07-01-2004, 04:24 AM
The first appearance of fully or incipiently sapiens men in the Old World can now be definitely placed in the Middle Pleistocene, in Europe the time of the second, or great, interglacial. The specimen which has made this allocation possible is Swanscombe man.
Other remains comparable to Swanscombe and also associated with the Acheulean cultural horizon have been found in Western and Southern Europe. The best known of these is the famous Galley Hill skeleton. Others include the Moulin Quignon mandible, the Clichy skeleton and the Olmo skullcap. Although the nearly complete Galley Hill skeleton was removed from near the bottom of an undisturbed gravel layer, most modern writers of the pre-Swanscombe era have refused to accept its authenticity even though the chances of its being later than the gravel from which it was taken were at most extremely slight.
The Galley Hill man was of short stature, 160cm. His long bones, although robust, were not heavy. The length of the tibia is 77 percent of the fermur -- and this proportion is modern and European, unlike those of many of the later peoples of the Upper Paleolithic and Neolithic. From muscular markings, it is apparent that he was of considerable bodily strength but at the same time of a fairly light build. We also know that he had a life in the open country and had a habit of squatting.
The skull, which is reminiscent in a general way of some living European men, is extremely dolichocephalic with an index of 69. The length of the vault is long, 204mm, the breadth narrow. The vault height, known only from the auricular projection since the basal portion is missing, is on the low side of medium. This skull has an extremely protuberant occiput with greatest length well to the bottom, a well developed frontal region and a moderately sloping forehead. At the same time the forehead is very broad, making the parietal walls near parallel. The browridges are moderately strong. The face is missing, yet the temporal segment of the right zygomatic arches remain and is thin and as a whole, well curved.
More than half the mandible was preserved and there was no prognathism. The body is narrow and of moderate symphyscial height. The chin of medium prominence by modern standards. The ascending ramus is wide and the sigmoid notch shallow. The teeth, while fully human, retain some primitive features in the development of the pulp cavities, in the length-breadth proportions of the molars and in their relative size -- the third molar is the largest.
Besides these dental peculiarities and the absence of a marked sigmoid notch, the skull itself has certain primitive features. It is thick, and the browridges, although no greater than many modern examples, form a continuous ridge. The mastoids are small and the area of temporal muscle attachment large.
Galley Hill man was, without reasonable doubt, an extremely generalized form of ancestral white man. His skull and body bones preserve just the degree of generalization needed to make him the logical ancestor of the Mediterranean race and all the subraces related to it.
Although more specimens of this type have been found in Europe than elsewhere, it is not possible to suppose that his type evolved in Europe. He must have been transient in Europe, coming in with the retreat of one glacier, and going out with the advance of the next. When his descendants next appear in Europe, it will be from some other source to which their ancestors had retreated.
Outside of Europe, the earliest known human anatomically is the Kanam mandible from East Africa. This was attributed to the lower Pleistocene which would make it older than any of the known fossil men of Africa, Asia, or Europe.
The Kanam mandible is definitely human although primitive in a number of ways like those of Galley Hill. It lacked prognathism and is modern in shape an size.
Younger than the Kanam mandible and apparently belonging to the Middle Pleistocene are four fragmentary skull caps found at Kanjera. These four caps are in such poor condition, it is impossible to give accurate measurements, though general estimates can be made. Kanjera man was extremely dolichocephalic with an index less than 70; the skull walls, although thick in 3 out of 4 cases, are not covered with heavy muscular markings as in the case of non-sapiens fossil men.
The foreheads are prominent, the frontal lobes well developed, the whole occiputal region is extremely protruding and the occiputal lobes strongly developed and very symmetrical. This and the study of the endocranial casts leads to the conclusion that these belong to a very long-headed form of Homo sapiens very similar to Galley Hill and could without difficulty have been ancestral to at least one part of the present white racial stock. Only one small piece of malar bone remains. It includes a well-developed canine fossa, which is certain proof of its human character. A small piece of fermur is also fully human.
The first appearance of fully or incipiently sapiens men in the Old World can now be definitely placed in the Middle Pleistocene, in Europe the time of the second, or great, interglacial. The specimen which has made this allocation possible is Swanscombe man.
Other remains comparable to Swanscombe and also associated with the Acheulean cultural horizon have been found in Western and Southern Europe. The best known of these is the famous Galley Hill skeleton. Others include the Moulin Quignon mandible, the Clichy skeleton and the Olmo skullcap. Although the nearly complete Galley Hill skeleton was removed from near the bottom of an undisturbed gravel layer, most modern writers of the pre-Swanscombe era have refused to accept its authenticity even though the chances of its being later than the gravel from which it was taken were at most extremely slight.
The Galley Hill man was of short stature, 160cm. His long bones, although robust, were not heavy. The length of the tibia is 77 percent of the fermur -- and this proportion is modern and European, unlike those of many of the later peoples of the Upper Paleolithic and Neolithic. From muscular markings, it is apparent that he was of considerable bodily strength but at the same time of a fairly light build. We also know that he had a life in the open country and had a habit of squatting.
The skull, which is reminiscent in a general way of some living European men, is extremely dolichocephalic with an index of 69. The length of the vault is long, 204mm, the breadth narrow. The vault height, known only from the auricular projection since the basal portion is missing, is on the low side of medium. This skull has an extremely protuberant occiput with greatest length well to the bottom, a well developed frontal region and a moderately sloping forehead. At the same time the forehead is very broad, making the parietal walls near parallel. The browridges are moderately strong. The face is missing, yet the temporal segment of the right zygomatic arches remain and is thin and as a whole, well curved.
More than half the mandible was preserved and there was no prognathism. The body is narrow and of moderate symphyscial height. The chin of medium prominence by modern standards. The ascending ramus is wide and the sigmoid notch shallow. The teeth, while fully human, retain some primitive features in the development of the pulp cavities, in the length-breadth proportions of the molars and in their relative size -- the third molar is the largest.
Besides these dental peculiarities and the absence of a marked sigmoid notch, the skull itself has certain primitive features. It is thick, and the browridges, although no greater than many modern examples, form a continuous ridge. The mastoids are small and the area of temporal muscle attachment large.
Galley Hill man was, without reasonable doubt, an extremely generalized form of ancestral white man. His skull and body bones preserve just the degree of generalization needed to make him the logical ancestor of the Mediterranean race and all the subraces related to it.
Although more specimens of this type have been found in Europe than elsewhere, it is not possible to suppose that his type evolved in Europe. He must have been transient in Europe, coming in with the retreat of one glacier, and going out with the advance of the next. When his descendants next appear in Europe, it will be from some other source to which their ancestors had retreated.
Outside of Europe, the earliest known human anatomically is the Kanam mandible from East Africa. This was attributed to the lower Pleistocene which would make it older than any of the known fossil men of Africa, Asia, or Europe.
The Kanam mandible is definitely human although primitive in a number of ways like those of Galley Hill. It lacked prognathism and is modern in shape an size.
Younger than the Kanam mandible and apparently belonging to the Middle Pleistocene are four fragmentary skull caps found at Kanjera. These four caps are in such poor condition, it is impossible to give accurate measurements, though general estimates can be made. Kanjera man was extremely dolichocephalic with an index less than 70; the skull walls, although thick in 3 out of 4 cases, are not covered with heavy muscular markings as in the case of non-sapiens fossil men.
The foreheads are prominent, the frontal lobes well developed, the whole occiputal region is extremely protruding and the occiputal lobes strongly developed and very symmetrical. This and the study of the endocranial casts leads to the conclusion that these belong to a very long-headed form of Homo sapiens very similar to Galley Hill and could without difficulty have been ancestral to at least one part of the present white racial stock. Only one small piece of malar bone remains. It includes a well-developed canine fossa, which is certain proof of its human character. A small piece of fermur is also fully human.