56 to 65
Nasal Breadth......................35 to 48
Biorbital Width.....................94 to 108
Interorbital Width.................34 to 41
Cephalic Index.....................73 to 81
Facial Index.........................81 to 91
Upper Facial Index.................46 to 54
Nasal Index.........................54 to 86
07-01-2004, 06:49 AM
Height and build
typically very tall,
with big bones and heavy musculature
The Head
occiput is nearly vertical and often slightly flattened
The temporal bones are weakly curved, but parietal tuberosities are usually strong
The forehead is broad, only slightly curved, quite high, and usually of but little slope,
The face is typically square in appearance - due mostly to the great mandibular width and the prominence of the frontal and parietal tuberosities - while round faces are almost as common
The jaw is rather deep, and the browridges of moderate size
malars are wide,
The face is usually short, broad, and somewhat flattish, with a strongly orthognathous profile,
The Nose
The nose profile is straight in about 5/6 of cases, and concave in the remainder; convexity is not common. The nose form is mesorrhine to leptorrhine.
The nasion depression is usually great.
The Mouth
The mouth is large and the lines around the oral cavity are deeply drawn, while the lips are moderately thick and little everted. The upper lip is characteristically long and convex
The Skin
The Hair
The hair is typically golden blond to light or medium brown. The total Borreby hair shade range runs from ash blond to dark brown, and the latter category accounts for some 30% of cases
The Eyes
Blue eyes are in the majority, but mixed and grayish blue are also common.
Measurements (mm)
Height (cm)........................172 to 184
Head Length.......................197 to 210
Head Breadth......................165 to 175
Minimum Frontal Breadth.......114 to 128
Bizygomatic Diameter...........148 to 158
Bigonial Diameter.................115 to 127
Total Facial Height...............120 to 149
Upper Facial Height...............71 to 80
Nasal Height........................54 to 65
Nasal Breadth......................36 to 46
Biorbital Width.....................96 to 106
Interorbital Width.................35 to 44
Cephalic Index.....................79 to 89
Facial Index.........................76 to 94
Upper Facial Index.................45 to 54
Nasal Index.........................55 to 85
07-01-2004, 06:52 AM
Height and build
The typical Hallstatt Nordic is tall and lean, with relatively long legs and a short body, moderately broad shoulders and relatively short arms. The impression is of a long and slender type, and corpulence is rare among individuals
The bones of the Hallstatt Nordic, and of the Nordic race as a whole, are small in comparison to the Brünn and Borreby races and the various blended Nordish types.
The Head
The face is oval to slightly rhomboid in shape, with a narrow, somewhat sloping forehead - but much less so than is the case with the Keltic Nordic type - and browridges which are present but rather weakly developed
The lower jaw is long and deep with a well-developed chin, and the distance from the lower teeth to the chin is remarkably great. The gonial angles are compressed and usually not visible. The malars are small, and the zygomatic arches bowed outward to some extent
The cephalic index mean of the modern Hallstatt Nordic is mesocephalic (cephalic index ca. 77), although dolichocephaly is not uncommon among individuals. The head, when seen from above, looks like a long oval, somewhat flattened on both sides. The occiput is curved or projecting
The Nose
The nasion depression is moderate, while the nose, which is typically parallel in slope with the forehead, is mostly straight or slightly convex, with a high incidence of wavy forms. The nasal index is leptorrhine, and there is usually a noticeable transition from the nasal skeleton to the soft parts of the nose
The Mouth
The mouth is small and the lips rather thin.
The Skin
The skin, which is a pinkish white, is typically fine-textured and thin. This thinness has the effect of pronouncing the bony parts of the face and making the muscles of the body stand out in relief.
The Hair
The hair color of the Hallstatt Nordic is characteristically and almost exclusively blond, with ash-blond shades in one-third to one-half of the cases, the remainder having golden blond to medium brown shades. Rufosity is virtually absent. There is a small brunet minority
The Eyes
The Nordic eye is typically light-mixed blue, with a large pure light-eyed minority. Here also there is a small dark-pigmented minority.
Measurements (mm)
Height (cm)........................172
Head Length.......................194
Head Breadth......................150
Minimum Frontal Breadth.......
Bizygomatic Diameter...........138
Bigonial Diameter.................105
Total Facial Height...............130
Upper Facial Height..............
Nasal Height........................
Nasal Breadth......................
Biorbital Width.....................
Interorbital Width.................
Cephalic Index.....................77
Facial Index.........................94
Upper Facial Index................
Nasal Index.........................
07-01-2004, 06:56 AM
Height and build
The Head
low-vaulted, with foreheads of much greater recession than those of the Hallstatt type.
The Keltic face is long and narrow, and the chin is strongly developed.
The temples, malars, and gonial angles are typically compressed and not visible.
The Nose
The nose is long and high-bridged, and narrow to medium in breadth. The profile is usually straight, but wavy or concavo-convex forms are also common. The characteristic prominence of the Keltic nose is a good diagnostic for distinguishing between extremes of the two Nordic types.
The Mouth
The lips are thin to medium, and little everted.
The Skin
The Hair
The hair, which ranges in color from a blackish brown to a platinum-like ash-blond, is most commonly medium brown in pigment. Keltic hair is generally of a much darker tone than what is common among Hallstatt Nordics
The Eyes
The eyes are predominantly light-mixed.
Measurements (mm)
Height (cm)........................171 to 182
Head Length.......................188 to 202
Head Breadth......................151 to 156
Minimum Frontal Breadth.......108 to 111
Bizygomatic Diameter...........137 to 142
Bigonial Diameter.................106 to 107
Total Facial Height...............127 to 131
Upper Facial Height..............72 to 77
Nasal Height........................60 to 61
Nasal Breadth......................36
Biorbital Width.....................88
Interorbital Width.................26
Cephalic Index.....................74 to 83
Facial Index.........................89 to 96
Upper Facial Index................51 to 56
Nasal Index.........................59 to 60
07-01-2004, 06:59 AM
Height and build
more than average-sized hands and feet.
The Head
Large head and face
over-all mesocephalic, with a minor tendency towards brachycephaly
The face is long, and shows a marked skeletal relief, giving it a somewhat rugged and angular impression.
the forehead is high and the browridges heavy, and the jaw is prominent. Both Brünn and Borreby features are visible.
The Nose
The nose is large, very leptorrhine, and usually straight, with a convex minority
The Mouth
The lips are rather thin.
The Skin
The Hair
hair color range runs from golden blond to medium brown, with the latter in the majority. There is a minor tendency towards rufosity, but much less so than is the case with the Trřnder type
The Eyes
The eyes are pure blue or light-mixed.
Measurements (mm)
Height (cm)........................172 to 175
Head Length.......................203
Head Breadth......................157
Minimum Frontal Breadth.......107
Bizygomatic Diameter...........148
Bigonial Diameter.................109
Total Facial Height...............126
Upper Facial Height..............75
Nasal Height........................62
Nasal Breadth......................32
Biorbital Width.....................97
Interorbital Width.................38
Cephalic Index.....................73 to 77
Facial Index.........................85
Upper Facial Index................51
Nasal Index.........................52
07-01-2004, 07:02 AM
Height and build
Very tall,
bones are larger and heavier than typically Nordic.
Females are not heavily boned due to sexual dimorphism
The Head
very high-vaulted,
high mesocephalic though some type are dolicho-mesocephalic
face is of considerable length
The forehead is very high, and at the same time both broader and much less sloping than that of the Hallstatt Nordic.
Frontal bosses, a non-Nordic trait, are frequently found, and the temporal region is much fuller.
In addition, the transitions from frontal to temporal and frontal to parietal regions are smooth and difficult to find, whereas on the Nordic head they are clearly marked.
Zygomatic arches of the Trřnder type are less prominent than those of the Hallstatt Nordic, and the gonial angles are compressed and not visible. The skull is more rounded and the occiput less prominently curved than that of the Nordic type.
The Nose
Typically straight or convex, with a wide display of wavy forms
and the transition between bone and cartilage is difficult to locate without palpation (feeling with the fingers).
The Mouth
The lips are rather thin.
The Skin
The skin is coarser in texture and tougher than regular Nordic skin
The Hair
The hair is wavy and ranges in color from brown to golden blond. Rufosity is common, whereas ash-blond shades, a typical Hallstatt Nordic trait, are rarer.
And the hair is more abundant on beard and body.
The Eyes
One of the world's bluest-eyed racial types - light-mixed blue is the predominant eye color.
Measurements (mm)
Height (cm)........................167 to 178
Head Length.......................195 to 200
Head Breadth......................155 to 161
Minimum Frontal Breadth.......104 to 115
Bizygomatic Diameter...........138 to 143
Bigonial Diameter.................102 to 116
Total Facial Height...............129 to 138
Upper Facial Height..............68 to 77
Nasal Height........................54 to 63
Nasal Breadth......................36 to 40
Biorbital Width.....................90 to 94
Interorbital Width.................32 to 39
Cephalic Index.....................78 to 83
Facial Index.........................90 to 100
Upper Facial Index................49 to 56
Nasal Index.........................57 to 74
07-01-2004, 07:06 AM
Height and build
The Head
Typically sub-brachycephalic and not seldom brachycephalic
The facial and upper facial indices are mesoprosopic and mesene to euryene
The Nose
Moderately leptorrhine
Usually straight, but there are local tendencies toward convexity and snub-nosed concavity.
The Mouth
The Skin
The Hair
Typically golden blond
The Eyes
Measurements (mm)
Height (cm)........................172 to 182
Head Length.......................190 to 197
Head Breadth......................160 to 163
Minimum Frontal Breadth.......113 to 117
Bizygomatic Diameter...........140 to 152
Bigonial Diameter.................110 to 120
Total Facial Height...............122 to 132
Upper Facial Height..............72 to 74
Nasal Height........................57 to 60
Nasal Breadth......................35 to 38
Biorbital Width.....................91 to 102
Interorbital Width.................33 to 41
Cephalic Index.....................81 to 86
Facial Index.........................80 to 94
Upper Facial Index................47 to 53
Nasal Index.........................58 to 67
07-01-2004, 07:12 AM
Height and build
The Head
The Nose
The Mouth
The Skin
The Hair
The Eyes
Measurements (mm)
Height (cm)........................170 to 182
Head Length.......................200 to 215
Head Breadth......................143 to 152
Minimum Frontal Breadth.......103 to 110
Bizygomatic Diameter...........134 to 137
Bigonial Diameter.................96 to 108
Total Facial Height...............121 to 140
Upper Facial Height..............72 to 84
Nasal Height........................53 to 63
Nasal Breadth......................33 to 36
Biorbital Width.....................89 to 95
Interorbital Width.................30 to 32
Cephalic Index.....................67 to 76
Facial Index.........................88 to 104
Upper Facial Index................53 to 63
Nasal Index.........................52 to 68
07-01-2004, 07:15 AM
Height and build
The Head
The Nose
The Mouth
The Skin
The Hair
The Eyes
Measurements (mm)
Height (cm)........................162 to 167
Head Length.......................190 to 200
Head Breadth......................154 to 164
Minimum Frontal Breadth.......103 to 113
Bizygomatic Diameter...........136 to 146
Bigonial Diameter.................107 to 117
Total Facial Height...............118 to 129
Upper Facial Height..............72 to 76
Nasal Height........................56 to 60
Nasal Breadth......................31 to 38
Biorbital Width.....................87 to 92
Interorbital Width.................32 to 34
Cephalic Index.....................77 to 86
Facial Index.........................81 to 95
Upper Facial Index................49 to 56
Nasal Index.........................52 to 68
07-01-2004, 07:24 AM
Height and build
Medium stature, and lateral in bodily build
The Head
Their heads of moderate size and globular; their faces characteristically round and their facial features slightly infantile.
The forehead is steep to slightly sloping,
The Nose
The Mouth
The Skin
Pigmentation is moderate to light but darkens as one moves East,
Skin can sometimes be freckled,
The Hair
Pigmentation ranges from blond to brunet, but is usually intermediate. Quite often with undertones of rufosity.
The Eyes
Eyes can range from blue and grey to green and brown.
Measurements (mm)
Height (cm)........................162 to 172
Head Length.......................186 to 195
Head Breadth......................159 to 167
Minimum Frontal Breadth.......103 to 116
Bizygomatic Diameter...........134 to 152
Bigonial Diameter.................111 to 117
Total Facial Height...............115 to 130
Upper Facial Height...............66 to 76
Nasal Height........................50 to 63
Nasal Breadth......................32 to 39
Biorbital Width.....................87 to 96
Interorbital Width.................31 to 38
Cephalic Index.....................82 to 90
Facial Index.........................76 to 97
Upper Facial Index.................43 to 57
Nasal Index.........................51 to 78
07-01-2004, 07:27 AM
Height and build
Large-bodied compared to the Neo-Danubians
The Head
sub-brachycephals (c.i. 80-83)
often square-shaped face
steep forehead; the rounded cranial vault
broad-faced and wide-jawed,
laterally prominent malars
The Nose
Round-tipped and snub nose
The Mouth
The mouth is of moderate size,
the lips are not very everted
The Skin
The Hair
Ash-Blond with a notable brunet faction
The Eyes
Measurements (mm)
Height (cm)........................162 to 167
Head Length.......................181 to 200
Head Breadth......................154 to 162
Minimum Frontal Breadth.......108 to 119
Bizygomatic Diameter...........143 to 148
Bigonial Diameter.................111 to 124
Total Facial Height...............121 to 129
Upper Facial Height..............69 to 80
Nasal Height........................51 to 59
Nasal Breadth......................33 to 38
Biorbital Width.....................85 to 98
Interorbital Width.................32 to 37
Cephalic Index.....................77 to 90
Facial Index.........................82 to 90
Upper Facial Index................47 to 56
Nasal Index.........................56 to 75
07-01-2004, 07:29 AM
Height and build
The Head
The Nose
The Mouth
The Skin
The Hair
The Eyes
Measurements (mm)
Height (cm)........................164 to 174
Head Length.......................188 to 191
Head Breadth......................148 to 159
Minimum Frontal Breadth.......98 to 118
Bizygomatic Diameter...........132 to 145
Bigonial Diameter.................103 to 111
Total Facial Height...............110 to 118
Upper Facial Height..............68 to 72
Nasal Height........................54 to 55
Nasal Breadth......................30 to 37
Biorbital Width.....................87 to 100
Interorbital Width.................28 to 37
Cephalic Index.....................77 to 85
Facial Index.........................76 to 89
Upper Facial Index................47 to 55
Nasal Index.........................55 to 69
07-01-2004, 07:31 AM
Height and build
The Head
very round-skulled, and their cephalic indices frequently exceed 85 (brachycephaly)
Head form is globular, and the forehead is steep and not seldom protuberant.
Face is square to oval in shape, and the combination of a round face and a plump cheek is common. There is often a slight flatness to the Neo-Danubian face.
The cheek furrows are as a rule strong.
A fatty deposit - on the malars - seems to be a secondary sex character, as it is most common among women.
The malars are only moderately projecting, especially when compared to those of East Baltics and Ladogans.
The Nose
The nose is moderately leptorrhine, straight to concave in profile, and often snub-tipped in a Ladogan fashion. The nasal skeleton is rather low, with a broad tip.
The Mouth
The upper lip is long and convex,
The Skin
The Hair
Ash-blond hair to golden blond hair.
The Eyes
Median eyefolds are indicative of a low orbit a heavy deposit of fat in the upper lid
Blue or grey
Measurements (mm)
Height (cm)........................164 to 171
Head Length.......................180 to 189
Head Breadth......................161 to 162
Minimum Frontal Breadth.......109 to 113
Bizygomatic Diameter...........144 to 148
Bigonial Diameter.................107 to 111
Total Facial Height...............123 to 126
Upper Facial Height..............72 to 74
Nasal Height........................55 to 56
Nasal Breadth......................34 to 36
Biorbital Width.....................85 to 99
Interorbital Width.................30 to 37
Cephalic Index.....................85 to 90
Facial Index.........................83 to 88
Upper Facial Index................49 to 51
Nasal Index.........................61 to 65
07-01-2004, 07:32 AM
Height and build
The Head
The Nose
The Mouth
The Skin
The Hair
The Eyes
Measurements (mm)
Height (cm)........................167 to 176
Head Length.......................189 to 199
Head Breadth......................148 to 158
Minimum Frontal Breadth.......106 to 112
Bizygomatic Diameter...........135 to 148
Bigonial Diameter.................102 to 114
Total Facial Height...............116 to 127
Upper Facial Height...............69 to 76
Nasal Height........................55 to 60
Nasal Breadth......................31 to 37
Biorbital Width.....................90 to 99
Interorbital Width.................32 to 36
Cephalic Index.....................74 to 84
Facial Index.........................78 to 94
Upper Facial Index.................47 to 56
Nasal Index.........................52 to 67
07-01-2004, 07:34 AM
Height and build
The Head
The Nose
The Mouth
The Skin
The Hair
The Eyes
Measurements (mm)
Height (cm)........................169 to 178
Head Length.......................192 to 207
Head Breadth......................149 to 156
Minimum Frontal Breadth.......106 to 113
Bizygomatic Diameter...........130 to 142
Bigonial Diameter.................101 to 115
Total Facial Height...............121 to 127
Upper Facial Height...............69 to 77
Nasal Height........................56 to 63
Nasal Breadth......................29 to 36
Biorbital Width.....................86 to 94
Interorbital Width.................27 to 36
Cephalic Index.....................72 to 81
Facial Index.........................85 to 98
Upper Facial Index.................49 to 59
Nasal Index.........................46 to 64
07-01-2004, 07:35 AM
Height and build
The Head
The Nose
The Mouth
The Skin
The skin is not particularly darker than the northern European mean. Pigmentation is lighter than with the Paleo-Atlantid group.
The Hair
Dark brown and blackish hair is in the majority
The Eyes
The eye pigment is often scarce, and blue and green eyes are commonplace.
07-01-2004, 07:36 AM
Height and build
The Head
The Nose
The Mouth
The Skin
The skin is not seldom darker than the northern European mean, and tending more towards a southern European Mediterranean color.
The Hair
Dark brown and black hair is unsurpassed in the majority
The Eyes
Brown and dark-mixed eyes are the rule.
07-01-2004, 07:39 AM
Height and build
Moderately tall
smaller stature than Dinarc due to Keltic Nordic mixture
The Head
great brachycephaly (82-87CI)
The Nose
shallow nasion depression
great nose length, height, and convexity,
The Mouth
The Skin
Similar to Nordic
The Hair
Medium brown to goldern blond
The Eyes
The eyes light or light-mixed
Measurements (mm)
Height (cm)........................170 to 180
Head Length.......................182 to 187
Head Breadth......................154 to 158
Minimum Frontal Breadth.......107 to 111
Bizygomatic Diameter...........137 to 141
Bigonial Diameter.................104 to 110
Total Facial Height...............123 to 130
Upper Facial Height..............74 to 77
Nasal Height........................53 to 64
Nasal Breadth......................33 to 34
Biorbital Width.....................91 to 96
Interorbital Width.................32
Cephalic Index.....................82 to 87
Facial Index.........................87 to 95
Upper Facial Index................52 to 56
Nasal Index.........................52 to 64
07-01-2004, 07:42 AM
Height and build
The Head
The Nose
The Mouth
The Skin
The Hair
The Eyes
Measurements (mm)
Height (cm)........................172 to 180
Head Length.......................170 to 183
Head Breadth......................152 to 161
Minimum Frontal Breadth.......107 to 113
Bizygomatic Diameter...........138 to 147
Bigonial Diameter.................104 to 112
Total Facial Height...............130 to 139
Upper Facial Height...............75 to 84
Nasal Height........................58 to 68
Nasal Breadth......................31 to 36
Biorbital Width.....................87 to 96
Interorbital Width.................32 to 34
Cephalic Index.....................83 to 95
Facial Index.........................88 to 100
Upper Facial Index.................51 to 61
Nasal Index.........................46 to 62
07-01-2004, 07:43 AM
Height and build
The Head
The Nose
The Mouth
The Skin
The Hair
The Eyes
Measurements (mm)
Height (cm)........................172 to 180
Head Length.......................170 to 191
Head Breadth......................152 to 161
Minimum Frontal Breadth.......107 to 113
Bizygomatic Diameter...........138 to 147
Bigonial Diameter.................104 to 112
Total Facial Height...............124 to 139
Upper Facial Height...............68 to 84
Nasal Height........................55 to 68
Nasal Breadth......................31 to 36
Biorbital Width.....................87 to 96
Interorbital Width.................32 to 34
Cephalic Index.....................80 to 95
Facial Index.........................84 to 100
Upper Facial Index.................46 to 61
Nasal Index.........................46 to 65
07-01-2004, 07:45 AM
Height and build
The Head
The Nose
The Mouth
The Skin
The Hair
The Eyes
Measurements (mm)
Height (cm)........................165 to 181
Head Length.......................194 to 211
Head Breadth......................147 to 162
Minimum Frontal Breadth.......108 to 113
Bizygomatic Diameter...........138 to 145
Bigonial Diameter.................111 to 116
Total Facial Height...............132 to 136
Upper Facial Height...............76 to 78
Nasal Height........................61 to 63
Nasal Breadth......................37
Biorbital Width.....................
Interorbital Width.................
Cephalic Index.....................70 to 84
Facial Index.........................91 to 99
Upper Facial Index.................52 to 57
Nasal Index.........................59 to 61
07-01-2004, 07:47 AM
Height and build
The Head
The Nose
The Mouth
The Skin
The Hair
The Eyes
Measurements (mm)
Height (cm)........................167 to 172
Head Length.......................193 to 201
Head Breadth......................144 to 153
Minimum Frontal Breadth.......103 to 107
Bizygomatic Diameter...........125 to 144
Bigonial Diameter.................94 to 107
Total Facial Height...............119 to 125
Upper Facial Height..............66 to 79
Nasal Height........................54 to 65
Nasal Breadth......................30 to 37
Biorbital Width.....................86 to 90
Interorbital Width.................29 to 33
Cephalic Index.....................72 to 79
Facial Index.........................83 to 100
Upper Facial Index................46 to 63
Nasal Index.........................46 to 69
07-01-2004, 07:48 AM
Height and build
The Head
The Nose
The Mouth
The Skin
The Hair
The Eyes
Measurements (mm)
Height (cm)........................159 to 168
Head Length.......................187 to 196
Head Breadth......................142 to 156
Minimum Frontal Breadth.......106 to 111
Bizygomatic Diameter...........128 to 141
Bigonial Diameter.................99 to 103
Total Facial Height...............114 to 132
Upper Facial Height..............69 to 76
Nasal Height........................53 to 57
Nasal Breadth......................35 to 37
Biorbital Width.....................89 to 98
Interorbital Width.................33 to 36
Cephalic Index.....................72 to 83
Facial Index.........................81 to 103
Upper Facial Index................49 to 59
Nasal Index.........................61 to 70
07-01-2004, 07:50 AM
Height and build
The Head
The Nose
The Mouth
The Skin
The Hair
The Eyes
Measurements (mm)
Height (cm)........................175
Head Length.......................192
Head Breadth......................167
Minimum Frontal Breadth.......118
Bizygomatic Diameter...........148
Bigonial Diameter.................122
Total Facial Height...............130
Upper Facial Height..............83
Nasal Height........................61
Nasal Breadth......................38
Biorbital Width.....................94
Interorbital Width.................41
Cephalic Index.....................87
Facial Index.........................88
Upper Facial Index................56
Nasal Index.........................62
07-01-2004, 07:51 AM
Height and build
The Head
The Nose
The Mouth
The Skin
The Hair
The Eyes
Measurements (mm)
Height (cm)........................169 to 176
Head Length.......................188 to 201
Head Breadth......................148 to 153
Minimum Frontal Breadth.......106 to 113
Bizygomatic Diameter...........142 to 144
Bigonial Diameter.................110 to 113
Total Facial Height...............130 to 141
Upper Facial Height..............77 to 83
Nasal Height........................61 to 69
Nasal Breadth......................35 to 38
Biorbital Width.....................90 to 96
Interorbital Width.................31 to 33
Cephalic Index.....................74 to 81
Facial Index.........................90 to 99
Upper Facial Index................53 to 58
Nasal Index.........................51 to 62
07-01-2004, 07:53 AM
Height and build
The Head
The Nose
The Mouth
The Skin
The Hair
The Eyes
Measurements (mm)
Height (cm)........................163 to 169
Head Length.......................180 to 202
Head Breadth......................135 to 147
Minimum Frontal Breadth.......100 to 111
Bizygomatic Diameter...........128 to 136
Bigonial Diameter.................100 to 111
Total Facial Height...............125 to 131
Upper Facial Height..............75 to 79
Nasal Height........................58 to 60
Nasal Breadth......................31 to 37
Biorbital Width.....................83 to 91
Interorbital Width.................30 to 31
Cephalic Index.....................67 to 82
Facial Index.........................92 to 102
Upper Facial Index................55 to 62
Nasal Index.........................52 to 64
07-01-2004, 07:56 AM
Height and build
The Head
The Nose
The Mouth
The Skin
The Hair
The Eyes
Measurements (mm)
Height (cm)........................174
Head Length.......................
Head Breadth......................
Minimum Frontal Breadth.......
Bizygomatic Diameter...........
Bigonial Diameter.................
Total Facial Height...............
Upper Facial Height..............
Nasal Height........................
Nasal Breadth......................
Biorbital Width.....................
Interorbital Width.................
Cephalic Index.....................70
Facial Index.........................
Upper Facial Index................
Nasal Index.........................52
07-01-2004, 09:01 PM
There are some racial classes here that are missing pictures. The reason is that when I originally scanned them, I scanned 3 or 6 pics in one, unlike a single pic as the others. It says the file is too big.
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