View Full Version : This hurts,...

06-27-2004, 02:08 AM
I just had to re-register. This dark color is hurting my eyes, how do I set it back to a blue background? I have been trying to look for an option for it, but I guess it would be faster if I just ask around.

06-27-2004, 02:23 AM
[QUOTE=AkenatontheGod]I just had to re-register. This dark color is hurting my eyes, QUOTE]

Dark colour hurting your eyes, eh? Welcome to my world.

06-27-2004, 02:26 AM
Go to options and select the "test" skin, sambo

06-27-2004, 02:45 AM
I am fucking around with the style, trying to create a temporary new one at the moment.

06-27-2004, 03:20 AM
the black background looks pretty good

06-27-2004, 03:31 AM
Go to options and select the "test" skin, sambo


So Fade, the perpatrator was Muslim, eh?!?
Meh wants to know more about this recent attack.

06-27-2004, 03:37 AM
I wrote about is somewhere. This guy changed my username to something like 'the mighty muslim hacker' and started deleting things. His IP seems to be from Saudi Arabia as well.