View Full Version : Having fun-a tale of Q and K

07-01-2004, 02:14 AM
Not sure if I should post this, but here goes. Something like it might come true, in an alternate universe.

Q:Pardon me, but are you a white male?

K:You've got me there.

Q:Are you one of the Aryans?

K:You've got me there too.

Q:That's correct. You are my dad. Unfortunate, I may add.

K:How do you figure that? Are you crazy?

Q:I am not mentally ill. Are you mentally ill maybe?

K:Don't get all clever with me buddy! You're just a person just like myself, nothing special, just a plain old homo sapiens with some drug-addled ideas about yourself.

Q:Um, no. I am a homo sapiens sapien. Seriously. You are my dad, if you were a woman, then I would then say you are my mum. Anyway, hi dad.

K:Now you're really starting to piss me off.

Q:It's all rather unfortunate. I'm not sure how to break the news to you, but thou art more handicapped than thine. Seriously. Don't try to beat me at this game, as you can never win. You are homo sapiens, in all seriousness. Unless of course you can defy methematical law, which might imply you have the power of levitation, and so forth, and can defy gravity, which would be something to see. We are what we are genetically. Defy gravity if you wish, but reality will come down on you like a ton of bricks.

K:Then how is it that I am where I am then? Perhaps you should refer to me as the Magneficent. And anyway, how do I know you're not jewish? You are jewish! Ha!

Q:I am not jewish. You are inferior, and always will be, that is all. I don't know what's so hard to accept, but I am telling you the truth. Believe me.

K:Very well! I am superior! Ha!

Q:That at something you are, of that I have no doubt. Is that the best you can do? Come on now. Believe me, at this game you can never win.

K:Where's your meds, psycho? Who even cares about your chestbeating psycho nonsense. And I dont even believe you are what you say you are.

Q:Well, I'm not lying. Seriously, trust me when I tell you that you will perish in your own stupidity unless you believe that I am allah, LOL.

K:Now you've really lost it. You're not only a Fuhrermensch and all the rest of it, you're the moslems' god! Wanker. Take a pill.

Q:Well, I cannot change what we both are. But as for the rest, they are mine, as are you.

K:Well, they're all white like me. You must be something else.

Q:On the contrary. As far as the white race goes, they are like myself, whilst the blacks are not too bright. They are the out group. Correct, no? By the way, are you a National Socialist?

K:Oh, right. Are you Hitlers' grandson or something? The man known as Adolf Hitler is your grandad or something? Your big Ich, pffft.

Q:Names mean diddly squat, fool. It'd be ironic if I was his grandson though. I joked about that once, somewhere. LOL, Ich Der Fuhrer, idiot.

K:Next you're going to say that I'm an untermensch that cannot count, right? A Cro-Magnon Man, and all that, ha?

Q:I could say that. I should probably be High King Of England, but I guess I might just call myself The Australian King. And perhaps I am buried with Jill. Maybe we are spending some time tigether. Anyway, I tire of this. I knew you would never listen.

K:What? That was insulting, not to mention utterly bonkers. Anway, what about the syllables?

Q:Well, now I see. You are a liar. How does 'judaism' sound for syllables? You're J/K. Well, well, well. Don't fear the reaper, for I will lay you down to sleep. You better run for cover. Your G-D will not save. It is not fair, and never was. I always was, and will be, ever. How do you like the sound of that?

I then turned to J/K again. He was not all there. He had disappeared. They all died, a long long time ago. It was meant to be.

(I was on a real high when I wrote this, BTW. :p)

07-01-2004, 04:19 AM
A jewish kike, or true adamite. The jews have missing ribs. Not all there, you might say. :eek: :p :D

07-08-2004, 02:42 AM
Bumpty bump

08-07-2004, 12:06 AM
Q: You're back, I see.

K: Who are you?

Q: I am batman.

K: Don't try your numerology with me. I never know what you mean anyhow.

Q: Well, that would follow, considering... the Aryans have an average IQ of 130. whilst Homo Sapiens are early to mid-nineties. The Aryans founded civilization, and we ruled you for quite a while.

K: Everything at certain numbers isn't 'yours', liar. And anyway, if that were the case... it would make you a jew. How many jewish names do you want me to... 'rattle off'? How about 'Auschwitz'?

Q: You're not too bright, are you? There is not a single jew that is physically Q, I can assure you. It seems the jews being K upsets you greatly. Were you spoilt as a child? You can't make it real, silly.

K: Just watch me. Do you have a foreskin?

Q: What?

K: The jews have foreskins.

Q: LOL, you are joe king, right? Men-tal-ly ill? Never forget, the jews got the chop just like you. And apparently, the jews have Ich on their chests. Are the 'jews' some freemasonic construct to you? Bloody americans.

K: Kill the jews.

Q: Cartiliage solidarity based upon jewish names? I think you mean... 'kill the king'.

K: Try harder. The 'English King'?

Q: In another time and place, I might well have said 'I am the English King.' High King Of England, or something or other. On your knees.

K: You can't fool me. I know what you are. The Ku Klux Klan is anti semitic. You did notice the K's?

Q: No dah. So... after the civil war, there were jews everywhere needing cleaning up? Are you mentally ill? LOL, the foreskin holocaust? Did you know I have seen klanners having sex with maori? Boy, is there a story there. A tale of the Panzer Count's grandson at the age of eleven, yelling at maori-humping kooks they were kikes, and how he would come back as the next Hitler, and wipe them out. Anyway.

K: No one will believe you. You're jewed, buddy boy. As Pilate said-what is truth?

Q: You vile bastard.

Suddenly, K swung a punch at Q's jaw, which missed. Q smacked a hefty thud into K's side, beaking the cartiliage. K crumpled to the ground, squealing like a mummy's boy, holding his side. A gaggle of maori and mixed thugs came running, which Q deftly somersaulted over, and in a single movement, landed on feet, and crushed an untermensch's skull with his hand, tearing off the head.

Drugs are bad for you.