View Full Version : Women don't believe in monkeys
I get the impression that many women seem to have an unconscious belief that male and female are almost different species, with the males meant to be large, aggressive, and stupid, to put in a couple of words, more simian, rather than looking at the males of a given race as simply the male counterpart. In general, the characteristics many women find attractive in a potential mate are these simian characteristics-physical size, with its' connotations of incresed 'manliness'. Take for instance the phenomena we have over here with women finding pacific islanders and the maori very attractive-they are stupid (to put it mildly), do not have large willies (they actually have little ones), yet are very large, aggressive, and far more simian than most other potential mates-they seem to be more 'manly' from a womans' perspective, in how women differ from men. They are not good-looking by any normal standards, but are just big... brutes, kind of like the uruk-hai in LOTR. Maybe most women desire a mate that can do little else than grunt, and look big and impressive. It's also possible that a psychological 'good' association has been made in the younger generation as a result of affirmitive action casting and music videos. Another possibility is that notions of variance in intelligence don't exist, as a result of the new virtual-religion of anti-racism, with the largest people being the best, as absurd to us as it might sound.
On the other side of the coin, white men may look at asian women as more feminine as a result of their diminished stature and strength.
07-01-2004, 03:25 AM
Most women are silly. I've always found the "Big, Dumb Hulk" type to be a quick killer of any lustful thoughts. If I had to choose between a short, skinny, little nerd with braces and glasses and a Big Dumb Hulk, I'd be all over the nerd. I have felt this way since puberty.
Obviously, I was not talking about all women, just general tendencies. What you say surprised me though. Anyway, I'm neither-I'm tall, athletic, and not ugly. I've had more than my share of luck with the females over the years, looking back. The thing is, I just don't understand what's so attractive about these modern neandertals. It has to be the physical size and bulk. They're also rather 'fatty'/beefy.
07-01-2004, 04:46 AM
Well, I don't understand what is attractive about them, either. Nothing is more unattractive than that dopey look in their eyes that says "Nothing is going on in here".
07-01-2004, 09:29 AM
I think the brainwashing from TV and such is the biggest factor here, especially in the younger women, say (just pulling a number out of my ass) those under 30. In past generations, race mixing just wasn't done. Whites understood that on a very basic level and didn't even need to consider the "well why is it wrong?" question that liberals today like to ask. Sticking to and preserving your race was understood to be important when selecting a mate.
07-18-2004, 07:45 PM
Those Maori, Samoan, etc guys are butt ugly in all the pictures I have seen of them, and many of them were disgustingly obese. So they are large, brown, dumb and ugly like typical blacks, but with Mongoloid naughty bits? I don't understand it either, those white women must be insane. :p
Those Maori, Samoan, etc guys are butt ugly in all the pictures I have seen of them, and many of them were disgustingly obese.
At least half of them are obese, with the rest beefy/borderline.
So they are large, brown, dumb and ugly like typical blacks, but with Mongoloid naughty bits?
That's what I'm sayin', yo.
I don't understand it either, those white women must be insane. :p
It's ridiculous when you think about it.
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