View Full Version : Charlie Manson's beliefs

07-16-2004, 04:25 PM
Ixabert found this most amusing.

Another facet of Charlie, although not nearly as important to him as his music, was his philosophy.


The core of this philosophy was a kind of Armageddon. Charlie preached that the black man was going to rise up and start killing the whites and turn the cities in to an inferno of racial revenge. The black man would win this war, but wouldn?t be able to hang onto the power he seized because of innate inferiority.

In 1968, Charlie was forecasting racial war when all of a sudden the Beatles released their White Album, which had the song "Helter Skelter." The lyrics fit Charlie?s theory to a tee: "Look out helter skelter helter skelter helter skelter/She?s coming down fast/ Yes she is/Yes she is." Now, the racial Armageddon had a name. It was Helter Skelter.

Helter Skelter would begin, according to one of Charlie?s devotees, "with the black man going into white people?s homes and ripping off the white people, physically destroying them,. A couple of spades from Watts would come up into the Bel Air and Beverly Hills district?and just really wipe some people out, just cutting bodies up and smearing blood and writing things on the wall in blood?all kinds of super-atrocious crimes that would really make the white man mad?until there was open revolution in the streets, until they finally won and took over. Then the black man would assume the white man?s karma. He would then be the establishment?"

Charlie and the Family would survive this racial holocaust because they would be hiding in the desert safe from the turmoil of the cities. He pulled from the Book of Revelations, the concept of a "bottomless pit," the entrance of which, according to Charlie, was a cave underneath Death Valley that led down to a city of gold. This paradise was where Charlie and his Family were going to wait out this war. Afterwards, when the black man failed at keeping power, Charlie?s Family, which they estimated would have multiplied to 144,000 by that time, would then take over from the black man and rule the cities.

"It will be our world then," Charlie told his followers. "There would be no one else, except for us and the black servants. He, Charles Willis Manson, the fifth angel, Jesus Christ, would then rule the world. The other four angels were the Beatles.

07-16-2004, 04:27 PM
OMG! He is a comrade!


07-16-2004, 04:30 PM
You think he is a comrade? :rolleyes:

Then you're stupider than I had originally thought.

He looks hilarious in that picture though.

07-16-2004, 04:34 PM
Err...actually the only stupid ass here is you by being to braindead not being able to follow such a "easy joke".

So, now after your Pedo phase are you finding interest in serial killers and other asorted scum?

07-16-2004, 04:41 PM
So, now after your Pedo phase
What pedo phase? I have always been against paedophilia. Everyone who has said otherwise was spreading lies about me.
are you finding interest in serial killers and other asorted scum?
Who isn't? My curiousity of the infamous only bespeaks my normalcy.

Idi Amin
07-16-2004, 07:24 PM
I read Charlie's account of his entire life in an autobiography of sorts put together by a journalist after dozens of hours of interviews with Charlie while he was in prison in the 80s. His actual beliefs spoken from his mouth are very different from the interpretation above. Similar to how the White album is touted as his 'blueprint'. Don't trust an account of what an individual believes if it wasn't authored by them personally.

07-16-2004, 11:13 PM
Yeah, the Helter Skelter thing is ridiculous. What is the book called? I have read some of Manson's prison interviews, but I feel like I'm missing out here. And I don't think Manson even really liked the Beatles LOL

All sorts of lies have been said about Charles Manson and the 'Manson Family'.

I think they did, in a sense, believe that the world was coming to some sort of 'armageddon' -but the way it is stated in Crime Library is such an exaggeration. ATWA (Air Trees Water Animals) I think would more accurately describe Manson's views. see: http://www.atwa.info/

Here is something from an interview by Michael Moynihan with Bobby Beausoleil (who was, simply through association, linked with the 'Manson Famliy' and the murders) The interview gives quite a good account of some aspects of the 60s counterculture as well as the Manson situation.

Bugliosi and Sanders both put a spin on it all where it may have been innocent and hippy—like at first, but it quickly turned into this "death cult" and all that nonsense. That seems to me a very ex post facto way to try to explain things.

Well, it is. Certainly there were some changes that had occurred from the time that I had met Manson and his commune initially and then later on. That wasn't brought about by any sort of "death cult" or any sort of "Satan worship" or any of those things that were alleged. None of those things were happening. There were more guns around, there were more hard people around—the bikers and so forth. But that was because of the times and also the fact that all communes, and any groups of mostly young people, were targeted by law enforcement for harassment, at the very least. So there was a certain element of desperation that was present with everyone involved in the youth movement, it extended pretty much across the board. This was because of the backlash, this threat from law enforcement and politics and all of that. The National Guard went onto a college campus and shot four kids—this is what was going on in those times! This is how on-the-edge we were and how much of a hair-trigger we were on at that time. So I have a feeling that because I had killed somebody, and this was someone that they knew—those people knew me, they also knew Gary—and two of the girls were there when the guy died, and one of them participated in murders that happened later on . . .


The media obsession with the 'Manson hippie cult' at the time was just a means to discredit the counter-culture movement of the 60s. At the time of the murder trials the movement began to fade away even moreso.

"United States of Cowards. You're afraid to face me. All you have is muscle. You don't have any mind. Are you proud?" -Charles Manson


07-16-2004, 11:35 PM
Tchort, are you talking about The Manson File?

I think Moynihan had something to do with that as well. Might have been Boyd Rice though, not sure..

07-17-2004, 12:23 AM
Moynihan has released a few of Manson's CDs, and he corresponded with him, so it is possible he did have a hand in something like that. That man has a lot of projects.

ha, I want to check out this book:


07-17-2004, 04:23 AM
Adam Parfrey and his friends kinda weird me out. Here's another book of his, but check out the list of contributors... http://www.feralhouse.com/mansworld.html

I uploaded a torrent for an interview with Moynihan, Boyd Rice and James Mason on Bob Larson's radioshow, if you or anyone wants it, download it here http://www.lokitorrent.com/torrent/download.php?id=7117&name=Rice_and_Moynihan_on_Bob_Larson-MansonManiacs.mp3%5Bwww.lokitorrent.com%5D.torrent Bittorrent faq if you haven't used it before... http://dessent.net/btfaq/

It's great, Sharon Tate's mother phones in too...

07-17-2004, 07:02 PM
Adam Parfrey and his friends kinda weird me out.

LOL yeah I could see that.

Here's another book of his, but check out the list of contributors... http://www.feralhouse.com/mansworld.html

A few Jews, it seems. But sounds like an interesting book. I notice he co-wrote a biography on Darby Crash and the Germs too: "Lexicon Devil: The Fast Times and Short Life of Darby Crash and the Germs" I wouldn't mind reading that either. The guy must be a bit of a weirdo :p

I uploaded a torrent for an interview with Moynihan, Boyd Rice and James Mason on Bob Larson's radioshow, if you or anyone wants it, download it here

Excellent, thanks :D

It's great, Sharon Tate's mother phones in too...

haha! That has to be interesting...