07-17-2004, 04:43 AM
News from the Institute for Historical Review
July 9, 2004
A warrant for the arrest of Willis Carto (http://homepage.mac.com/lsf/others/swiss_arrest_warrant.html) has been issued by the prosecuting attorney in Lausanne, Switzerland. It orders the Swiss judicial police to seize Carto and detain him on charges of "abuse of trust, disloyal management and money laundering."
The warrant, issued on March 26, 2003, caps a years-long investigation by Swiss authorities of the embezzlement by Carto, together with others, of millions of dollars from the Institute for Historical Review (http://www.ihr.org/) and its parent corporation.
A translation in English of the complete text of the warrant (http://homepage.mac.com/lsf/others/swiss_arrest_warrant.html), along with a facsimile of the French-language original is posted on the Willis Carto Information Site (http://homepage.mac.com/lsf/index.html).
Along with the warrant for Carto's arrest, the prosecuting attorney of Vaud Canton issued a similar warrant for Henry Fischer (http://homepage.mac.com/lsf/others/fischer_warrant.html), who was an accomplice of Carto in illegally seizing IHR funds.
Willis Carto, 77 years old, has for decades been an active figure in the American "right wing." In 1955 he founded Liberty Lobby, a "populist" organization that for years published a nationally-circulated tabloid weekly, The Spotlight. (Both are no longer in existence.) He has also been involved with American Free Press, a tabloid paper founded in August 2001 as the successor to The Spotlight. He also founded and controls The Barnes Review.
For some years Willis Carto, and his wife, Elisabeth, were associated with the Institute for Historical Review, a leading "revisionist" publishing and educational center. In September 1993 the Institute's directors and staff severed ties with the Cartos after evidence came to light that they were embezzling funds. (This theft was later proven in court.)
Since late 1993, Willis Carto, along with organizations he controls, has been involved in a bitter and costly legal and public relations battle with the IHR. Through The Spotlight and its successor, American Free Press, Carto has waged a protracted smear campaign against the Institute and individuals associated with it.
The basic facts of this dispute are clear. The Cartos, together with Fischer and others, secretly diverted millions of dollars that belonged to the IHR and its parent corporation and used this money for their own purposes.
In a crucial 1996 trial in California Superior Court (north San Diego County), Judge Runston Maino considered voluminous evidence on this matter, including detailed testimony by the Cartos, and hundreds of pages of documents. At the conclusion of the exhaustive trial, Judge Maino found (http://homepage.mac.com/lsf/litigation/farrel/961114decision.html) that $7.5 million from the estate of the late Jean Farrel belonged to plaintiff LSF (parent corporation of the IHR), and that "all defendants," that is, including Willis and Elisabeth Carto, "have substantially interfered with the plaintiff's [IHR/LSF's] property rights as to this $7.5 million."
"Mr. Carto intentionally lied to the Furrs and other actual and purported members of the Board of Directors of the Legion [LSF/IHR] so nobody would know of his illegal acts," declared Judge Maino (http://homepage.mac.com/lsf/litigation/farrel/961113comments.html). As evidence presented in the case made clear, these "illegal acts" included Carto's forgery of fraudulent corporate documents, and his handling of corporate funds as if they were his personal property. Carto's "entire attitude" during the trial, the Judge wrote, was "one of arrogance, deceit, evasiveness, and convenient memory."
In a number of legal cases, including some initiated by the Cartos themselves, courts have repeatedly found that their actions were improper and illegal. In one case, Judge John J. Hargrove of US Bankruptcy Court in southern California declared in his order of Feb. 8, 2000: (http://homepage.mac.com/lsf/litigation/bankruptcy/000208Hargrovedecision.html) "The Court hereby further determines that Defendants Carto are liable to Plaintiff LSF [IHR] for embezzlement."
Willis Carto claims that the courts have repeatedly ruled against him because he is the victim of a vast conspiracy involving the judges, the CIA, the Israeli Mossad, and the Church of Scientology. It is difficult to accept that Carto really believes this, given that he (and his wife), have for years filed one lawsuit after another against their adversaries in these same "corrupt" and "biased" courts.
Since November 2001, the IHR (LSF) has been defending itself against a lawsuit filed by Carto (http://homepage.mac.com/lsf/news/011130defamation3.html) in Texas. Carto complains that IHR/LSF defamed him by calling him an embezzler.
Detailed information about Carto and the Carto-IHR dispute, including many documents and detailed court testimony, is posted on the Willis Carto Information Site (http://homepage.mac.com/lsf/index.html).
News from the Institute for Historical Review
July 9, 2004
A warrant for the arrest of Willis Carto (http://homepage.mac.com/lsf/others/swiss_arrest_warrant.html) has been issued by the prosecuting attorney in Lausanne, Switzerland. It orders the Swiss judicial police to seize Carto and detain him on charges of "abuse of trust, disloyal management and money laundering."
The warrant, issued on March 26, 2003, caps a years-long investigation by Swiss authorities of the embezzlement by Carto, together with others, of millions of dollars from the Institute for Historical Review (http://www.ihr.org/) and its parent corporation.
A translation in English of the complete text of the warrant (http://homepage.mac.com/lsf/others/swiss_arrest_warrant.html), along with a facsimile of the French-language original is posted on the Willis Carto Information Site (http://homepage.mac.com/lsf/index.html).
Along with the warrant for Carto's arrest, the prosecuting attorney of Vaud Canton issued a similar warrant for Henry Fischer (http://homepage.mac.com/lsf/others/fischer_warrant.html), who was an accomplice of Carto in illegally seizing IHR funds.
Willis Carto, 77 years old, has for decades been an active figure in the American "right wing." In 1955 he founded Liberty Lobby, a "populist" organization that for years published a nationally-circulated tabloid weekly, The Spotlight. (Both are no longer in existence.) He has also been involved with American Free Press, a tabloid paper founded in August 2001 as the successor to The Spotlight. He also founded and controls The Barnes Review.
For some years Willis Carto, and his wife, Elisabeth, were associated with the Institute for Historical Review, a leading "revisionist" publishing and educational center. In September 1993 the Institute's directors and staff severed ties with the Cartos after evidence came to light that they were embezzling funds. (This theft was later proven in court.)
Since late 1993, Willis Carto, along with organizations he controls, has been involved in a bitter and costly legal and public relations battle with the IHR. Through The Spotlight and its successor, American Free Press, Carto has waged a protracted smear campaign against the Institute and individuals associated with it.
The basic facts of this dispute are clear. The Cartos, together with Fischer and others, secretly diverted millions of dollars that belonged to the IHR and its parent corporation and used this money for their own purposes.
In a crucial 1996 trial in California Superior Court (north San Diego County), Judge Runston Maino considered voluminous evidence on this matter, including detailed testimony by the Cartos, and hundreds of pages of documents. At the conclusion of the exhaustive trial, Judge Maino found (http://homepage.mac.com/lsf/litigation/farrel/961114decision.html) that $7.5 million from the estate of the late Jean Farrel belonged to plaintiff LSF (parent corporation of the IHR), and that "all defendants," that is, including Willis and Elisabeth Carto, "have substantially interfered with the plaintiff's [IHR/LSF's] property rights as to this $7.5 million."
"Mr. Carto intentionally lied to the Furrs and other actual and purported members of the Board of Directors of the Legion [LSF/IHR] so nobody would know of his illegal acts," declared Judge Maino (http://homepage.mac.com/lsf/litigation/farrel/961113comments.html). As evidence presented in the case made clear, these "illegal acts" included Carto's forgery of fraudulent corporate documents, and his handling of corporate funds as if they were his personal property. Carto's "entire attitude" during the trial, the Judge wrote, was "one of arrogance, deceit, evasiveness, and convenient memory."
In a number of legal cases, including some initiated by the Cartos themselves, courts have repeatedly found that their actions were improper and illegal. In one case, Judge John J. Hargrove of US Bankruptcy Court in southern California declared in his order of Feb. 8, 2000: (http://homepage.mac.com/lsf/litigation/bankruptcy/000208Hargrovedecision.html) "The Court hereby further determines that Defendants Carto are liable to Plaintiff LSF [IHR] for embezzlement."
Willis Carto claims that the courts have repeatedly ruled against him because he is the victim of a vast conspiracy involving the judges, the CIA, the Israeli Mossad, and the Church of Scientology. It is difficult to accept that Carto really believes this, given that he (and his wife), have for years filed one lawsuit after another against their adversaries in these same "corrupt" and "biased" courts.
Since November 2001, the IHR (LSF) has been defending itself against a lawsuit filed by Carto (http://homepage.mac.com/lsf/news/011130defamation3.html) in Texas. Carto complains that IHR/LSF defamed him by calling him an embezzler.
Detailed information about Carto and the Carto-IHR dispute, including many documents and detailed court testimony, is posted on the Willis Carto Information Site (http://homepage.mac.com/lsf/index.html).